oopsy, not a single R or D former intel offical falling for that Rice nonsense


Gold Member
Feb 8, 2011
total distraction, like Nunes BS and Drump Tower claim by Agent Orange....unreal


Mr. Trump gave no evidence to support his claim, and current and former intelligence officials from both Republican and Democratic administrations have said they do not believe Ms. Rice’s actions were unusual or unlawful. The president repeatedly rebuffed attempts by two New York Times reporters to learn more about what led him to the conclusion, saying he would talk more about it “at the right time.”

no proof whatsoever, big surprise!
total distraction, like Nunes BS and Drump Tower claim by Agent Orange....unreal


Mr. Trump gave no evidence to support his claim, and current and former intelligence officials from both Republican and Democratic administrations have said they do not believe Ms. Rice’s actions were unusual or unlawful. The president repeatedly rebuffed attempts by two New York Times reporters to learn more about what led him to the conclusion, saying he would talk more about it “at the right time.”

no proof whatsoever, big surprise!

Birdcage liner.

The usual corrupt-as-hell Republican party shills will now be along to scream "she lied!".

However, none of them will be able to point to what the lie supposedly is. They'll all just quote someone else's second hand opinion, or ask us to accept in on faith.

If Rice lied, then the righty Stalinists here should be able to, with links, post the full questions and answers involved, and then demonstrate how it was a lie.

If they can't, they should apologize to the board, America, humanity, and God for lying about Rice.
Only a dumb fuck left loon sources the New York Slimes...I mean really, between that rag and CNN it's comical
'oopsy, not a single R or D former intel offical falling for that Rice nonsense'

It has already been established that Rice ASKING for and GETTING the information was NOT improper or illegal.

The IMPROPER and POTENTIALLY ILLEGAL part is what happened AFTER she got the information.

It has already been proven that the Directors of the FBI and NSA, according to their testimony under oath before Congress, reported that the incidental collections / info collected on Trump and his team did not reveal any crime - no criminal activity by Trump or his team AND they briefed the Obama administration that the information collected HAD NO FOREIGN INTEL VALUE.


After the NSA and FBI reported there was crime and the collected information had NO INTEL VALUE the information collected became 'PROTECTED CLASSIFIED PERSONAL INFORMATION'. It could NOT legally be shared / leaked.

Not one single US Intel Agency had any business receiving protected personal information deemed to have NO INTEL VALUE. It had nothing to do with National Security, as already stated by the NSA and FBI, leaving the only motivation to share this information and later have it illegally leaked being purely POLITICAL! THAT IS A CRIME!

Farkas, another Ex-Obama 'worshiper' already declared in an interview, 'WE thought not enough information was getting out there ' - as in released to the public. Releasing any of that information to the public, as they knew, was a CRIME, but the Obama administration's people were more worried about protected classified information NOT illegally getting leaked to the public than they were of actually breaking the law and leaking the information...which was done!

The Directors of the FBI and NSA, under oath before Congress, both declared the leaking of this protected personal information constitutes the crimes of FELONY ESPIONAGE, and - again, the only reason to give Intel agencies protected information that had no Intel value was to illegally leak that info because of 'fears that enough information was not getting out there', which is exactly what Farkas stated the Obama administration believed.

Rice, again, had every right to request the information, to see it. What she did NOT have the right to do was distribute it and facilitate the felony crimes of Espionage (the info being leaked) AFTER BEING TOLD THAT NO CRIME WAS DISCOVERED, NOTHING IN THE INCIDENTAL COLLECTD INFO WAS OF NATIONAL SECURITY VALUE, AND THE INFORMATION HAD NO INTEL VALUE. Again, at that point the collected info became PROTECTED CLASSIFIED PERSONAL INFO.

For their own POLITICAL motivation / gain the Obama administration IGNORED that classification and the protection the information had in order to pass it on to holdovers who later illegally leaked the info.
Multiple sources inside the NSA have confirmed Rice acted illegally using intelligence agencies for political purposes. Former Obama administration officials are shitting themselves.
The fact that someone actually brought up the fact that Obama can still be Impeached after leaving office has to make him a little nervous as well.

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