Open to Judgement: UN complicity in 7th Oct. massacre


Gold Member
Jun 10, 2015
The UN has the blood of both Israelis and Gazans on its hands

For years the UN, and its agencies, UNRWA, UN Women, UNHRC, UNICEF have served as the arms and mouthpiece of the worst human rights abusers, totalitarian regimes the likes of Hamas, Iran, Qatar and China - giving them the main seats governing its Human Rights Council.

The outcome - abuse of power by drawing unproportionate attention to the Arab-Israeli conflict
to cover up for the catastrophic violations and human rights abuse, committed by the
participants of the UN forum, in the many wars currently around the globe.

Exhibit #1 -

UN direct involvement with Hamas - jobs and official positions

This, of course, serves not only the totalitarian states, but the UN itself,
with evidence of direct involvement with Hamas in the 7th October massacre,
and previous decades of corruption schemes to funnel aid from refugees through UNRWA,
to oligarchs like Arafat, Haniyeh and other violations of intl. law piling up- committed by the UN.

Exhibit #2 -

Exhibit #3 -

Exhibit #4 -

Who is the accuser?

Under former President Mbeki, South Africa provoked international dismay and criticism when it tried to block United Nations censure of Burma, Sudan, and Zimbabwe for gross human rights abuses. In the case of Sudan, Pretoria stood accused of turning a blind eye to Khartoum's excessive and indiscriminate violence in Darfur, betraying South Africa's own struggle for democracy and commitment to promoting human rights.

Exhibit #5 -
The United Nations Human Rights Commission blocked a bid by the European Union, with the backing of the United States, to condemn alleged human rights abuses by the government of President Robert Mugabe. African and Asian countries on the commission rallied around a South African proposal for a ''no action'' motion. South Africa - favors diplomacy.

Exhibit #6 -

Exhibit #7 -

On proportionality, double standards and modern day bloodlibels

If the absurdity of the disproportionality argument, recited at the UN forums by it members, mainly to condemn Israel, wasn't apparent enough, the double standards and disproprtionality of the argument itself is evidently demonstrated by the hostility of its members, and number of resolutions, mainly against Israel, a minority.

For the last 7 decades, the Arab-Israeli conflict has been the cause of fewer casualties than any other relatively short-term conflicts occurring in the region, then and now - by far.

Yet, the international community wants to judge Israel for genocide.

However, when the UN stage is given to mockery of genocide, the result is devaluing of human life. And the implications are not only for Israel, but everyone else,
especially nation states and minorities.

Only a year ago UN "Special Rapporteur", Francesca Albanese used her position,
to accuse Israel of no less than 420,000, a totally made up number of casualties,
she "confirmed", and it wasn't severe enough for the Hague or the news.

Today, the Hague is judging Israel for an alleged genocide,
referring to 20,000 casualties, reported by Hamas.

Exhibit #8 -


Constructive Vision and Optimism

Optimism is a typically Jewish ailment, not as a last resort, but out of knowledge and experience,
that every fruit has a peel that first draws the eye, which guards the main edible part inside.
The principle of reciprocity, or more precisely 'measure against measure' draws a greater
measure of judgement against the enemies of Israel. History will witness, and You
don't have to be a believer to see that. With that said - let the show go on.

Now, what fruit, what constructive vision and what optimism?

Rabbi Calfon Mosheh HaCohen, who lived during the days of Dr. Herzl, spoke in detail, about the establishment of an international organization professing for world peace, similar to the UN,
with the court and the authority to settle global disputes, as envisioned
by the Hebrew prophets - in Jerusalem.

The decline of the UN and the establishment of the International Court of Jerusalem (CIJ), are one process, that now sounds as far, as during the days of the Ottoman Caliphate
was professing the re-constitution, of a striving Jewish state.

"And saviors shall ascend Mt. Zion, to judge (also) Mt. Esau,
and to HaShem shall be the kingdom"

- Prophet 'Ovadyah
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The U.N has become a fiefdom for thieves. Replacing is too onerous a task so the West just accepts how corrupt it is, how much China has in influencing its decisions
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The UN has the blood of both Israelis and Gazans on its hands

For years the UN, and its agencies, UNRWA, UN Women, UNHRC, UNICEF have served as the arms and mouthpiece of the worst human rights abusers, totalitarian regimes the likes of Hamas, Iran, Qatar and China - giving them the main seats governing its Human Rights Council.

The war isn't going well for your side, is it? Complaining about the UN is like complaining about the refs when you are losing a football game.

I mean, you've inflicted a lot of human misery, but the world has lost any sympathy you might have gained after 10-7.
The war isn't going well for your side, is it? Complaining about the UN is like complaining about the refs when you are losing a football game.

I mean, you've inflicted a lot of human misery, but the world has lost any sympathy you might have gained after 10-7.

I've always supported Israel but I would show more support if they would carpet bomb Gaza.
I mean, you've inflicted a lot of human misery, but the world has lost any sympathy you might have gained after 10-7.
Hadn't you noticed? After what was done on 10/7, Israelis no longer GAF what you or the world think of their efforts to keep their children and old folks safe. Biden has basically been told to get the hell out of the way. The IDF is taking out the trash, and they aren't stopping until Hamas is eliminated as a fighting force. Watch DC squeal like a little bitch and Obama stomp his feet and hyperventilate while Netanyahu schools him in front the world...AGAIN...
Hadn't you noticed? After what was done on 10/7, Israelis no longer GAF what you or the world think of their efforts to keep their children and old folks safe. Biden has basically been told to get the hell out of the way. The IDF is taking out the trash, and they aren't stopping until Hamas is eliminated as a fighting force. Watch DC squeal like a little bitch and Obama stomp his feet and hyperventilate while Netanyahu schools him in front the world...AGAIN...

Actually, the Zionists aren't accomplishing all that much other than creating a whole new generation of young Palestinians who will make it their life's mission to kill Israelis.

Also, I doubt Bibi will survive the next election. He got caught with his pants around his ankles, and people will start asking why.
The UN has the blood of both Israelis and Gazans on its hands

For years the UN, and its agencies, UNRWA, UN Women, UNHRC, UNICEF have served as the arms and mouthpiece of the worst human rights abusers, totalitarian regimes the likes of Hamas, Iran, Qatar and China - giving them the main seats governing its Human Rights Council.

The outcome - abuse of power by drawing unproportionate attention to the Arab-Israeli conflict
to cover up for the catastrophic violations and human rights abuse, committed by the
participants of the UN forum, in the many wars currently around the globe.

Exhibit #1 -

UN direct involvement with Hamas - jobs and official positions

This, of course, serves not only the totalitarian states, but the UN itself,
with evidence of direct involvement with Hamas in the 7th October massacre,
and previous decades of corruption schemes to funnel aid from refugees through UNRWA,
to oligarchs like Arafat, Haniyeh and other violations of intl. law piling up- committed by the UN.

Exhibit #2 -

Exhibit #3 -

Exhibit #4 -

Who is the accuser?

Under former President Mbeki, South Africa provoked international dismay and criticism when it tried to block United Nations censure of Burma, Sudan, and Zimbabwe for gross human rights abuses. In the case of Sudan, Pretoria stood accused of turning a blind eye to Khartoum's excessive and indiscriminate violence in Darfur, betraying South Africa's own struggle for democracy and commitment to promoting human rights.

Exhibit #5 -

Exhibit #6 -

Exhibit #7 -

On proportionality, double standards and modern day bloodlibels

If the absurdity of the disproportionality argument, recited at the UN forums by it members, mainly to condemn Israel, wasn't apparent enough, the double standards and disproprtionality of the argument itself is evidently demonstrated by the hostility of its members, and number of resolutions, mainly against Israel, a minority.

For the last 7 decades, the Arab-Israeli conflict has been the cause of fewer casualties than any other relatively short-term conflicts occurring in the region, then and now - by far.

Yet, the international community wants to judge Israel for genocide.

However, when the UN stage is given to mockery of genocide, the result is devaluing of human life. And the implications are not only for Israel, but everyone else,
especially nation states and minorities.

Only a year ago UN "Special Rapporteur", Francesca Albanese used her position,
to accuse Israel of no less than 420,000, a totally made up number of casualties,
she "confirmed", and it wasn't severe enough for the Hague or the news.

Today, the Hague is judging Israel for an alleged genocide,
referring to 20,000 casualties, reported by Hamas.

Exhibit #8 -


Constructive Vision and Optimism

Optimism is a typically Jewish ailment, not as a last resort, but out of knowledge and experience,
that every fruit has a peel that first draws the eye, which guards the main edible part inside.
The principle of reciprocity, or more precisely 'measure against measure' draws a greater
measure of judgement against the enemies of Israel. History will witness, and You
don't have to be a believer to see that. With that said - let the show go on.

Now, what fruit, what constructive vision and what optimism?

Rabbi Calfon Mosheh HaCohen, who lived during the days of Dr. Herzl, spoke in detail, about the establishment of an international organization professing for world peace, similar to the UN,
with the court and the authority to settle global disputes, as envisioned
by the Hebrew prophets - in Jerusalem.

The decline of the UN and the establishment of the International Court of Jerusalem (CIJ), are one process, that now sounds as far, as during the days of the Ottoman Caliphate
was professing the re-constitution, of a striving Jewish state.

"And saviors shall ascend Mt. Zion, to judge (also) Mt. Esau,
and to HaShem shall be the kingdom"

- Prophet 'Ovadyah

Tl;dr, but it's pretty well accepted that Netanyahu had some advanced warning and did nothing about it.
Actually, the Zionists aren't accomplishing all that much other than creating a whole new generation of young Palestinians who will make it their life's mission to kill Israelis
Palestinians, generation after generation are taught since childhood to kill Jews. It is already their life's mission. That is why the need to go...
The UN has the blood of both Israelis and Gazans on its hands

For years the UN, and its agencies, UNRWA, UN Women, UNHRC, UNICEF have served as the arms and mouthpiece of the worst human rights abusers, totalitarian regimes the likes of Hamas, Iran, Qatar and China - giving them the main seats governing its Human Rights Council.

The outcome - abuse of power by drawing unproportionate attention to the Arab-Israeli conflict
to cover up for the catastrophic violations and human rights abuse, committed by the
participants of the UN forum, in the many wars currently around the globe.

Exhibit #1 -

UN direct involvement with Hamas - jobs and official positions

This, of course, serves not only the totalitarian states, but the UN itself,
with evidence of direct involvement with Hamas in the 7th October massacre,
and previous decades of corruption schemes to funnel aid from refugees through UNRWA,
to oligarchs like Arafat, Haniyeh and other violations of intl. law piling up- committed by the UN.

Exhibit #2 -

Exhibit #3 -

Exhibit #4 -

Who is the accuser?

Under former President Mbeki, South Africa provoked international dismay and criticism when it tried to block United Nations censure of Burma, Sudan, and Zimbabwe for gross human rights abuses. In the case of Sudan, Pretoria stood accused of turning a blind eye to Khartoum's excessive and indiscriminate violence in Darfur, betraying South Africa's own struggle for democracy and commitment to promoting human rights.

Exhibit #5 -

Exhibit #6 -

Exhibit #7 -

On proportionality, double standards and modern day bloodlibels

If the absurdity of the disproportionality argument, recited at the UN forums by it members, mainly to condemn Israel, wasn't apparent enough, the double standards and disproprtionality of the argument itself is evidently demonstrated by the hostility of its members, and number of resolutions, mainly against Israel, a minority.

For the last 7 decades, the Arab-Israeli conflict has been the cause of fewer casualties than any other relatively short-term conflicts occurring in the region, then and now - by far.

Yet, the international community wants to judge Israel for genocide.

However, when the UN stage is given to mockery of genocide, the result is devaluing of human life. And the implications are not only for Israel, but everyone else,
especially nation states and minorities.

Only a year ago UN "Special Rapporteur", Francesca Albanese used her position,
to accuse Israel of no less than 420,000, a totally made up number of casualties,
she "confirmed", and it wasn't severe enough for the Hague or the news.

Today, the Hague is judging Israel for an alleged genocide,
referring to 20,000 casualties, reported by Hamas.

Exhibit #8 -


Constructive Vision and Optimism

Optimism is a typically Jewish ailment, not as a last resort, but out of knowledge and experience,
that every fruit has a peel that first draws the eye, which guards the main edible part inside.
The principle of reciprocity, or more precisely 'measure against measure' draws a greater
measure of judgement against the enemies of Israel. History will witness, and You
don't have to be a believer to see that. With that said - let the show go on.

Now, what fruit, what constructive vision and what optimism?

Rabbi Calfon Mosheh HaCohen, who lived during the days of Dr. Herzl, spoke in detail, about the establishment of an international organization professing for world peace, similar to the UN,
with the court and the authority to settle global disputes, as envisioned
by the Hebrew prophets - in Jerusalem.

The decline of the UN and the establishment of the International Court of Jerusalem (CIJ), are one process, that now sounds as far, as during the days of the Ottoman Caliphate
was professing the re-constitution, of a striving Jewish state.

"And saviors shall ascend Mt. Zion, to judge (also) Mt. Esau,
and to HaShem shall be the kingdom"

- Prophet 'Ovadyah

Great overview
Palestinians, generation after generation are taught since childhood to kill Jews. It is already their life's mission. That is why the need to go...

You mean they hate the people who stole their land, economically exploit them, and force them to live in overcrowded slums?

9,000 of your hamas butchers gone.
And about 22,000 innocent men, women and children. Are you proud of that? I wouldn't be.
You mean they hate the people who stole their land, economically exploit them, and force them to live in overcrowded slums?

And about 22,000 innocent men, women and children. Are you proud of that? I wouldn't be.
Stop believing the garbage you are being fed.
Where are all those poor Palestinians?


Here is that oh so important Dome of the Rock


Here is how Samuel Clemens described Palestine when he was there. He saw 1 person. A nomad passing by:

Of all the lands there are for dismal scenery, I think Palestine must be the prince… Renowned Jerusalem itself, the stateliest name in history, has lost all its ancient grandeur, and is become a pauper village; the riches of Solomon are no longer there to compel the admiration of visiting Oriental queens; the wonderful temple which was the pride and the glory of Israel, is gone… Palestine is desolate and unlovely. And why should it be otherwise?… Palestine is no more of this work-day world.

It was a veritable waste land when the British turned it over to the Jews. No one stole anything. It was Britain's to give.
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