Gone and forgotten
Crime is crime.Hard to imagine how 'race' makes a crime like this 'worse.'
As Harry Calahan used to say, some people just need killing, and this bunch fits the bill.
It really doesn't, it's just interesting to watch everybody posture when it is white on black it is a hate crime and when it is black on white they are shocked that one would even think so. It is terribly amusing and predictable. I remember the Duke non crime, those white boys were guilty and racist and bla bla bla the black panthers and all the race baiters arrived the very next day and were ready to string those white boys up. and this crime? no big deal right?
Just because someone hates someone else because of race doesn't make it 'worse.'
Murder is murder, assualt is assult and so on.
I recall the duke case, I recall that simp Wendy Murphy saying they were 100% guilty because 'a woman would never lie about rape.'