Oppenheimer was a Communist Traitor


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
I just got around to watching the (3 hr!) movie "Oppenheimer." I was already quite familiar with the Manhattan Project, and the fact that he was a closet Communist, but I didn't realize the extent of his admiration for the Soviet Union. This was common among the "intellectual" crowd in the 1930s, which preferred theory over actual practice. This dovetailed nicely into their bifurcated view of the German/Soviet division of Poland in 1939, wherein the Nazis were held to be evil warmongers but the Communists were held blameless.

It didn't help that the Nazi's were antisemitic, whereas many of the world's top scientists were Jewish. As a result, it was not difficult to recruit Oppenheimer and other top scientists to develop a powerful new weapon that could destroy Germany. As this became more feasible, many of them thought it would be a good idea to share their findings with the Soviet Union. Some were actively involved in espionage while others, like Oppenheimer, simply turned a blind eye towards these breaches of US national security interests.

Unfortunately, this wonder weapon could not be deployed before Germany surrendered. At that point, many decided that dropping an atomic bomb on Japan would be immoral, even if it resulted in an invasion that might involve one million US casualties. In addition, many of them opposed the further development of a Hydrogen (fusion) bomb. Even after the war was over, Oppenheimer claimed that the Soviet Union was four years behind the US in development of atomic weapons. The Soviets tested their first Hydrogen bomb the very next month.

Whether Oppenheimer was a fellow traveler or merely a useful idiot to the Soviet Union begs the question of his responsibility in the most serious security violations in US history, amounting to egregious acts of treason during wartime.conditions. His intentional negligence is these matters should have resulted in a long prison sentence, but the US government decided not to prosecute the still popular Father of the Atomic Bomb. Instead, the entire matter was whitewashed by quietly his security clearance and banning him from any future participation in US atomic research.
He was just a CIA plant .
Totally fifth rate and an appalling mathematician .

The whole Manhattan project was a complete Fake and Germany actually provided the Uranium for Enola Gay

Difficult to swallow if you are a Normie but the evidence is huge and detailed .
Just another False Flag
There was a Canadian guy who wrote an essay about comunism in high school and 30 years later he kept having problems at the U.S border. He never understood why. One day he asked his local MP to look into it, and the RCMP, at least showing some transparency; acknowledged that this detail was still in his dossier.

They removed it after the MP asked them to consider how long ago this simple essay was written. Their response was sort of "well, you never know". Branded a communist for life? I mean...

Don't be like the Canadian police. USSR and communism was the enemy of my enemy, it was a different time then. Some fools are often well meaning,.but,they were fools nonetheless, but not ill founded for the time. Ideology changes over time and in itself it doesnt make them evil. I'd be more worried about a hardcore commmunist in the 70s and 80s than one during WWII.
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He was just a CIA plant .
Totally fifth rate and an appalling mathematician .

The whole Manhattan project was a complete Fake and Germany actually provided the Uranium for Enola Gay

Difficult to swallow if you are a Normie but the evidence is huge and detailed .
Just another False Flag
Are you still here ?
How boring .
Was convinced you would be dead by now from an atrophied brain .
What do you think , Ponger , old chap ?
What could you , as a Normie, possibly actually know about this topic ?
Tell us whether his claimed education CV stands even 10 seconds examination before laughter sets in .

Or shut up .
Are you still here ?
How boring .
Was convinced you would be dead by now from an atrophied brain .
What do you think , Ponger , old chap ?
What could you , as a Normie, possibly actually know about this topic ?
Tell us whether his claimed education CV stands even 10 seconds examination before laughter sets in .

Or shut up .
WTF are you babbling about?

Are you on drugs?
The winners write the history books. Nuclear scientists get a pass for the monstrosity they created. The eggheads had no idea if the Atomic Bomb would wipe humans off the face of the earth but they convinced the military to try it out. Even after they saw the horrific results they convinced the military to drop it on Asians rather than Europeans and called it a victory for science. Atomic bomb testing became a staple of the Truman administration. Innocent natives of a Pacific Island were forced to leave their homeland so that the U.S. could conduct nuclear testing. Visitors to Vegas treated desert Atomic testing as a tourist attraction. The original casualty list for the Korean Conflict was around 50,000 but was later revised down to 35,000 which included only Americans who were killed on the Korean peninsula. What happened to the other 15,000 Americans who died during the Korean conflict? Did they die as a result of Atomic warfare experiments and were forgotten like the rest of the "Forgotten War"?
Are you still here ?
How boring .
Was convinced you would be dead by now from an atrophied brain .
What do you think , Ponger , old chap ?
What could you , as a Normie, possibly actually know about this topic ?
Tell us whether his claimed education CV stands even 10 seconds examination before laughter sets in .

Or shut up .
Are you on LSD?

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