Oscar Lopez-Rivera.


Gold Member
Oct 9, 2015
BFE Texas.
Convicted Puerto Rican Terrorist, Whose Prison Sentence Obama Commuted, Going Home to Parade


Half Black Jesus forgives all.
Maybe the southerners can replace their confederate statutes with one of this guy?
Maybe the southerners can replace their confederate statutes with one of this guy?

Na, Montana never seemed racist like that when I was where I was. The hot topics of the day would be the wind, weather, the Grizzlies and such. Fires if there were any. Real nice place. You should check it out. Saw my first moose in Montana.
Again, why do liberals, especially Obama, have such a love for / of TERRORISTS?

Obama was / is buddies with Domestic Terrorist Bill Ayers, a guy who bombed his own country, killed 1st responders, and openly declared he regrets not conducting more bombings.

Obama financed, supplied, armed, trained, defended, and protected terrorists.

Obama took the nation to war UN-Constitutionally TWICE to help terrorists.

Obama allowed ISIS' mile-long convoys to (INVADE) freely cross the desert into Iraq to take over a lot of territory our military had already liberated.

He freed the Taliban 5 while lying about how they were supposed to have been part of the ransom deal to get Bo Bergdahl released.

He paid a RANSOM for Bo Bergdahl, a terrorist sympathizer and deserter.

He allowed 4 Americans to needlessly be murdered by terrorists, lied about the event in an attempt to protect his re-election bid, took 1 year to 'find' and capture the 'mastermind' behind the terrorist attack (when the guy had been giving interviews pool-side in the Middle East, and then quietly let the guy go free (to avoid his being questioned in court and having him contradict Barry's lies).

Obama declared the American citizen who made a video that had nothing to do with the 9/11/12 terrorist attack would be prosecuted for exercising his Constitutional Right to Free Speech to appease Islamic Extremists who murdered 4 Americans. (The video maker went to jail but Obama released the 'mastermind' responsible for murdering 4 Americans....)

Attempted to defend Islamic Extremists by declaring the OBVIOUS Ft. Hood terrorist attack was a case of 'workplace violence'.

Mocked US citizens while abroad, declaring they were only afraid of widows and orphans...just days before a terrorist to whom he had given a Visa and welcomed into the US murdered 7 Americans in Cal in a terrorist attack. Obama then sent out his US AG to threaten Americans with prosecution for exercising their Constitutional Right of Free Speech by speaking out against Islamic Extremism.

Obama refused to allow coalition forces to strike ISIS black market oil facilities, which funded 50% of ISIS' terrorist activities...to include the terrorist attack on Paris, which was the worst attack on France since WWII. Obama declared he had ISIS isolated in the Middle East...only to have ISIS perpetrate the Paris attack the next day...followed by France and Russia no longer adhering to Obama's ban on attacking the ISIS oil facilities.

Obama pardoned this convicted terrorist.

--- He belongs to the same Puerto Rican Terrorist Group Bill Clinton pardoned on his way out the door, which was reportedly part of a deal to get that NY Puerto Rican Community's support to vote for Hillary Clinton.

And this doesn't even cover everything.

...now watch the snowflakes run to defend all of this....


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