

VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is one last fanfiction of Shakespeare, inspired by Othello, and a toast to my love of video-games! Thanks for reading,


The City of Angels, LA, was the site of a great modern drama. The players included a thief, a samura-turned-ninja, a princess and her daughter, and a terrible warlord named Diego. Yes, LA had seen much drama in its long US history, but now there was iconic traffic folk-tales to be told. Why not, right? What makes LA so uninteresting anyway when we talk about all the globalization politics of New York or London or Israel? Yes, LA is my town!


This is the story of a bank robber named Othello, an Algerian-American living in the City of Angels. He married an Internet mail-order-bride from Malaysia named Cookie who has a biracial daughter from her first failed marriage to a man who turns out to be a terrorist or something. Cookie and her daughter Brunei are happy now living in LA with Othello, who's a successful stereo and toy store owner in downtown LA. Cookie has no idea Othello's actually a thief.


BRUNEI: I love my new American daddy, Othello, and I don't consider him a fake father, but I think he has a funny secret!


Othello walks into a bank with a water-gun filled with corrosive acid and claims he's an ISIS terrorist. He requests access to safe-box #445 in the vault room of the bank, which belongs to the corrupt Dutch blood diamond merchant Karl Kuyt (KK). Everyone in LA knows KK has something devious running in the city and endangering law-abiding jewelers like Othello's friend Mithun. However, Othello's got the jump on KK now, synthesizing a grand terrorism invasion of KK's assets and putting the blame on ISIS. Othello is a cool character in the City of Angels, and he's almost a vigilante now.


OTHELLO: I sell Transformers toys and stereos and movie art representing a fascination with modernism and capitalism.


When Othello takes $4 million in blood diamonds from KK's treasury and exchanges the gems in the black market for cash for his new private Swiss account, he has enough money to purchase fine Eastern artworks for his LA loft. When the cops question Othello in front of his mail-order-bride Cookie and their daughter Brunei, they want to know how'd he afford such fancy artworks. Othello explains he has a nifty Asian contact who purchases art-world pieces from the aristocracy for reduced prices based on deflation and ever-so-subtle changes in the fashion world! The cops shockingly buy this strange merchant tale.


Othello is then told in the streets that his mail-order-bride Cookie knows he's a thief and is engaged with an adulterous affair with a California senator named Rex Biden. Othello is devastated and begins to question Brunei to see if their beloved daugther knows anything at all about this possible scandal. Brunei insists her mother's been always staying at home, waiting for her daddy to get home! Othello decides Brunei's honest and opts not to excommunicate Cookie. He instead purchases two expensive rare antique porcelain salt-and-pepper shakers from Rajasthan.


MITHUN: As a friend of Othello, I have to advise him to keep watch over his shoulders, lest his enemies spy on his fortunes and past.


OTHELLO: I love playing video-games with you, Brunei.
BRUNEI: This game's is so much fun, indeed.
OTHELLO: We're gonna have a great life together in this city, sweetie.
BRUNEI: America's like a dolly video-game!


Unfortunately, KK's hired a ninja-assassin, a former samurai lunatic named Han Kawasaki, to track Othello and see if he's involved in an underground ring connected to hijacking of blood diamond highways. KK suspects Othello's a key player in the heist of his blood diamonds from the LA bank. Han stalks Othello and believes his friend Mithun might be a key agent in a scheme to exchange blood diamonds for dart-mouth assets.


COOKIE: I don't trust you all the time, Othello.
OTHELLO: Darling, I'm just a dollar agent.


"Money is everything" (Ecclesiastes)

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