Our Incompetent Woke Military: Three Star General Posts Photo She Thinks Are U.S. Troops Leaving Afghanistan–Turns Out They’re British


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Our Incompetent Woke Military:

Three Star General Posts Photo She Thinks Are U.S. Troops Leaving Afghanistan

Turns Out They’re British

4 Sep 2021 ~~ By Kristinn Taylor
U.S. Army Lieutenant General Maria Gervais, who heads up the Army’s Training and Doctrine Command posted a photo Saturday of what she thought were U.S. troops leaving Afghanistan, but it turns out they were British troops later IDed as being with the 16th Air Assault Brigade. Getting that third star apparently doesn’t take much in today’s woke military.
Not noticing the British uniforms and weaponry (SA80s), Gervais tweeted Saturday morning, “This picture is worth 1000 words—thanks to these American hero’s. #Grateful”
Screen capture by Arthur Schwartz. Original tweet linked below. (Update: Gen. Gervais deleted the tweet Saturday night and her follow-up tweet.)

18 minutes later Gervais acknowledged her error, “Absolutely correct— British troops— thankful to our British heroes and all who helped w/ this mission! Absolutely love the picture!!”
The Brits were kind to our confused three star general, “Thank you General. @16AirAssltBde were privileged to be part of the team and serve alongside @82ndABNDiv and @USMC No closer Allies or friends. #AdUnumOmnes”


As one can imagine the comments by incredulous Americans were not so forgiving. This one by retired Marine Gunnery Sergeant Jesse Jane Duff says it best, “Yikes. A 3 star general at that. My Marines woulda’ submitted my retirement papers for me if I did that. Maybe that’s why the military left so many Americans behind – the generals didn’t recognize them.”

Who needs qualifications in the military when you have all this diversity? The Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat success story

Our Incompetent Woke Military:

Three Star General Posts Photo She Thinks Are U.S. Troops Leaving Afghanistan

Turns Out They’re British

4 Sep 2021 ~~ By Kristinn Taylor
U.S. Army Lieutenant General Maria Gervais, who heads up the Army’s Training and Doctrine Command posted a photo Saturday of what she thought were U.S. troops leaving Afghanistan, but it turns out they were British troops later IDed as being with the 16th Air Assault Brigade. Getting that third star apparently doesn’t take much in today’s woke military.
Not noticing the British uniforms and weaponry (SA80s), Gervais tweeted Saturday morning, “This picture is worth 1000 words—thanks to these American hero’s. #Grateful”
Screen capture by Arthur Schwartz. Original tweet linked below. (Update: Gen. Gervais deleted the tweet Saturday night and her follow-up tweet.)

18 minutes later Gervais acknowledged her error, “Absolutely correct— British troops— thankful to our British heroes and all who helped w/ this mission! Absolutely love the picture!!”
The Brits were kind to our confused three star general, “Thank you General. @16AirAssltBde were privileged to be part of the team and serve alongside @82ndABNDiv and @USMC No closer Allies or friends. #AdUnumOmnes”


As one can imagine the comments by incredulous Americans were not so forgiving. This one by retired Marine Gunnery Sergeant Jesse Jane Duff says it best, “Yikes. A 3 star general at that. My Marines woulda’ submitted my retirement papers for me if I did that. Maybe that’s why the military left so many Americans behind – the generals didn’t recognize them.”

Who needs qualifications in the military when you have all this diversity? The Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat success story

General Gervais is not the commanding general of TRADOC. General Paul E. Funk II is the Commanding General. General Gervais is the Deputy Commanding General. I should know as I work for that command. Will you quoted source admit their error?

The media has also been guilty of misidentifying CH-46 civilian versions as Army CH-47 Chinook helicopters. I saw video of CNN's Anderson Cooper making that mistake.
General Gervais is not the commanding general of TRADOC. General Paul E. Funk II is the Commanding General. General Gervais is the Deputy Commanding General. I should know as I work for that command. Will you quoted source admit their error?

The media has also been guilty of misidentifying CH-46 civilian versions as Army CH-47 Chinook helicopters. I saw video of CNN's Anderson Cooper making that mistake.
From the picture itself I can't tell who was in the cargo hold but a bunch of white soldiers. I didn't securitize it though.

Gervais does look like a human train wreck though. Some dyke feminazi bitch promoted by other leftist parasites who undermine the military by promoting insipid shit that does nothing to further the basic reason to have a military. Which is hold ground or gain more and destroy any force that opposes that endeavor.


You don't pay men, sustain them, arm them, equip them, train them, deploy them in war, provide care for them and pensions if they live long, just to make them sympathetic to the goals of our enemies.


Our Incompetent Woke Military:

Three Star General Posts Photo She Thinks Are U.S. Troops Leaving Afghanistan

Turns Out They’re British

4 Sep 2021 ~~ By Kristinn Taylor
U.S. Army Lieutenant General Maria Gervais, who heads up the Army’s Training and Doctrine Command posted a photo Saturday of what she thought were U.S. troops leaving Afghanistan, but it turns out they were British troops later IDed as being with the 16th Air Assault Brigade. Getting that third star apparently doesn’t take much in today’s woke military.
Not noticing the British uniforms and weaponry (SA80s), Gervais tweeted Saturday morning, “This picture is worth 1000 words—thanks to these American hero’s. #Grateful”
Screen capture by Arthur Schwartz. Original tweet linked below. (Update: Gen. Gervais deleted the tweet Saturday night and her follow-up tweet.)

18 minutes later Gervais acknowledged her error, “Absolutely correct— British troops— thankful to our British heroes and all who helped w/ this mission! Absolutely love the picture!!”
The Brits were kind to our confused three star general, “Thank you General. @16AirAssltBde were privileged to be part of the team and serve alongside @82ndABNDiv and @USMC No closer Allies or friends. #AdUnumOmnes”


As one can imagine the comments by incredulous Americans were not so forgiving. This one by retired Marine Gunnery Sergeant Jesse Jane Duff says it best, “Yikes. A 3 star general at that. My Marines woulda’ submitted my retirement papers for me if I did that. Maybe that’s why the military left so many Americans behind – the generals didn’t recognize them.”

Who needs qualifications in the military when you have all this diversity? The Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat success story

This is what happens when you promote based on sex and skin color instead of skills

Our Incompetent Woke Military:

Three Star General Posts Photo She Thinks Are U.S. Troops Leaving Afghanistan

Turns Out They’re British

4 Sep 2021 ~~ By Kristinn Taylor
U.S. Army Lieutenant General Maria Gervais, who heads up the Army’s Training and Doctrine Command posted a photo Saturday of what she thought were U.S. troops leaving Afghanistan, but it turns out they were British troops later IDed as being with the 16th Air Assault Brigade. Getting that third star apparently doesn’t take much in today’s woke military.
Not noticing the British uniforms and weaponry (SA80s), Gervais tweeted Saturday morning, “This picture is worth 1000 words—thanks to these American hero’s. #Grateful”
Screen capture by Arthur Schwartz. Original tweet linked below. (Update: Gen. Gervais deleted the tweet Saturday night and her follow-up tweet.)

18 minutes later Gervais acknowledged her error, “Absolutely correct— British troops— thankful to our British heroes and all who helped w/ this mission! Absolutely love the picture!!”
The Brits were kind to our confused three star general, “Thank you General. @16AirAssltBde were privileged to be part of the team and serve alongside @82ndABNDiv and @USMC No closer Allies or friends. #AdUnumOmnes”


As one can imagine the comments by incredulous Americans were not so forgiving. This one by retired Marine Gunnery Sergeant Jesse Jane Duff says it best, “Yikes. A 3 star general at that. My Marines woulda’ submitted my retirement papers for me if I did that. Maybe that’s why the military left so many Americans behind – the generals didn’t recognize them.”

Who needs qualifications in the military when you have all this diversity? The Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat success story

You were a 3 star general, doc?
From the picture itself I can't tell who was in the cargo hold but a bunch of white soldiers. I didn't securitize it though.

Gervais does look like a human train wreck though. Some dyke feminazi bitch promoted by other leftist parasites who undermine the military by promoting insipid shit that does nothing to further the basic reason to have a military. Which is hold ground or gain more and destroy any force that opposes that endeavor.


You don't pay men, sustain them, arm them, equip them, train them, deploy them in war, provide care for them and pensions if they live long, just to make them sympathetic to the goals of our enemies.

Misogynistic bastard. Who gives a shit what she looks like? Army uniforms and grooming standards don't allow the women to look like supermodels.

My daughter is a Captain in the Army. In her OCP uniform, she looks like a dude that needs a haircut. She has to wear birth control glasses (BCGs, so that detracts from her appearance. Out of uniform, it is hard to recognize her. Her Sergeant Major in college ROTC asked for her name at their Military Ball, even though they had known each other for 3 years. She is an incredibly beautiful young lady.

Judging by your comments, you probably would think she was a dyke too, but nothing could be more wrong. She is unmarried because she has not found a man smart enough to pique her interest. For right now, she is married to her work and loves taking care of her pets.

Her commander is a female Lt Col. who really impressed me after our conversations at the change of command.

You need to stop reading books by their cover and show some respect for our women in the military.
Lieutenant Commander is an O4, Dude you are not even a Captain O6
Here is a link for you to brush up on your rankings
I was a victim of the Clinton administration's "Peace Dividend" in the 1990s. I was a steam engineer. The Navy decommissioned almost every steam ship because the Russian's welded their ships to the pier. President Reagan's plan for a 600 ship Navy were shelved. I was given a choice to get out with $80,000 in severance pay or stay in and possibly be kicked to the curb with a $30,000 severance. We were not even allowed to transfer to the Reserve.

They loused things up so badly, they were paying my younger brother a $10,000 a year bonus NOT to retire when he reached 20 years. In 2001, after G.W. Bush was in office, I was actually asked to return to active duty after a 7 year hiatus because of critical shortages in my line of work. Unfortunately, I had a medical setback that prevented me from doing so, or I would have been gone in a heartbeat.
Misogynistic bastard. Who gives a shit what she looks like? Army uniforms and grooming standards don't allow the women to look like supermodels.

My daughter is a Captain in the Army. In her OCP uniform, she looks like a dude that needs a haircut. She has to wear birth control glasses (BCGs, so that detracts from her appearance. Out of uniform, it is hard to recognize her. Her Sergeant Major in college ROTC asked for her name at their Military Ball, even though they had known each other for 3 years. She is an incredibly beautiful young lady.

Judging by your comments, you probably would think she was a dyke too, but nothing could be more wrong. She is unmarried because she has not found a man smart enough to pique her interest. For right now, she is married to her work and loves taking care of her pets.

Her commander is a female Lt Col. who really impressed me after our conversations at the change of command.

You need to stop reading books by their cover and show some respect for our women in the military.

One day, while I was off-crew training, a bunch of us sailors were sitting around on break, looking at a Playboy.

A female lieutenant saw us and commented, "I've got a much better body than that".

One of the Petty Officer's in the group replied, "Can you bring it in tomorrow? We'd love to see it".
You told me you were a Harpoon missile officer? In another post, IIRC you said on a OHP class FFG. OHP's had gas turbines?
My first assignment was as the Harpoon and Terrier missile officer on a guided missile cruiser. I was then assigned to an auxiliary engineering position. For shore duty, I was a Navy Recruiting Enlisted Programs Officer, then back to sea as the Main Propulsion Assistant on another guided missile cruiser. Finally after attending Chief Engineer's School, I was assigned to an amphibious assault carrier.

Navy officers do a variety of thing during your career.

My daughter is an Army officer and was in charge of a transportation platoon with the 3rd Cavalry Regiment. She then served as executive officer of a transportation company. After completing her required courses as a Captain, she was assigned to the logistics staff of an artillery brigade, then commanded her own transportation company, and now she is back on the staff of a sustainment brigade, the latter 3 with the 101st Airborne. She just was reassigned temporarily as a regimental commander supporting logistics for the United States Military Academy at West Point, NY. That's a Lieutenant Colonel's position she is filling as a Captain. See how her almost entire career has centered around transportation and logistics?

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