Our Soldiers Being investigated for burning Damaged Korans


יעקב כהן
Oct 19, 2010
Maybe this will make the Afgahan muslims like us more:cuckoo:

Five soldiers responsible for Koran burnings, U.S. investigation finds


REPORTING FROM WASHINGTON AND KABUL, AFGHANISTAN -- A U.S. military investigation into the burning of the Muslim holy book in a trash pit in Afghanistan last month found that several enlisted soldiers had misinterpreted an order to dispose of the Korans, two officials familiar with the findings said Friday.

The investigation found that five U.S. soldiers were responsible for confiscating the Korans and other religious materials from a U.S.-run detention facility near Bagram Air Base, north of Kabul, and dumping them in a pit used to incinerate trash.

News of the incident sparked attacks that killed six Americans and riots that left more than 30 people dead. Hundreds of Western military and civilian advisors working at Afghan government offices were withdrawn by embassies and NATO commanders as the crisis grew.

U.S. officials said several of the soldiers, who have not been publicly identified, are likely to face disciplinary proceedings. Gen. John Allen, the top U.S. commander in Afghanistan, has not yet made a decision on punishment, the officials said.

Allen was briefed on the investigation late this week, said the officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss the findings, which have not been made public.

The riots and violence appear spent for now. Friday prayers, the most important religious event of the Muslim week, passed without more protests breaking out.

The military investigation largely supports official U.S. claims that the burnings were inadvertent.

The officials said soldiers had confiscated religious materials because they believed the books were being used to pass written messages among prisoners. The books circulated from prisoner to prisoner as part of the prison’s lending library.

Five soldiers responsible for Koran burnings, U.S. investigation finds - latimes.com
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I'm thinking those soldiers did as they were told. Maybe their orders were vague or misguided, but somebody higher up made the call to dispose of the Koransand didn't think it through. JMO, I hope those guys are not going to be the scapegoats for poor leadership or management on the part of their superiors.
Fuck the oil pipeline, let's bring our kids HOME from that backward ass cesspool!!
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There has to be some sort of standing order to not desecrate religious items, if there isn't there should be. This whole thing was an exercise in stupidity, everyone involved is just stupid.
So how do we stop these protests? A little show of force such as a bomb dropped right in middle of the crowd would defiantly discourage future violence and protests….. Just saying
So how do we stop these protests? A little show of force such as a bomb dropped right in middle of the crowd would defiantly discourage future violence and protests….. Just saying

No, that would just make protests bigger and everywhere, just sayin'.
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There has to be some sort of standing order to not desecrate religious items, if there isn't there should be. This whole thing was an exercise in stupidity, everyone involved is just stupid.

What's really stupid is the fact that the U.S. government has spent more time talking about how terrible it was to accidentally burn some freaking books than they have talking about how terrible it is to not be able to trust our Afghan "partners", not to kill our soldiers.
I understand as a normal citizen this would be freedom of speech.. But under the military wouldn't they probably got in trouble if they had burned a bible or the American flag.
I don't think the punishment should be severe, and for sure not kicked out of the military. These soldiers do know they are held to a different standard.
I understand as a normal citizen this would be freedom of speech.. But under the military wouldn't they probably got in trouble if they had burned a bible or the American flag.
I don't think the punishment should be severe, and for sure not kicked out of the military. These soldiers do know they are held to a different standard.

'These soldiers' disposed of the desecrated Korans in the manner that is accepted practice.

The Korans were desecrated by the Muslims, not 'these soldiers'. More faux outrage from people trying to manipulate...
I understand as a normal citizen this would be freedom of speech.. But under the military wouldn't they probably got in trouble if they had burned a bible or the American flag.
I don't think the punishment should be severe, and for sure not kicked out of the military. These soldiers do know they are held to a different standard.

What I do not understand is the military has said over and over this was a mistake or an inadvertent act but now it seems as if they need someone to hold up as being wrong and I am confused by such.
I am not outraged. Lol
I really don't think it is a big deal, but I do know they have to act like they do something so you know they don't riot again? Just saying.
I am not outraged. Lol
I really don't think it is a big deal, but I do know they have to act like they do something so you know they don't riot again? Just saying.

Do you mean..just appease them?
Then we have TIME magazine fanning the flames that this was an intentional act:

But five troops (plus an Afghan-American interpreter)? That means one of two things, neither particularly pleasant:

1. That a group of that size was involved in the act of torching the Korans. If true, that suggests it might not have been a mistake.

2. More likely it means that superiors in the chain of command above those responsible for the act may be held accountable. That would be because their subordinates lacked the training they should have had to prevent this from happening.

Read more: Koran Burning: Pre-Judgment Day | Battleland | TIME.com

SIX troops have been killed and they still want blood.

Afghans Won't Take 'Sorry' for an Answer

Afghans Won't Take 'Sorry' for an Answer - Global - The Atlantic Wire

Afghan clerics demand public trial for Koran burners

AFP: Afghan clerics demand public trial for Koran burners
There has to be some sort of standing order to not desecrate religious items, if there isn't there should be. This whole thing was an exercise in stupidity, everyone involved is just stupid.

The stupidest of all are those Muslim savages who rioted and murdered Americans because of some words printed on normal paper.
So how do we stop these protests? A little show of force such as a bomb dropped right in middle of the crowd would defiantly discourage future violence and protests….. Just saying

No, that would just make protests bigger and everywhere, just sayin'.

It's time to get the hell out of Afghanistan. How can anyone justify spilling any more American blood for the sake of these Muslim animals.

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