Over 16.9 million people now carry guns for self-defense...and our crime rates went down...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Here is a look at the new numbers for concealed carry in this country. While more Americans have decided to protect themselves by carrying a gun, this has not resulted in more crime....demonstrating in cold hard numbers that law abiding people, not only owning guns, but actually carrying them, does not increase the gun crime rate, the gun murder rate or the violent crime rate. In fact, many studies show that law abiding people carrying guns for self defense helps to lower the crime rate.......

America Is Changing — One Carry Permit at a Time

At the same time that carry permits have increased at an astonishing rate, violent crime has decreased, and concealed-carry permit holders remain remarkably law-abiding. From 2007 to 2015, murder rates decreased by 12.5 percent and “overall violent crime fell by 18 percent.” At the same time, “the percentage of adults with permits soared by 190 percent.” And yet despite that growth, available data still indicate that permit holders are substantially more law-abiding than the police. For example, using data from Florida and Texas, Lott found that “permit holders are convicted of misdemeanors and felonies at less than a sixth of the rate for police officers.” 00:57U.S. bans citizens from visiting North Korea

Simply put, American culture is changing from the ground up, and if present trends continue the gun-control debate will be settled by the sheer number of weapons in law-abiding hands. To borrow the Left’s language, it looks like the arc of history is bending, and it’s bending toward an armed citizenry.

It’s always interesting to see data merge with observed experience. The independent, courageous, responsible reality I see with my own eyes is reflected not just in statistics showing that permit holders are extraordinarily law-abiding but also in the repeated incidents where they come to the aid of friends and neighbors in need. More permit-holders do not lead to more gun crime. They do, however, mean more help and protection for the innocent and the vulnerable.

Read more at: America Is Changing — One Carry Permit at a Time

Read more at: America Is Changing — One Carry Permit at a Time

Read m
ore at: America Is Changing — One Carry Permit at a Time
Crime rates went down regardless of gun possession
Crime rates went down regardless of gun possession

And of course you know why that is a problem for you......

The entire argument of the anti gun movement is that if more people have more guns there will be more gun crime and more gun murder....

The facts, the truth and the reality show that this isn't true, and that you and the other anti gunners are wrong....and that isn't even taking into consideration the actual studies that show that people carrying guns helps lower the crime rate......

Normal Americans, carrying guns for self defense, are more law abiding than the average citizen and more law abiding than the sworn police officers.....they have to be, they have a lot to lose if they forget to dot the "i" or cross the "t."

And here is the truth...which you can't deny......

We went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in 1997...to close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 16.3 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2017...guess what happened...

-- gun murder down 49%
--gun crime down 75%
--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.
Concealed carry permit number....
New Study: Over 16.3 million concealed handgun permits, last year saw the largest increase ever in number of permits - Crime Prevention Research Center

actual study...

Concealed Carry Permit Holders Across the United States: 2017 by John R. Lott :: SSRN
Crime rates have gone down in the past without increased gun possession..

But that isn't the argument you guys make...

You anti gunners tell us that if more people own more guns there will be more gun crime and there will be blood in the streets........

The actual stats show you are completely wrong.....

Law abiding people with guns do not cause violent crime, or gun crime.......the entire premise of your anti gun beliefs is shown to be a lie.....
Crime rates have gone down in the past without increased gun possession..

But that isn't the argument you guys make...

You anti gunners tell us that if more people own more guns there will be more gun crime and there will be blood in the streets........

The actual stats show you are completely wrong.....

Law abiding people with guns do not cause violent crime, or gun crime.......the entire premise of your anti gun beliefs is shown to be a lie.....
I didn't make any argument about being anti-gun, that was you trying to create a bad guy for you to attack because you don't feel justified in your propaganda without an enemy of your state..I am a veteran of the US Army and have all my life(since the age of ability) had firearms and hunted....I merely stated a logical truth that in the history of the US, violence has receded without increased gun ownership...
Crime rates have gone down in the past without increased gun possession..

You have a right to dial 911 and wait for the police to eventually show up and possibly shoot you instead.
Crime rates went down regardless of gun possession

You have a right to dial 911 and wait for the police to possibly shoot you instead.
Another wasted post..

You brute.
I have a lieutenant of the sheriff's department that lives on a farm 3/4 of a mile down the road, but I won't need him, I know how to deal with anyone that feels the need to do anything wrong on my farm..So do my 11 dogs....and my 15 year old son who has a nine millimeter pistol..Cops really aren't the answer, combat training is...
Crime rates have gone down in the past without increased gun possession..

You have a right to dial 911 and wait for the police to eventually show up and possibly shoot you instead.
Crime rates went down regardless of gun possession

You have a right to dial 911 and wait for the police to possibly shoot you instead.
Another wasted post..

You brute.
I have a lieutenant of the sheriff's department that lives on a farm 3/4 of a mile down the road, but I won't need him, I know how to deal with anyone that feels the need to do anything wrong on my farm..So do my 11 dogs....and my 15 year old son who has a nine millimeter pistol..Cops really aren't the answer, combat training is...

So why was my post wasted?
Crime rates have gone down in the past without increased gun possession..

But that isn't the argument you guys make...

You anti gunners tell us that if more people own more guns there will be more gun crime and there will be blood in the streets........

The actual stats show you are completely wrong.....

Law abiding people with guns do not cause violent crime, or gun crime.......the entire premise of your anti gun beliefs is shown to be a lie.....
I didn't make any argument about being anti-gun, that was you trying to create a bad guy for you to attack because you don't feel justified in your propaganda without an enemy of your state..I am a veteran of the US Army and have all my life(since the age of ability) had firearms and hunted....I merely stated a logical truth that in the history of the US, violence has receded without increased gun ownership...

No.....violence did not increase with increased gun ownership, and with over 16.9 million people carrying guns for personal protection....that is the real story.....

Again, the argument of anti gunners is that more people with more guns = more gun crime.....they are not saying that crime goes down regardless of gun laws....

The more guns = more crime argument of anti gunners is not based in truth, facts or reality, the entire foundation of their anti gun stance is wrong, and not true.......

So try to hide their actual argument as much as you want......the truth is the truth.
33,000 gun deaths
72,000 gun injuries
400,000 gun related crimes
230 BILLION in economic losses a year.

Your fetish costs too much, 2TinyGuy

and yet you don't want to punish the actual criminals who commit gun crimes
33,000 gun deaths
72,000 gun injuries
400,000 gun related crimes
230 BILLION in economic losses a year.

Your fetish costs too much, 2TinyGuy

And with cars, you can double all those numbers. But you libs don't care about that.
33,000 gun deaths
72,000 gun injuries
400,000 gun related crimes
230 BILLION in economic losses a year.

Your fetish costs too much, 2TinyGuy

The deaths number is skewed by suicides, they don't count.
and criminals will criminal, won't stop that.
And your 230 billion economic losses is one of those made up "look this backs up my bullshit" numbers your side loves to trot out like the lemmings you are.

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