PA State Senator says Majority will Vote for Audit Similar to AZ


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2019
The important little detail is this will be a forensic audit. Bring on the evidence.

---Pennsylvania State Senator Doug Mastriano announced he has a majority on his committee who will vote to issue subpoenas to audit elections---

---The audit will be similar to the Maricopa County forensic audit in Arizona. More Pennsylvania counties could also be audited in the future.---

We could see one in Michigan too.

---BREAKING: Another MI Lawmaker Requests Forensic Audit of 2020 Election---

The state told the Senate that no third party whackos can handle the voting machines.
The left is in control and I believe they will never again allow honest voting with integrity, to ensure they stay in power. At some point we can expect the following from them:
1. A public plan for a "National Police Force." No doubt comprised of Marxist followers.
2. Declaring a National State of Emergency because of the rampant violence (no doubt instigated by them), followed by a suspension of the U.S. Constitution.
3. Troops deployed to some major cites, but mostly into red states, with the military installing Martial Law. All firearms will be confiscated.
4. Forced removal of non-leftist politicians from their positions and their replacement by pro-Marxist elements.
5. Massive arrests of dissidents, as they will be deemed insurrectionists and a threat to the government and public.
6. A new Constitution will be drafted. Actually, a Communist Manifesto.
7. Millions will "disappear" into mass graves.
8. The great experiment into freedom will be over. End of story.
At my age, I expect I won't be around to see it all come to pass, which is good.
Rambunctious and nothing will happen, never does.
I have to agree, unfortunately.

The only recourse is complete rebellion and secession, or simply be a state-law anti-fed sanctuary and DARE the federal supremacists to try and enforce.
The only recourse is complete rebellion and secession....

Well, there are always helicopters.


The side of truth, justice, and freedom won last time....
And it shall again!!!
The side of truth, justice and freedom needs to win this time. Audits are needed now and should have happened much earlier.
I would think that Sleepy Joe and the rest of the Democrat Party would INSIST on a forensic audit, to prove his legitimacy.

There is a large shadow of doubt over what happened in the 2020 election, investigating the procedures and the count would help to establish Biden's position as President.

The fact that Libs in the State Senate and elsewhere are so adament against it tells me that they are trying to hide something and makes me more suspicious not less.

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