Pakistan is “heaven” for target Killers that reasons not single yet Punished?


VIP Member
Mar 4, 2011
Pakistan is “heaven” for target Killers that reasons not single yet Punished?
I want to drawn the attention of Prime Minister & President of Pakistan what reasons TARGET KILLERS belongs to TTP ( Tehrik-e-Talban Pakistan ) SSP ( Sipa-e-Sahab Pakistan ) still not punished even crimes proof than why keeping mercy or sympathy with these professional brainless criminals.

Very sad when I got news that killing of any innocents Shia-e-Ali or other sect believers, no one have right or power to kill others if they are honest Muslims Followers. But those who are killing with human life’s are real enemies of Islam and true faces are worst than Pigs and dogs, on whose instruction they are playing HOLI and killing innocents and shame on entire Police and Rangers they still not hanged a single terrorists for any special reasons.

That is why Pakistan is called “heaven “for killers paradise same way as Switzerland is “heaven “for keeping Black money.

I request to higher authority including IG Police of Provinces please ask explanation from their department what they did to arrest the target killers or they only interested to arrest to innocents or harsh it to fulfill the job formalities and give full support cum protection to TARGET KILLERS which is also shameful act AND those officers involved never skip from God punishment remember.

Ever realized those bread earners killed on account of Target Killing than who will earn for their remaining family members so they starting begging in front of IMF or World Bank to give monthly grant so they do not worry now who will earn for them. Government responsibility to announce for every innocent killed by Target killers get minimum amount of 1.0 Million ( Ten Lacs ONLY) so their family spends a respectable life’s and not become helpless or depends other resources.

Which Islam TTP or SSP spread or they flow? They have no relation with Islam and that reasons destroy Islam image in the WEST so they can blame Muslims are terrorists but all terrorist activated by conducted by these Groups ( TTP – SSP ) and Govt always remain silence or give diplomatic reply and most of times speechless when questioned what reasons not single target killers not punished or hanged even their life appeal rejected by the concern Court but still thinks to get shelter to these professional target killers only to oblige or keep happy enemies of Islam & Shia-e-Ali?

IG police should take immediate notice of City Police common habit and un-necessary checking the innocents in which every common harsh but not succeeded to arrest the real target killers who involved in many innocents killings Please stop checking, which type of our City Police no information where the criminals hide place or no courage to dig out their place and later arrest.

Thanking You

Yours faithfully

( Ashfaq Sharif )

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