Palestine names conditions for peace treaty with Israel — Abbas

No one believes it except for low IQ racists like yourself.

Most non-partisans with a normal of intelligence agrees that Israel is an Apartheid state. Those with a higher than normal intelligence believe it too, e.g. Stephen Hawking. You are an ignorant racist that supports Apartheid.
Again, only a low IQ racist like yourself would post such nonsense. Again and again you demonstrate how vast and profound your ignorance is and how rabid your race hatred is.

Not recognizing that Israel is an Apartheid state shows profound rabid racism on your part and a disconnect with reality. It is cognizant dissonance at its worst.

Israel is imposing 'apartheid regime' on Palestinians, UN agency says

A UN agency says Israel is imposing an 'apartheid regime' on the Palestinian people

A U.N. agency published a report on Wednesday accusing Israel of imposing an "apartheid regime" of racial discrimination on the Palestinian people, and said it was the first time a U.N. body had clearly made the charge.

Israel imposes 'apartheid regime' on Palestinians: U.N. report

"former (Israeli) education minister Shulamit Aloni (“Israel practises its own, quite violent, form of apartheid with the native Palestinian population”), former environment minister Yossi Sarid (“what acts like apartheid, is run like apartheid and harasses like apartheid, is not a duck — it is apartheid”) and former attorney general Michael Ben-Yair (“we established an apartheid regime in the occupied territories”).

Top Israelis Have Warned of Apartheid, so Why the Outrage at a UN Report?

Your point seems to be that you are not the only racist idiot in the world.

There is nothing racist about me. I recognize Apartheid as racism. I have the facts, you have the propaganda. I get your projecting though, that's all you have. You are a racist that denies the existence of Israeli Apartheid.
lol You don't even understand what apartheid is, and moreover, it is clear you don't even understand what a fact is. It isn't just that you are a racist, the problem is that's all you are. It is clear that your intense hatred of Jews is what gives you your identity; in other words, without your race hatred, you wouldn't even exist.
Most non-partisans with a normal of intelligence agrees that Israel is an Apartheid state. Those with a higher than normal intelligence believe it too, e.g. Stephen Hawking. You are an ignorant racist that supports Apartheid.
Again, only a low IQ racist like yourself would post such nonsense. Again and again you demonstrate how vast and profound your ignorance is and how rabid your race hatred is.

Not recognizing that Israel is an Apartheid state shows profound rabid racism on your part and a disconnect with reality. It is cognizant dissonance at its worst.

Israel is imposing 'apartheid regime' on Palestinians, UN agency says

A UN agency says Israel is imposing an 'apartheid regime' on the Palestinian people

A U.N. agency published a report on Wednesday accusing Israel of imposing an "apartheid regime" of racial discrimination on the Palestinian people, and said it was the first time a U.N. body had clearly made the charge.

Israel imposes 'apartheid regime' on Palestinians: U.N. report

"former (Israeli) education minister Shulamit Aloni (“Israel practises its own, quite violent, form of apartheid with the native Palestinian population”), former environment minister Yossi Sarid (“what acts like apartheid, is run like apartheid and harasses like apartheid, is not a duck — it is apartheid”) and former attorney general Michael Ben-Yair (“we established an apartheid regime in the occupied territories”).

Top Israelis Have Warned of Apartheid, so Why the Outrage at a UN Report?

Your point seems to be that you are not the only racist idiot in the world.

There is nothing racist about me. I recognize Apartheid as racism. I have the facts, you have the propaganda. I get your projecting though, that's all you have. You are a racist that denies the existence of Israeli Apartheid.
Israel has been called an apartheid state for decades. Only recently has the term become mainstream.
It is hardly mainstream. No honest person who understands what the term means applies it to Israel. Sorry, tinmore, you are still one of the crazies.
Most non-partisans with a normal of intelligence agrees that Israel is an Apartheid state. Those with a higher than normal intelligence believe it too, e.g. Stephen Hawking. You are an ignorant racist that supports Apartheid.
Again, only a low IQ racist like yourself would post such nonsense. Again and again you demonstrate how vast and profound your ignorance is and how rabid your race hatred is.

Not recognizing that Israel is an Apartheid state shows profound rabid racism on your part and a disconnect with reality. It is cognizant dissonance at its worst.

Israel is imposing 'apartheid regime' on Palestinians, UN agency says

A UN agency says Israel is imposing an 'apartheid regime' on the Palestinian people

A U.N. agency published a report on Wednesday accusing Israel of imposing an "apartheid regime" of racial discrimination on the Palestinian people, and said it was the first time a U.N. body had clearly made the charge.

Israel imposes 'apartheid regime' on Palestinians: U.N. report

"former (Israeli) education minister Shulamit Aloni (“Israel practises its own, quite violent, form of apartheid with the native Palestinian population”), former environment minister Yossi Sarid (“what acts like apartheid, is run like apartheid and harasses like apartheid, is not a duck — it is apartheid”) and former attorney general Michael Ben-Yair (“we established an apartheid regime in the occupied territories”).

Top Israelis Have Warned of Apartheid, so Why the Outrage at a UN Report?

Your point seems to be that you are not the only racist idiot in the world.

There is nothing racist about me. I recognize Apartheid as racism. I have the facts, you have the propaganda. I get your projecting though, that's all you have. You are a racist that denies the existence of Israeli Apartheid.
lol You don't even understand what apartheid is, and moreover, it is clear you don't even understand what a fact is. It isn't just that you are a racist, the problem is that's all you are. It is clear that your intense hatred of Jews is what gives you your identity; in other words, without your race hatred, you wouldn't even exist.

Of course Israel is an Apartheid state. That's not in doubt. Being against Apartheid in Israel does not imply hating Jews no more than being against Apartheid in South Africa meant hating the whites in South Africa. It is you that hates non-Jews in Palestine/Israel so much that you think it is acceptable for the non-Jews to live under an Apartheid regime. There is no race hatred on my part, you are just as racists of the supporters of South African Apartheid.

How is Israel not an Apartheid state?


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Again, only a low IQ racist like yourself would post such nonsense. Again and again you demonstrate how vast and profound your ignorance is and how rabid your race hatred is.

Not recognizing that Israel is an Apartheid state shows profound rabid racism on your part and a disconnect with reality. It is cognizant dissonance at its worst.

Israel is imposing 'apartheid regime' on Palestinians, UN agency says

A UN agency says Israel is imposing an 'apartheid regime' on the Palestinian people

A U.N. agency published a report on Wednesday accusing Israel of imposing an "apartheid regime" of racial discrimination on the Palestinian people, and said it was the first time a U.N. body had clearly made the charge.

Israel imposes 'apartheid regime' on Palestinians: U.N. report

"former (Israeli) education minister Shulamit Aloni (“Israel practises its own, quite violent, form of apartheid with the native Palestinian population”), former environment minister Yossi Sarid (“what acts like apartheid, is run like apartheid and harasses like apartheid, is not a duck — it is apartheid”) and former attorney general Michael Ben-Yair (“we established an apartheid regime in the occupied territories”).

Top Israelis Have Warned of Apartheid, so Why the Outrage at a UN Report?

Your point seems to be that you are not the only racist idiot in the world.

There is nothing racist about me. I recognize Apartheid as racism. I have the facts, you have the propaganda. I get your projecting though, that's all you have. You are a racist that denies the existence of Israeli Apartheid.
lol You don't even understand what apartheid is, and moreover, it is clear you don't even understand what a fact is. It isn't just that you are a racist, the problem is that's all you are. It is clear that your intense hatred of Jews is what gives you your identity; in other words, without your race hatred, you wouldn't even exist.

Of course Israel is an Apartheid state. That's not in doubt. Being against Apartheid in Israel does not imply hating Jews no more than being against Apartheid in South Africa meant hating the whites in South Africa. It is you that hates non-Jews in Palestine/Israel so much that you think it is acceptable for the non-Jews to live under an Apartheid regime. There is no race hatred on my part, you are just as racists of the supporters of South African Apartheid.

How is Israel not an Apartheid state?

I don't believe that Israel proper is Apartheid. But there are elements of that system in the Territories. The question is: Is the situation in the Territories temporary or permanent?

"Apartheid was a system of enforced segregation based on race or ethnicity put in place by an exclusive self-defined group in order to consolidate a colonial conquest, in particular to cement its hold on the land and its natural resources."

The above definition of apartheid was provided by South African novelist and Nobel-laureate JM Coetzee at the close of this year's Palfest literature festival in Ramallah.

Noting that it was not "productive" to compare Israel's policies with those of apartheid South Africa, because it "diverts one into an inflamed, semantic wrangle", Coetzee proceeded to locate the situation in Jerusalem and the West Bank within his definition of apartheid, and concluded by calling on the audience to "draw your own conclusions".

"To speak of Jerusalem and the West Bank, we see a system of enforced segregation based on religion and ethnicity put in place by an exclusive self-defined group to consolidate a colonial conquest, in particular to maintain, and indeed extend, its hold on the land and its natural resources."
The hardliners in Israel seem to have this image of themselves and Palestinians.

Israelis get to do whatever they want wherever they want whenever they want, and the Palestinians are to be a herd of sheep who bray when told and never wander outside their pen.

And it is bizarre because it is in Israel's best interest to have a peaceful coexistence with the Palestinians.
Palestinians are ready to conclude a peace treaty with Israel, if the occupation of Palestinian territories ends and two states, including the independent Palestinian one, are established, the Jordanian daily newspaper Al Ghad quotes Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas as saying.

Since when did abbas speak for iran, hamas, hezbollah and islamic jihad, idiot asshole?
I believe that one as much as I believe your other lies, like Mengele personally tearing out your godfathers vocal cords.

So c-nt, how is the stormfront site doing? Do you bring your own material here, or do your paymasters orchestrate your garbage posts, you fucking turd?

As long as the current murderous, filth regime of iran continues to exist, peace in the mideast is impossible. Death to iran, hamas, hezbollah, and all those who support and apologize for them, including the mentally ill trolling dogshit that appears on this forum.
How could this be possible? The Palestinian Authority has a limited sovereignty and all the Gaza Strip is not under its rule. :dunno: Does Hamas agree with what Palestinian President said? :eusa_think:

You've given this turd of a thread from a turd of a poster far too much thought already, if you were under the impression it is here to do anything but attack jews and Israel.
Most non-partisans.

Most humans who read your posts would know you are a fucking retarded idiot asshole, with absolutely nothing of value to offer.

So is jewish virtual library an acceptable site this week? Or will you cite it next week, after attacking it this one, mongoloidal idiot?
Israel has been called an apartheid state for decades. Only recently has the term become mainstream.

Apartheid states don't have the members of the allegedly oppressed race serving in the courts as judges, in the parliament, with equal voting rights, fucking moron. Do fuck men for money like monte the retard?
Israel has been called an apartheid state for decades. Only recently has the term become mainstream.

Apartheid states don't have the members of the allegedly oppressed race serving in the courts as judges, in the parliament, with equal voting rights, fucking moron. Do fuck men for money like monte the retard?

What percentage of non-Jews under Israeli rule have voting rights? Guess what, about the same percentage as non-whites in Apartheid South Africa.
Again, only a low IQ racist like yourself would post such nonsense. Again and again you demonstrate how vast and profound your ignorance is and how rabid your race hatred is.

Not recognizing that Israel is an Apartheid state shows profound rabid racism on your part and a disconnect with reality. It is cognizant dissonance at its worst.

Israel is imposing 'apartheid regime' on Palestinians, UN agency says

A UN agency says Israel is imposing an 'apartheid regime' on the Palestinian people

A U.N. agency published a report on Wednesday accusing Israel of imposing an "apartheid regime" of racial discrimination on the Palestinian people, and said it was the first time a U.N. body had clearly made the charge.

Israel imposes 'apartheid regime' on Palestinians: U.N. report

"former (Israeli) education minister Shulamit Aloni (“Israel practises its own, quite violent, form of apartheid with the native Palestinian population”), former environment minister Yossi Sarid (“what acts like apartheid, is run like apartheid and harasses like apartheid, is not a duck — it is apartheid”) and former attorney general Michael Ben-Yair (“we established an apartheid regime in the occupied territories”).

Top Israelis Have Warned of Apartheid, so Why the Outrage at a UN Report?

Your point seems to be that you are not the only racist idiot in the world.

There is nothing racist about me. I recognize Apartheid as racism. I have the facts, you have the propaganda. I get your projecting though, that's all you have. You are a racist that denies the existence of Israeli Apartheid.
lol You don't even understand what apartheid is, and moreover, it is clear you don't even understand what a fact is. It isn't just that you are a racist, the problem is that's all you are. It is clear that your intense hatred of Jews is what gives you your identity; in other words, without your race hatred, you wouldn't even exist.

Of course Israel is an Apartheid state. That's not in doubt. Being against Apartheid in Israel does not imply hating Jews no more than being against Apartheid in South Africa meant hating the whites in South Africa. It is you that hates non-Jews in Palestine/Israel so much that you think it is acceptable for the non-Jews to live under an Apartheid regime. There is no race hatred on my part, you are just as racists of the supporters of South African Apartheid.

How is Israel not an Apartheid state?
lol You don't even know what an apartheid state is, you moron.
Not recognizing that Israel is an Apartheid state shows profound rabid racism on your part and a disconnect with reality. It is cognizant dissonance at its worst.

Israel is imposing 'apartheid regime' on Palestinians, UN agency says

A UN agency says Israel is imposing an 'apartheid regime' on the Palestinian people

A U.N. agency published a report on Wednesday accusing Israel of imposing an "apartheid regime" of racial discrimination on the Palestinian people, and said it was the first time a U.N. body had clearly made the charge.

Israel imposes 'apartheid regime' on Palestinians: U.N. report

"former (Israeli) education minister Shulamit Aloni (“Israel practises its own, quite violent, form of apartheid with the native Palestinian population”), former environment minister Yossi Sarid (“what acts like apartheid, is run like apartheid and harasses like apartheid, is not a duck — it is apartheid”) and former attorney general Michael Ben-Yair (“we established an apartheid regime in the occupied territories”).

Top Israelis Have Warned of Apartheid, so Why the Outrage at a UN Report?

Your point seems to be that you are not the only racist idiot in the world.

There is nothing racist about me. I recognize Apartheid as racism. I have the facts, you have the propaganda. I get your projecting though, that's all you have. You are a racist that denies the existence of Israeli Apartheid.
lol You don't even understand what apartheid is, and moreover, it is clear you don't even understand what a fact is. It isn't just that you are a racist, the problem is that's all you are. It is clear that your intense hatred of Jews is what gives you your identity; in other words, without your race hatred, you wouldn't even exist.

Of course Israel is an Apartheid state. That's not in doubt. Being against Apartheid in Israel does not imply hating Jews no more than being against Apartheid in South Africa meant hating the whites in South Africa. It is you that hates non-Jews in Palestine/Israel so much that you think it is acceptable for the non-Jews to live under an Apartheid regime. There is no race hatred on my part, you are just as racists of the supporters of South African Apartheid.

How is Israel not an Apartheid state?

I don't believe that Israel proper is Apartheid. But there are elements of that system in the Territories. The question is: Is the situation in the Territories temporary or permanent?
What elements of apartheid do you think you see in the territories?

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