Palestine was always Israel

Yep. But we need Christianity desperately
I agree,
The New Testament lays out moral values we all should follow.
The Old Testament details the Israelite failings by defying the Lords teachings
Jesus read the Old Testament and preached these verses to whoever would listen
This got Jesus crucified
I personally have nothing against Jews
Rachel Maddow is Jewish
She does honest, informative news
View attachment 520695
Bibi (leader of Israel) ordered the IDF to target Palestinian children. His snipers shooting these kids while they sat at UN sponsored classroom desks.

Bibi ordered Palestinian villages to be bulldozed to the ground
Bibi granted permits for settlers to build on those flattened villages
Bibi ordered Israeli fishermen to block and or sink Palestinian fishing boats
The above is just the tip of the iceberg

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Dump admires them all.

Trump gets on his knees, kisses their rings
While hoping someday to be just like them.

Truly, they are all scum through and through.

Truly you need medical help as you’re mentally ill.
I agree,
The New Testament lays out moral values we all should follow.
The Old Testament details the Israelite failings by defying the Lords teachings
Jesus read the Old Testament and preached these verses to whoever would listen
This got Jesus crucified
Why do you keep posting emojis? Are you that immature? Get a life.
Yassir Arafat, an Egyptian and Jew hater forms the the PLO and starts calling people "Palestinians" this is 1964.
The government of the present-day state of Israel is 100% politically controlled by Palestinians.
Besides you Ashkenazis are not the rightful heirs anyway. The original Hebrews were Black African looking people.
The Ashkenazi (Russian Jews) raised cattle while the Sephardic Jews (Spanish, Norwegian, etc.) raised sheep. Consequently the two groups never got along peacefully.
The people of Sodom and Gomorrah were white skinned, blonde, and blue eyed cave dwellers.
So now you are blaming this on climate change.
Actually in retrospect, climate did play a big part in this. The Jews were starving, no rain, crops failing.
No moron, the land was never fertile without working it.
It's obvious you've never been there.
The Arab squatters did nothing to make the land green.
The government of the present-day state of Israel is 100% politically controlled by Palestinians.

The Ashkenazi (Russian Jews) raised cattle while the Sephardic Jews (Spanish, Norwegian, etc.) raised sheep. Consequently the two groups never got along peacefully.

The people of Sodom and Gomorrah were white skinned, blonde, and blue eyed cave dwellers.
You're mentally ill...
True story.
I'll simplify it as Leftists are dumb.

  1. The land was called Judea, 12 tribes of Israel. Jerusalem was the capital. This was the case long before Islam was even a thought.
  2. Jews won the land by conquest. First by David and then by Joshua.
  3. Jews primary opponents were the Philistines.
  4. Romans came in and conquered Judea. They renamed the land Palestine as an insult because the Jews biggest historical rival were the Philistines. Are you keeping up? Judea was renamed Palestine. This was 500+ years before Islam. Still keeping up?
  5. After multiple conquests of the land from Romans to the Ottoman Empire to the British the Jews retook the land post WW2. Ever see the movie Exodus? It became apparent to the British that it was no longer economically feasible to hold the land. If you didn't see Exodus, you likely saw Avatar. Jews were the blue natives. So Israel is formed in 1947 and Jews and Arabs invited to live there in peace.
  6. Arab nations attack Israel in 1948 and get their asses kicked so Israel assumes more land. Still no "Palestine" or "Palestinians"
  7. Yassir Arafat, an Egyptian and Jew hater forms the the PLO and starts calling people "Palestinians" this is 1964.
  8. You leftist idiots still keeping up? Good. Another war takes place in 1967 and Arabs lose again.
  9. Many Jews now live in Israel. Their ancient homeland. Judaism is a religion and a culture. Even those who don't believe in God may be Jews based on blood lines and culture. Yes. The reason we break the glass when we get married is because of the shattering of our homeland and our promise to return, which we did.
  10. Israel is the former Judea. NOT PALESTINE. That was an insult given by the conquering Romans. So stop with this bullshit that it was someone else's land. It wasn't. It was always Judea. It was always the Jews homeland. If you want it back then take it by force and see how that works out for you. Oh and the US doesn't give $$ to Israel it gives Israel CREDIT for producing weaponry for Israel that Israel buys from US companies.
Leftists are stupid.

Your history is very poor. Joshua never defeated the Canaanites.. All their towns have been excavated and they weren't destroyed or even interrupted.
Your history is very poor. Joshua never defeated the Canaanites.. All their towns have been excavated and they weren't destroyed or even interrupted.
My history? LOL

Islamist you are a fraud
I'll simplify it as Leftists are dumb.

  1. The land was called Judea, 12 tribes of Israel. Jerusalem was the capital. This was the case long before Islam was even a thought.
  2. Jews won the land by conquest. First by David and then by Joshua.
  3. Jews primary opponents were the Philistines.
  4. Romans came in and conquered Judea. They renamed the land Palestine as an insult because the Jews biggest historical rival were the Philistines. Are you keeping up? Judea was renamed Palestine. This was 500+ years before Islam. Still keeping up?
  5. After multiple conquests of the land from Romans to the Ottoman Empire to the British the Jews retook the land post WW2. Ever see the movie Exodus? It became apparent to the British that it was no longer economically feasible to hold the land. If you didn't see Exodus, you likely saw Avatar. Jews were the blue natives. So Israel is formed in 1947 and Jews and Arabs invited to live there in peace.
  6. Arab nations attack Israel in 1948 and get their asses kicked so Israel assumes more land. Still no "Palestine" or "Palestinians"
  7. Yassir Arafat, an Egyptian and Jew hater forms the the PLO and starts calling people "Palestinians" this is 1964.
  8. You leftist idiots still keeping up? Good. Another war takes place in 1967 and Arabs lose again.
  9. Many Jews now live in Israel. Their ancient homeland. Judaism is a religion and a culture. Even those who don't believe in God may be Jews based on blood lines and culture. Yes. The reason we break the glass when we get married is because of the shattering of our homeland and our promise to return, which we did.
  10. Israel is the former Judea. NOT PALESTINE. That was an insult given by the conquering Romans. So stop with this bullshit that it was someone else's land. It wasn't. It was always Judea. It was always the Jews homeland. If you want it back then take it by force and see how that works out for you. Oh and the US doesn't give $$ to Israel it gives Israel CREDIT for producing weaponry for Israel that Israel buys from US companies.
Leftists are stupid.

Sorry, but almost completely wrong.

1. Judea was only one of three Hebrew city states, the other two being Israel and Samaria. None were large or long lasting.

2. Joshua was at least 100 years before David. Joshua was born in Egypt and was an assistant to Moses. Joshua was one of the Exodus from Egypt planners who targeted the Land of Canaan for invasion. David was born in Bethlehem during the reign of King Saul. No Hebrew king did very well or captured much land from the Canaanites.

3. The Hebrew primary opponents were the Babylonians and Assyrians, who defeated them and destroyed their entire civilizations. The Philistines were just one tiny city, and although the Hebrew tried to beat them several times, they always failed.

4. Judea had been long gone for over 300 years before the Romans came in. Here is the wiki blurb:
{... Alexander the Great conquered Palestine in the late 330s BCE, beginning a long period of Hellenization. In the late 2nd century BCE, the semi-independent Hasmonean kingdom conquered most of Palestine but the kingdom gradually became a vassal of Rome, which annexed Palestine in 63 BCE. ...}

5. The Romans did not invade the Jews, but looking for a minority to establish as puppets, the Romans initiated a new fake Jewish dynasty from scratch. The movie "Exodus" is completely and entirely fake and wrong. They British never held Palestine, but were charged with the responsibility for helping the Palestinian natives to establish self rule, in return for their aid to the Allies in WWI. The Jews helped no one so were owed nothing. So then the Jews wanting to go to Palestine had to illegally sneak in and murder the British peace keepers, in order to steal the whole country.
Jews were never natives or a majority. Jews were less than 5% in 1920, and never were more than a third the population of Palestine.
As soon as the British left, Zionist started massacring Arab villages, especially near Jerusalem, and hundreds of Arab villages just disappeared from the map, with the native murdered and home burned down.

6. The Zionists started the 1948 war by these massacres of Arab villages, but their main attack was to capture Jerusalem which was totally defeated by the Jordanians, who were the victors. Jerusalem remained in the Arab side of the Palestinian partition until the Jews attacked again in 1967.

7. The Land of Canaan had always been called Palestine, ever since the ancient Egyptians and Greeks referenced it in documents we still have. It had only been a region and not an independent nation because of the Ottoman occupation. But the Ottoman documents prove it was always Palestine. The WWI treaties also all reference "Palestine".

8. Israel was successful in invading Jerusalem in 1967, but only because of the massive weapons gifts from the US, and the sneak attack that wiped out the Egyptian air force.

9. No religious Jews can or do live in Israel, because according to Judaism, we are supposed to be showing contrition for sins until atonement is achieved. We will know when that happens because then the Messiah will have returned to Earth, to being Zion, Heaven on Earth, to us.

10. Israel has not ever paid back any of the $5 billion a year the US gives in US weapons, and we give a lot more than just credit.
Here is the total so far:
Total Cost to U.S. Taxpayers
Judea existed for about 250 years, from about 950 BC to 700 BC, and that is it. When the Land of Canaan was a Roman province, is was called Palestine, not Judea.
Sorry, but almost completely wrong.

1. Judea was only one of three Hebrew city states, the other two being Israel and Samaria. None were large or long lasting.

2. Joshua was at least 100 years before David. Joshua was born in Egypt and was an assistant to Moses. Joshua was one of the Exodus from Egypt planners who targeted the Land of Canaan for invasion. David was born in Bethlehem during the reign of King Saul. No Hebrew king did very well or captured much land from the Canaanites.

3. The Hebrew primary opponents were the Babylonians and Assyrians, who defeated them and destroyed their entire civilizations. The Philistines were just one tiny city, and although the Hebrew tried to beat them several times, they always failed.

4. Judea had been long gone for over 300 years before the Romans came in. Here is the wiki blurb:
{... Alexander the Great conquered Palestine in the late 330s BCE, beginning a long period of Hellenization. In the late 2nd century BCE, the semi-independent Hasmonean kingdom conquered most of Palestine but the kingdom gradually became a vassal of Rome, which annexed Palestine in 63 BCE. ...}

5. The Romans did not invade the Jews, but looking for a minority to establish as puppets, the Romans initiated a new fake Jewish dynasty from scratch. The movie "Exodus" is completely and entirely fake and wrong. They British never held Palestine, but were charged with the responsibility for helping the Palestinian natives to establish self rule, in return for their aid to the Allies in WWI. The Jews helped no one so were owed nothing. So then the Jews wanting to go to Palestine had to illegally sneak in and murder the British peace keepers, in order to steal the whole country.
Jews were never natives or a majority. Jews were less than 5% in 1920, and never were more than a third the population of Palestine.
As soon as the British left, Zionist started massacring Arab villages, especially near Jerusalem, and hundreds of Arab villages just disappeared from the map, with the native murdered and home burned down.

6. The Zionists started the 1948 war by these massacres of Arab villages, but their main attack was to capture Jerusalem which was totally defeated by the Jordanians, who were the victors. Jerusalem remained in the Arab side of the Palestinian partition until the Jews attacked again in 1967.

7. The Land of Canaan had always been called Palestine, ever since the ancient Egyptians and Greeks referenced it in documents we still have. It had only been a region and not an independent nation because of the Ottoman occupation. But the Ottoman documents prove it was always Palestine. The WWI treaties also all reference "Palestine".

8. Israel was successful in invading Jerusalem in 1967, but only because of the massive weapons gifts from the US, and the sneak attack that wiped out the Egyptian air force.

9. No religious Jews can or do live in Israel, because according to Judaism, we are supposed to be showing contrition for sins until atonement is achieved. We will know when that happens because then the Messiah will have returned to Earth, to being Zion, Heaven on Earth, to us.

10. Israel has not ever paid back any of the $5 billion a year the US gives in US weapons, and we give a lot more than just credit.
Here is the total so far:
Total Cost to U.S. Taxpayers
Judea existed for about 250 years, from about 950 BC to 700 BC, and that is it. When the Land of Canaan was a Roman province, is was called Palestine, not Judea.
Too long. And we really don’t know. Have you ever seen the movie Exodus. It’s really good.
Sorry, but almost completely wrong.

1. Judea was only one of three Hebrew city states, the other two being Israel and Samaria. None were large or long lasting.

2. Joshua was at least 100 years before David. Joshua was born in Egypt and was an assistant to Moses. Joshua was one of the Exodus from Egypt planners who targeted the Land of Canaan for invasion. David was born in Bethlehem during the reign of King Saul. No Hebrew king did very well or captured much land from the Canaanites.

3. The Hebrew primary opponents were the Babylonians and Assyrians, who defeated them and destroyed their entire civilizations. The Philistines were just one tiny city, and although the Hebrew tried to beat them several times, they always failed.

4. Judea had been long gone for over 300 years before the Romans came in. Here is the wiki blurb:
{... Alexander the Great conquered Palestine in the late 330s BCE, beginning a long period of Hellenization. In the late 2nd century BCE, the semi-independent Hasmonean kingdom conquered most of Palestine but the kingdom gradually became a vassal of Rome, which annexed Palestine in 63 BCE. ...}

5. The Romans did not invade the Jews, but looking for a minority to establish as puppets, the Romans initiated a new fake Jewish dynasty from scratch. The movie "Exodus" is completely and entirely fake and wrong. They British never held Palestine, but were charged with the responsibility for helping the Palestinian natives to establish self rule, in return for their aid to the Allies in WWI. The Jews helped no one so were owed nothing. So then the Jews wanting to go to Palestine had to illegally sneak in and murder the British peace keepers, in order to steal the whole country.
Jews were never natives or a majority. Jews were less than 5% in 1920, and never were more than a third the population of Palestine.
As soon as the British left, Zionist started massacring Arab villages, especially near Jerusalem, and hundreds of Arab villages just disappeared from the map, with the native murdered and home burned down.

6. The Zionists started the 1948 war by these massacres of Arab villages, but their main attack was to capture Jerusalem which was totally defeated by the Jordanians, who were the victors. Jerusalem remained in the Arab side of the Palestinian partition until the Jews attacked again in 1967.

7. The Land of Canaan had always been called Palestine, ever since the ancient Egyptians and Greeks referenced it in documents we still have. It had only been a region and not an independent nation because of the Ottoman occupation. But the Ottoman documents prove it was always Palestine. The WWI treaties also all reference "Palestine".

8. Israel was successful in invading Jerusalem in 1967, but only because of the massive weapons gifts from the US, and the sneak attack that wiped out the Egyptian air force.

9. No religious Jews can or do live in Israel, because according to Judaism, we are supposed to be showing contrition for sins until atonement is achieved. We will know when that happens because then the Messiah will have returned to Earth, to being Zion, Heaven on Earth, to us.

10. Israel has not ever paid back any of the $5 billion a year the US gives in US weapons, and we give a lot more than just credit.
Here is the total so far:
Total Cost to U.S. Taxpayers
Judea existed for about 250 years, from about 950 BC to 700 BC, and that is it. When the Land of Canaan was a Roman province, is was called Palestine, not Judea.

Good work.
The land belongs to the Hebrew civilization.

Canaanites were African invaders themselves, you know...
Yet somehow all towns and geographical locations still bore their Hebrew names.

The original Hebrews were light skinned, king Solomon A"H specifically mentions that,
so was Avraham Avinu A"H and Sarah Imenu A"H, and priests were specifically not African.

Read the book, don't listen to street crazy's.

Canaanites were the original settlers of the Land of Canaan, going back to 8000 BC.
They did not steal it from anyone, as there is no evidence of anyone being there before them.
And they never left.
The Canaanites are the most legitimate owners even today.

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