Palestinian HAMAS Supporter To Drop Articles Of Impeachment Against President W/Out Evidence


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
From the moment Donald Trump defeated Hillary Clinton to become the US President Democrats made affecting a coup d'état, throwing the American people's choice for President, their number one priority.

Evidence has already exposed the illegal coup attempt begun by the Directors and Leaders of Obama's DOJ, CIA, NSA, and FBI. For 2+ years Democrats have carried out an illegal investigation begun with no crime having been committed / no evidence of a crime warranting an investigation.

Now, before Robert Mueller's report is turned in, which is expected to result in no criminal evidence against the President, the Democrats are going to go ahead with Articles of Impeachment of a sitting US President despite having no evidence of any crime having been committed. Instead, the Democrats are attempting to make 'Partisanship'/ 'Partisan Hatred' a new standard / qualifying issue for Impeaching an elected President.

To make what they are doing an even bigger disgrace, the Articles of Impeachment that will soon be filed by a newly elected Palestinian Democrat who made news quickly for declaring she would go to Washington to 'Get the M*er F*er', meaning President Trump, and who supports the terrorist Group HAMAS.

"The Democratic drumbeat toward impeaching President Trump grew louder Wednesday morning when Rep. Rashida Tlaib(D-Mich.) announced she will soon introduce legislation to oust the president.

Democratic leaders have sought to deter members of the caucus from pressing the impeachment issue, arguing the need for further investigations into Trump's actions in office. They're concerned that without more evidence of presidential wrongdoing — and more public support for impeachment — the issue could backfire on the Democrats at the polls next year.

Tlaib joins a small but growing group of House Democrats who are pressing forward with formal efforts to unseat the president against the wishes of party leaders."

All of these Democrats are filing for Articles of Impeachment despite having zero evidence of criminal activity.

"Tlaib — who drew criticism when shortly after coming to Washington she said Democrats would "impeach the motherf---er" — and other impeachment supporters say there's no reason to wait, arguing Trump has already conducted a host of actions from the White House — everything from defending white supremacists, to separating immigrant families at the border, to continuing to profit from his business empire — that merit the effort to oust him immediately."

Based on their common hatred for the President, each of these Democrats seek to justify their call for Impeachment.

Tlaib to offer impeachment articles against Trump by end of month

"impeachment supporters say there's no reason to wait, arguing Trump has already conducted a host of actions from the White House — everything from defending white supremacists, to separating immigrant families at the border, to continuing to profit from his business empire — that merit the effort to oust him immediately."

'Defending White Supremacist'

President Trump pointed out the blame for the violence in Charlottesville was NOT the White Supremacist's fault alone. Immediately after President Trump made this point Leftists and Trump-haters attacked him and called him a racist and white supremacist. When the facts finally came out, it was proven that President Trump was correct:

The White Supremacist had coordinated with the police and had a permit to peacefully assemble and march. Antifa did not have any such permit, and their own leader said publicly that they had intended to show up and initiate the violence, which they did. According to Liberals / snowflakes, pointing out this FACT made the President a 'White Su8premacist'.


'Separating Migrant Families'

If this is an Impeachable offense, then why did the Democrats not push for Obama's Impeachment for doing this very same thing?

Yes, Obama separated families at the border, too

'Continuing To Profit from his empire'

Are snowflakes / liberals suggesting that this International Businessman was supposed to sell off all of his businesses to be President? This is just another example of the insanity that has consumed the Left.

Again, if continuing to financially benefit / one's business continuing to prosper while serving in office, why was Hillary Clinton not replaced as Secretary of State?

Many donors to Clinton Foundation met with her at State

'More than half the people outside the government who met with Hillary Clinton while she was secretary of state gave money — either personally or through companies or groups — to the Clinton Foundation. It’s an extraordinary proportion indicating her possible ethics challenges if elected president.'

This crime is called Influence Peddling, 'Pay-To-Play'....

Feds received whistleblower evidence in 2017 alleging Clinton Foundation wrongdoing

The Articles of Impeachment being filed by the extreme Leftist Trump-Haters are desperate attempts to oust the President due to partisan hatred, and all of their justifications for filing the Articles can either be debunked or pointed out for what they really are.
Just when I think my genocidal hatred of muslim non-humans can't possibly get worse.......
From the moment Donald Trump defeated Hillary Clinton to become the US President Democrats made affecting a coup d'état, throwing the American people's choice for President, their number one priority.

Evidence has already exposed the illegal coup attempt begun by the Directors and Leaders of Obama's DOJ, CIA, NSA, and FBI. For 2+ years Democrats have carried out an illegal investigation begun with no crime having been committed / no evidence of a crime warranting an investigation.

Now, before Robert Mueller's report is turned in, which is expected to result in no criminal evidence against the President, the Democrats are going to go ahead with Articles of Impeachment of a sitting US President despite having no evidence of any crime having been committed. Instead, the Democrats are attempting to make 'Partisanship'/ 'Partisan Hatred' a new standard / qualifying issue for Impeaching an elected President.

To make what they are doing an even bigger disgrace, the Articles of Impeachment that will soon be filed by a newly elected Palestinian Democrat who made news quickly for declaring she would go to Washington to 'Get the M*er F*er', meaning President Trump, and who supports the terrorist Group HAMAS.

"The Democratic drumbeat toward impeaching President Trump grew louder Wednesday morning when Rep. Rashida Tlaib(D-Mich.) announced she will soon introduce legislation to oust the president.

Democratic leaders have sought to deter members of the caucus from pressing the impeachment issue, arguing the need for further investigations into Trump's actions in office. They're concerned that without more evidence of presidential wrongdoing — and more public support for impeachment — the issue could backfire on the Democrats at the polls next year.

Tlaib joins a small but growing group of House Democrats who are pressing forward with formal efforts to unseat the president against the wishes of party leaders."

All of these Democrats are filing for Articles of Impeachment despite having zero evidence of criminal activity.

"Tlaib — who drew criticism when shortly after coming to Washington she said Democrats would "impeach the motherf---er" — and other impeachment supporters say there's no reason to wait, arguing Trump has already conducted a host of actions from the White House — everything from defending white supremacists, to separating immigrant families at the border, to continuing to profit from his business empire — that merit the effort to oust him immediately."

Based on their common hatred for the President, each of these Democrats seek to justify their call for Impeachment.

Tlaib to offer impeachment articles against Trump by end of month

So The Crime Trump will be Impeached on is going to be "Walking around while being Conservative."

Or Walking around while supporting Israel, or some other Thought Crime worthy of The Death Penalty.

Just depends on what Democrat you talk to what The Thought Crime is.


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