Palestinian lecturer who led Auschwitz trip quits after backlash

I guess by now the viewers can see that Amity is not one bit interested in the bodies that are piling up in the Middle East. The Jews are not the ones who are causing these bodies to pile up so she just isn't concerned.

Oh, I am sure Israel is nearly always behind it. Except that I have no flippin idea what you are talking about.

Now go to the Middle East forum.
I guess by now the viewers can see that Amity is not one bit interested in the bodies that are piling up in the Middle East. The Jews are not the ones who are causing these bodies to pile up so she just isn't concerned.

Oh, I am sure Israel is nearly always behind it. Except that I have no flippin idea what you are talking about.

Now go to the Middle East forum.

If you don't know what I am talking about, then it just shows what a one-trick pony you are who is not interested in what is happening in the rest of the Middle East.
Let's get back on topic folks. Hint: the topic is not what Muslims are doing around the world or whether or not particular posters care.
Didn't Abbas write his thesis on the Holocaust being a myth or a hoax?

Please give me a reputable non-Zionist source for this.

Does no one know how to do a search??? That should be computer 101. Same basic way you would begin a search in a standard library only a thousand times faster and usually only one step.

Mahmoud Abbas

History News Network | Was Abu Mazen a Holocaust Denier?

A Lethal Obsession: Anti-Semitism from Antiquity to the Global Jihad - Robert S. Wistrich - Google Books

Mideast Dispatch Archive: Abu Mazen (Mahmoud Abbas) and the Holocaust (continued)

Media Spin: Abbas Calling Holocaust 'The Most Heinous Crime' of Modern History | Truth Revolt

The Other Side: The Secret Relationship Between Nazism and Zionism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Cookies must be enabled. | The Australian

Mahmoud abbas dissertation

>>The heading of his doctoral thesis was: "Zionist leadership and the Nazis. ... And this is what the diligent researcher Mahmoud Abbas wrote: <<
Really? I haven't seen anyone say that all the Palestinians and all Muslims should have been wiped out.
Hitler never said it openly, either. That was why so many were surprised at war's end.
Or at least could claim to be.

What we find sad is that Muslims seem to have no problem in murdering each other because of the different sects. In fact, the Ahmadiyya Muslims say the only place they feel safe is here in America because the other Muslims always want to kill them. I wouldn't be surprised if you and your friends have a copy of Mein Kampf right on your bedstand. Meanwhile, many of the viewers have probably even seen the signs held up during protests in Europe by Muslims saying that Hitler should have finished the job.

I'm going to say it again, either you aren't reading my posts or you have some serious mental issues. I have no idea who these Ahmadiya people are, could care less, and want to know if you would have any sound, benign purpose for even mentioning this on this forum. Because this is a forum about Israel/Palestine.

You seem to think that someone's being Muslim gives you all the info you need about them. Of course, that is what Hitler said about Jews, too.
They still cant agree how many people died at Auschwitz
On May 12th, 1945, a few months after the liberation of Auschwitz, a Soviet State Commission reported that not less than four million people were murdered there[2] . This number was displayed at the Auschwitz State Museum until 1991, when it was lowered to 1.1 million.[3] The total death toll for Jews in the Holocaust, however, stayed at about six million. Mainstream historians, it seemed, were caught in a bind. Had three million fewer people died in the Holocaust? And if so, why hadn't historians reevaluated their own figures?
The Auschwitz Gambit: The Four Million Variant
They still cant agree how many people died at Auschwitz
On May 12th, 1945, a few months after the liberation of Auschwitz, a Soviet State Commission reported that not less than four million people were murdered there[2] . This number was displayed at the Auschwitz State Museum until 1991, when it was lowered to 1.1 million.[3] The total death toll for Jews in the Holocaust, however, stayed at about six million. Mainstream historians, it seemed, were caught in a bind. Had three million fewer people died in the Holocaust? And if so, why hadn't historians reevaluated their own figures?
The Auschwitz Gambit: The Four Million Variant

Regardless of how many died, it still amounts to millions and millions of innocent people, both Jews and non Jews. Can you tell me if your fellow Muslims have decided how many have been killed since the inception of Islam. I believe the Hindus have said the number who were killed just in India alone numnbered in the millions and millions.
Didn't Abbas write his thesis on the Holocaust being a myth or a hoax?

Please give me a reputable non-Zionist source for this.

Does no one know how to do a search??? That should be computer 101. Same basic way you would begin a search in a standard library only a thousand times faster and usually only one step.

Mahmoud Abbas

History News Network | Was Abu Mazen a Holocaust Denier?

A Lethal Obsession: Anti-Semitism from Antiquity to the Global Jihad - Robert S. Wistrich - Google Books

Mideast Dispatch Archive: Abu Mazen (Mahmoud Abbas) and the Holocaust (continued)

Media Spin: Abbas Calling Holocaust 'The Most Heinous Crime' of Modern History | Truth Revolt

The Other Side: The Secret Relationship Between Nazism and Zionism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Cookies must be enabled. | The Australian

Mahmoud abbas dissertation

>>The heading of his doctoral thesis was: "Zionist leadership and the Nazis. ... And this is what the diligent researcher Mahmoud Abbas wrote: <<

Thanks, Aris, for providing sources! So many won't do that.

...and I will look into this. its not something I am familiar with.

by the way, I hope those of you who think Palestinians are into Holocaust denial en masse took a look at the first film I posted on my "Pallywood Productions Presents" thread. It is a Fateh film that at one point lists earlier genocides. On the list is the Nazi Holocaust.
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Please give me a reputable non-Zionist source for this.

Does no one know how to do a search??? That should be computer 101. Same basic way you would begin a search in a standard library only a thousand times faster and usually only one step.

Mahmoud Abbas

History News Network | Was Abu Mazen a Holocaust Denier?

A Lethal Obsession: Anti-Semitism from Antiquity to the Global Jihad - Robert S. Wistrich - Google Books

Mideast Dispatch Archive: Abu Mazen (Mahmoud Abbas) and the Holocaust (continued)

Media Spin: Abbas Calling Holocaust 'The Most Heinous Crime' of Modern History | Truth Revolt

The Other Side: The Secret Relationship Between Nazism and Zionism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Cookies must be enabled. | The Australian

Mahmoud abbas dissertation

>>The heading of his doctoral thesis was: "Zionist leadership and the Nazis. ... And this is what the diligent researcher Mahmoud Abbas wrote: <<

Thanks, Aris, for providing sources! So many won't do that.

...and I will look into this. its not something I am familiar with.

by the way, I hope those of you who think Palestinians are into Holocaust denial en masse took a look at the first film I posted on my "Pallywood Productions Presents" thread. It is a Fateh film that at one point lists earlier genocides. On the list is the Nazi Holocaust.

There was once an article entitled East Meet West by a Los Angeles Times writer based in Berlin. He was describing how the Palestinians there and the Neo Nazis were having a protest against Israel. It was the first time I had heard of the expression "The enemy of my enemy is my friend." Interesting thhough to learn later on that Mein Kampf was so popular in the Arab world.
Sally, it wasn't, and it isn't.

I think you must have gotten that off one of your Zionist websites. They are just trying to make you hate Palestinians.
Looking over these articles about Mahmoud Abbas' thesis, it looks like he is discussing Nazi/Zionist collusion. Well, sorry, folks, but that did happen. I don't see how that is Holocaust denial.

Haavara Agreement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

That is all I see at present, but will look into this in more depth when I get a chance.
Again, thanks for the sources.
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Sally, it wasn't, and it isn't.

I think you must have gotten that off one of your Zionist websites. They are just trying to make you hate Palestinians.

My goodness, Amity, does everything you don't like hearing have to come from some "Zionist website?" To tell you the truth, I think a lot of your stuff comes from the NeoNazi/Islamofascist hate sites that many scholars have researched. If a Palestinian behaves himself and lives like a civilized person, no one is going to hate him. It's the same with Muslims. No one has any problem with Muslims who live civilized lives, but it is the radicals and extremists who want to murder in the name of their religion whom people can't stand. Of course, civilized people can stand those who abet these radicals and extremists and make excuses for them.
Then why don't I express hate? I have never said a single hateful word and if you will look back through this post you will find I am quite sympathetic on this subject. Just not on Zionism.

The reason I know you are habituating those false websites is because you are so full of nonsense.
Then why don't I express hate? I have never said a single hateful word and if you will look back through this post you will find I am quite sympathetic on this subject. Just not on Zionism.

The reason I know you are habituating those false websites is because you are so full of nonsense.

You don't think the viewers can read you, Amity? I am using false websites? Look at your own that you use. Meanwhile, You can be down on Zionism all you want. I am down on the Muslims who are busy murdering innocent people in the name of their religion. And I think that is mainly what the civilized world is against.
Yes, many of the Zionists on this forum are putting up false websites to direct people to, or linking to the false websites of others. We have established that pretty well.

I doubt you could do something like that yourself, though.
Yes, many of the Zionists on this forum are putting up false websites to direct people to, or linking to the false websites of others. We have established that pretty well.

I doubt you could do something like that yourself, though.

Just keep that copy of Mein Kampf on your bedside and read a page or two every night.

Attention readers: Isn't Amity hilarious, except I don't think she would make it as a comedian in the real world. False websites, my foot!!!
Yes, many of the Zionists on this forum are putting up false websites to direct people to, or linking to the false websites of others. We have established that pretty well.

I doubt you could do something like that yourself, though.

Just keep that copy of Mein Kampf on your bedside and read a page or two every night.

Attention readers: Isn't Amity hilarious, except I don't think she would make it as a comedian in the real world. False websites, my foot!!!

Need I remind you of that phony Fateh website with the three rats? And there have been A NUMBER of others. No integrity whatsoever.
Sally, it wasn't, and it isn't.

I think you must have gotten that off one of your Zionist websites. They are just trying to make you hate Palestinians.

Of course your web-sites are all authoritative and everyone else's is propaganda.
How kon-vee-knee-enht!
go to the respective websites and see.

Anyone who matters is bound to know the difference.

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