Palestinians: Our Blood Is More Precious Than Jewish Blood


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
How can one group make peace with a group that calls for violence? It seems that the Palestinians can't stand someone who is from their own group and who is calling for no violence. I guess like a bunch of wild animals they will continue their violence.

Palestinians: Our Blood Is More Precious Than Jewish Blood
by Khaled Abu Toameh
April 22, 2014 at 5:00 am

"We reject all forms of violence... Palestinian blood is like Israeli blood. It is human blood and precious and no one wants anyone killed." — Mahmoud al-Habbash, Palestinian Minister of Religious Affairs

"If your blood is like the blood of Zionists, our blood is not." — Zakariya Zubeidi, former leader of the Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigade.

"We call for lifting his [al-Habbash's] diplomatic immunity and for prosecuting him immediately for his administrative, financial, and political corruption. We also call on President Abbas to fire him immediately from the Palestinian cabinet." — Mansour al-Sa'di, Fatah leader.

The angry reactions show that there are many Palestinians who see no problem with a terrorist attack against a Jewish family. Palestinian leaders can blame only themselves.

A Palestinian Authority [PA] minister who equated Jewish blood with Palestinian blood has been strongly condemned by many Palestinians, including his own family.

The attacks and threats against PA Minister of Religious Affairs Mahmoud al-Habbash serve as a reminder of the extent to which Palestinians have been radicalized over the past few decades.

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Palestinians: Our Blood Is More Precious Than Jewish Blood
To me, my blood is more precious than someone elses
To me, the Jews value human life above all. They are willing to trade a thousand palestinian prisoners for the return and safety of one Jewish persons life. Would the Palestinians ever do that? They never have before. I guess they do not value their own blood as more precious then Jews. There is no evidence to back it up.

- Jeri
To me, the Jews value human life above all. They are willing to trade a thousand palestinian prisoners for the return and safety of one Jewish persons life. Would the Palestinians ever do that? They never have before. I guess they do not value their own blood as more precious then Jews. There is no evidence to back it up.

- Jeri

"They never have before."

They don't have thousands of Jewish prisoners, or they certainly would trade. Dehumanizing classes of people is what the Nazis did against the Gypsies and Jews. You are doing the same to the Palestinians because like the Nazis, you have been brainwashed.
To me, the Jews value human life above all. They are willing to trade a thousand palestinian prisoners for the return and safety of one Jewish persons life. Would the Palestinians ever do that? They never have before. I guess they do not value their own blood as more precious then Jews. There is no evidence to back it up.

- Jeri

"They never have before."

They don't have thousands of Jewish prisoners, or they certainly would trade. Dehumanizing classes of people is what the Nazis did against the Gypsies and Jews. You are doing the same to the Palestinians because like the Nazis, you have been brainwashed.

Haniya and the Boiler Room gang would never tell you about the prisoners in Muslim jails who are being tortured. Maybe she or one of her gang will get around to telling us what is happening in the Syrian jails. And let us not forget that Haniya's brethren are busy throwing people in jail for alleged blasphemy in Muslim countries. I guess Haniya would never think about Asia Bibi, that devout Christian woman being held in a Pakistani jail and who is rotting away there just because her neighbor testified that Asia committed blasphemy against Islam. What a way to get rid of someone you don't like.
To me, the Jews value human life above all. They are willing to trade a thousand palestinian prisoners for the return and safety of one Jewish persons life. Would the Palestinians ever do that? They never have before. I guess they do not value their own blood as more precious then Jews. There is no evidence to back it up.

- Jeri

"They never have before."

They don't have thousands of Jewish prisoners, or they certainly would trade. Dehumanizing classes of people is what the Nazis did against the Gypsies and Jews. You are doing the same to the Palestinians because like the Nazis, you have been brainwashed.
Are you forgetting the love story between the Palestinians and the Nazis again, and how all the Palestinians adopted all the Nazi ideology and spread it into the Arab world? It can be said that IslamoNazism first began with the Palestinians:

Amin Al Husseini: Nazi Father of Jihad, Al Qaeda, Arafat, Saddam Hussein and the Muslim Brotherhood - Tell The Children The Truth - Homepage
To me, the Jews value human life above all. They are willing to trade a thousand palestinian prisoners for the return and safety of one Jewish persons life. Would the Palestinians ever do that? They never have before. I guess they do not value their own blood as more precious then Jews. There is no evidence to back it up.

- Jeri

"They never have before."

They don't have thousands of Jewish prisoners, or they certainly would trade. Dehumanizing classes of people is what the Nazis did against the Gypsies and Jews. You are doing the same to the Palestinians because like the Nazis, you have been brainwashed.

I'll never understand fools like you who say that israel is doing to the Palestinians what the Nazis did to the Jews. There's no comparison at all.

But! It is the Palestinians who are calling cor the destruction of Israel, and in some cases all Jews. Sounds like Hitler to me.
Many Palestinians (and other Muslims), feel it js their duty to kill Jew/Israelis, kind of like Hitler.
To me, the Jews value human life above all. They are willing to trade a thousand palestinian prisoners for the return and safety of one Jewish persons life. Would the Palestinians ever do that? They never have before. I guess they do not value their own blood as more precious then Jews. There is no evidence to back it up.

- Jeri

"They never have before."

They don't have thousands of Jewish prisoners, or they certainly would trade. Dehumanizing classes of people is what the Nazis did against the Gypsies and Jews. You are doing the same to the Palestinians because like the Nazis, you have been brainwashed.

I'll never understand fools like you who say that israel is doing to the Palestinians what the Nazis did to the Jews. There's no comparison at all.

But! It is the Palestinians who are calling cor the destruction of Israel, and in some cases all Jews. Sounds like Hitler to me.
Many Palestinians (and other Muslims), feel it js their duty to kill Jew/Israelis, kind of like Hitler.

Come now, Toastman. It is a big thing on the NeoNazi/Islamofacist hate sites which push that silly thing to compare the Israelis to the Nazis. Let's be honest here. Hitler saw that the world was quiet when over a million Armenians along with Greeks and Assyrians were murdered by the Muslim Turks and figured he could do the same and the world would again say nothing. In today's world the Muslims are letting the dead bodies pile up in heaps just like the Nazis of old did. The Nazis killed their undesirables, and the Muslims are killing in the name of their religion those they consider undesirable
To me, the Jews value human life above all. They are willing to trade a thousand palestinian prisoners for the return and safety of one Jewish persons life. Would the Palestinians ever do that? They never have before. I guess they do not value their own blood as more precious then Jews. There is no evidence to back it up.

- Jeri

"They never have before."

They don't have thousands of Jewish prisoners, or they certainly would trade. Dehumanizing classes of people is what the Nazis did against the Gypsies and Jews. You are doing the same to the Palestinians because like the Nazis, you have been brainwashed.

How many times have the Palestinians returned Israeli corpses that have been defiled after death. How many times have they returned live prisoners showing signs of sadistic torture, sodomy, abuse and malnutrition. That is why the Palestinians, like all other muslims, are reviled and hated the world over.
To me, the Jews value human life above all. They are willing to trade a thousand palestinian prisoners for the return and safety of one Jewish persons life. Would the Palestinians ever do that? They never have before. I guess they do not value their own blood as more precious then Jews. There is no evidence to back it up.

- Jeri

"They never have before."

They don't have thousands of Jewish prisoners, or they certainly would trade. Dehumanizing classes of people is what the Nazis did against the Gypsies and Jews. You are doing the same to the Palestinians because like the Nazis, you have been brainwashed.

Come again? Hitlers book, Mein Kampf, is not the #1 best seller in Israel. Nor is it the #2 best seller. In fact, Hitlers book, Mein Kampf isn't selling at all to Jews, Christians, Hindus, Buddhists, agnostics, etc...

on the other hand?

Hitler's book, Mein Kampf, is the #2 best seller in the Arab / Muslim world. Right after the #1 best seller in the Arab world which is the Qu'ran.

Who did you say was brainwashed again??!

Here's the real story for you:

The Joseph Goebell philosophy was tell a lie big enough, often enough and the people will believe it. This is precisely where the Arabs got the idea from. These people calling themselves Palestinians since 1960 ( which is impossible to believe for anyone who knows about Baleshinka Special Ops school in Russia which trained Arafat ( prior to 1960 ) in propaganda story of Palestine / Palestinian switcheroo. So much for that.

To me, the Jews value human life above all. They are willing to trade a thousand palestinian prisoners for the return and safety of one Jewish persons life. Would the Palestinians ever do that? They never have before. I guess they do not value their own blood as more precious then Jews. There is no evidence to back it up.

- Jeri

"They never have before."

They don't have thousands of Jewish prisoners, or they certainly would trade. Dehumanizing classes of people is what the Nazis did against the Gypsies and Jews. You are doing the same to the Palestinians because like the Nazis, you have been brainwashed.

How many times have the Palestinians returned Israeli corpses that have been defiled after death. How many times have they returned live prisoners showing signs of sadistic torture, sodomy, abuse and malnutrition. That is why the Palestinians, like all other muslims, are reviled and hated the world over.

To defend the atrocities that have been waged against Israeli citizens by their Muslim neighbors is impossible to do unless one checks their conscience at the door. The butchery of the Fogel family while they slept was utterly horrific and to see the murderers own mothers on television calling their sons heroes for waging jihad against a baby in diapers - oh my G-d... I do not have the words.

So let me just cut to the chase here and tell you how blind I believe any Muslim people who are not claiming Palestinian roots to be - concerning the consequences of funding these Katusha rocket & jihad attacks on Israeli citizens.

When Israel is invaded and goes nuclear these neighboring nations will vacate quickly or perish. The world will see through this charade that has been put on since the beginning and judgment will fall on the heads of the modern day house of Esau - this is what Israels hebrew prophets said would happen in the future and wouldn't you know?

We are right at the door to it. What do you think is going to happen to all those who financed these jihadists against G-ds people in Israel? To anyone who even attended meetings praying for the destruction of Israel and America - plotting against Israel and America? I tell you the truth! There will be hell to pay! G-d is not mocked! Whatever a man sows? That shall he reap! How blind these people must be to not see the train wreck up ahead waiting for them!

Interesting that the Hebrew prophet Obadiah said the House of Jacob and the House of Benjamin would consume the house of Esau like stubble. Has anyone ever seen how quickly dry straw burns up? It's over in a flash.
To me, the Jews value human life above all. They are willing to trade a thousand palestinian prisoners for the return and safety of one Jewish persons life. Would the Palestinians ever do that? They never have before. I guess they do not value their own blood as more precious then Jews. There is no evidence to back it up.

- Jeri

"They never have before."

They don't have thousands of Jewish prisoners, or they certainly would trade. Dehumanizing classes of people is what the Nazis did against the Gypsies and Jews. You are doing the same to the Palestinians because like the Nazis, you have been brainwashed.

Come again? Hitlers book, Mein Kampf, is not the #1 best seller in Israel. Nor is it the #2 best seller. In fact, Hitlers book, Mein Kampf isn't selling at all to Jews, Christians, Hindus, Buddhists, agnostics, etc...

on the other hand?

Hitler's book, Mein Kampf, is the #2 best seller in the Arab / Muslim world. Right after the #1 best seller in the Arab world which is the Qu'ran.

Who did you say was brainwashed again??!

Here's the real story for you:

The Joseph Goebell philosophy was tell a lie big enough, often enough and the people will believe it. This is precisely where the Arabs got the idea from. These people calling themselves Palestinians since 1960 ( which is impossible to believe for anyone who knows about Baleshinka Special Ops school in Russia which trained Arafat ( prior to 1960 ) in propaganda story of Palestine / Palestinian switcheroo. So much for that.


So you concede that the method they have chosen has a history behind it? Yes or no, Montelatici?
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why are they so willing to spill their own blood, spill all blood instead of use their brains and muscles to work for peace and prosperity.
"These people calling themselves Palestinians since 1960 ( which is impossible to believe for anyone who knows about Baleshinka Special Ops school in Russia which trained Arafat ( prior to 1960 ) in propaganda story of Palestine / Palestinian switcheroo. So much for that.

That bit of propaganda was debunked long ago, why do you persist. It was an clumsy attempt to delegitimize the Palestinians when the Israelis did not think that they would have the staying power.
"These people calling themselves Palestinians since 1960 ( which is impossible to believe for anyone who knows about Baleshinka Special Ops school in Russia which trained Arafat ( prior to 1960 ) in propaganda story of Palestine / Palestinian switcheroo. So much for that.

That bit of propaganda was debunked long ago, why do you persist. It was an clumsy attempt to delegitimize the Palestinians when the Israelis did not think that they would have the staying power.

Yeah, I guess the guys in the State Department upon hearing about the following must have gotten a good laugh. As a retired Statement Department poster once said:

"Sure there was a Palestine. It was invented in the 1960s in a conference room at 1 Lubyanka, Dzershinsky Place, Red Square, Moscow, CCCP. It came complete with a "Palestinian people" too. In fact, its legacy leader was trained east of Moscow at the legendary Balashikha special-ops school."

So anyone who want to believe Haniya is, of course, free to do so. However, I think I will go with the retired State Department poster. As far as I had previously heard, if you called an Arab a Palestinian, you were insulting him by insinuating that he was a Jew. Funny how it was only the Jews who were running the Palestine exhibit at the 1940 New York World's Fair.

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