Palestinians Should Merge With Israel In A United State

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Caroline Glick & Mark Levin: The Israeli Solution -- A One-State Plan for Peace in the Middle East
Why not opt for a one-state plan? Israel already has relatively (albeit grudging) peaceful relations with surrounding Arab-Islamist nations. The extreme Jew hatreds (as a part of Islamist ideology) will always be smoldering in the hearts of the pious Moslem but there is no fire of
gee-had burning in any neighboring Islamist nation to wage a war against Israel. Arab-Islamist nations have not forgotten their humiliating defeats when attacking Israel.

You obviously missed it but the Pal'istanians are yesterday's news from the perspective of surrounding Arab-Islamist nations and are incrementally less relevant to Arab-Islamist nations with every new disaster they bring upon themselves.
P F Tinmore, et al,

The HoAP Mantra ---
The determination of every Arab in Palestine is to oppose in every way the partition of that country. The Arabs of Palestine made a solemn declaration before the United Nations, before God and history, that they will never submit or yield to any power going to Palestine to enforce partition.

Palestine, from its river to its sea, from its north to its south, is the land of the Palestinians; their homeland, and their legitimate right. We will not relinquish an inch or any part of it -for any reason or under any circumstances and pressures.

Palestine, in its entirety, is an Arab and Islamic land. It has Islamic and Arab affiliations and is considered a blessed and sacred land. Moreover, it has a special place in the heart of every Arab and Muslim, as well as standing and respect in all religions.

We will not, in any way, recognize the legitimacy of the occupation. This is a principled, political, and moral position. We do not recognize the legitimacy of the Israeli occupation of Palestine, nor do we acknowledge “Israel” or the legality of its presence on any part of Palestine no matter how long it remains, and Allah willing, this will not be long. All that has occurred in Palestine, including its occupation, settlements, Judaization, the changing of its landmarks and the falsification of facts in its regard is wrong and must end, Allah willing.

Well, IF the Arab Palestinian has already decided that "there will be no two-state solution;" THEN so be it.

Back on topic.

Caroline Glick & Mark Levin: The Israeli Solution -- A One-State Plan for Peace in the Middle East

But don't expect the Israelis to allow the , a failed culture, Hostile Arab Palestinians --- to just waltz-in and assume the majority. Too many nations in the millennium have placed the Jewish People in the situation of being held hostage to people of various nations that abusing their majority power, have place Jews in only one alternative solution: --- under the color of law --- to run for their lives.

That is just not happening again. The Israelis have an energy source in the Levant Basin. They can maintain the containment of the HoAP in the Gaza Strip and West Bank, for an indefinite period. They represent a continuing --- clear and present danger to the Jewish National Home considered nearly a century ago.

IF the HoAP are insistent that they will not accept the "duty to refrain from the threat or use of force to violate the existing international boundaries of another State or as a means of solving international disputes, including territorial disputes and problems concerning frontiers of States" (Declaration on Principles of International Law concerning Friendly Relations and Co-operation among States in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations), THEN they should be prepared to remain in containment, the status quo, for the remainder of their natural life.

Most Respectfully,
Why don't we give half of the US to the Palestinians. We can call it "A land without a people for a people without a land." Sure there are some people there but they are all foreigners. They all came from someplace else. They are not indigenous. They have no rights.

The Palestinians have been attacked, invaded, conquered, occupied, killed, and expelled throughout recorded history. They deserve a place of their own.
P F Tinmore, et al,

The HoAP Mantra ---
The determination of every Arab in Palestine is to oppose in every way the partition of that country. The Arabs of Palestine made a solemn declaration before the United Nations, before God and history, that they will never submit or yield to any power going to Palestine to enforce partition.

Palestine, from its river to its sea, from its north to its south, is the land of the Palestinians; their homeland, and their legitimate right. We will not relinquish an inch or any part of it -for any reason or under any circumstances and pressures.

Palestine, in its entirety, is an Arab and Islamic land. It has Islamic and Arab affiliations and is considered a blessed and sacred land. Moreover, it has a special place in the heart of every Arab and Muslim, as well as standing and respect in all religions.

We will not, in any way, recognize the legitimacy of the occupation. This is a principled, political, and moral position. We do not recognize the legitimacy of the Israeli occupation of Palestine, nor do we acknowledge “Israel” or the legality of its presence on any part of Palestine no matter how long it remains, and Allah willing, this will not be long. All that has occurred in Palestine, including its occupation, settlements, Judaization, the changing of its landmarks and the falsification of facts in its regard is wrong and must end, Allah willing.

Well, IF the Arab Palestinian has already decided that "there will be no two-state solution;" THEN so be it.

Back on topic.

Caroline Glick & Mark Levin: The Israeli Solution -- A One-State Plan for Peace in the Middle East

But don't expect the Israelis to allow the , a failed culture, Hostile Arab Palestinians --- to just waltz-in and assume the majority. Too many nations in the millennium have placed the Jewish People in the situation of being held hostage to people of various nations that abusing their majority power, have place Jews in only one alternative solution: --- under the color of law --- to run for their lives.

That is just not happening again. The Israelis have an energy source in the Levant Basin. They can maintain the containment of the HoAP in the Gaza Strip and West Bank, for an indefinite period. They represent a continuing --- clear and present danger to the Jewish National Home considered nearly a century ago.

IF the HoAP are insistent that they will not accept the "duty to refrain from the threat or use of force to violate the existing international boundaries of another State or as a means of solving international disputes, including territorial disputes and problems concerning frontiers of States" (Declaration on Principles of International Law concerning Friendly Relations and Co-operation among States in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations), THEN they should be prepared to remain in containment, the status quo, for the remainder of their natural life.

Most Respectfully,
Why don't we give half of the US to the Palestinians. We can call it "A land without a people for a people without a land." Sure there are some people there but they are all foreigners. They all came from someplace else. They are not indigenous. They have no rights.

The Palestinians have been attacked, invaded, conquered, occupied, killed, and expelled throughout recorded history. They deserve a place of their own.

"They deserve a place of their own."

They (Arabs-moslems posing as "Pal'istanians"), have a place - actually two places of their own, Gaza and the West Bank. After nearly seventy years of incompetence and failure, a dedicated welfare agency to maintain the fraud of an invented people with an invented identity and decades of burdening the planet with acts of islamic terrorism, let's end the charade.
who cares?. let arabs and jew kill eachother for fucking desert in hell
its family problem .. both are semitic . they are cousin...
Israel palestine: Is the one state solution the only solution?

Hamas, Islamic fascists and the one-state solution.

P F Tinmore, et al,

The HoAP Mantra ---
The determination of every Arab in Palestine is to oppose in every way the partition of that country. The Arabs of Palestine made a solemn declaration before the United Nations, before God and history, that they will never submit or yield to any power going to Palestine to enforce partition.

Palestine, from its river to its sea, from its north to its south, is the land of the Palestinians; their homeland, and their legitimate right. We will not relinquish an inch or any part of it -for any reason or under any circumstances and pressures.

Palestine, in its entirety, is an Arab and Islamic land. It has Islamic and Arab affiliations and is considered a blessed and sacred land. Moreover, it has a special place in the heart of every Arab and Muslim, as well as standing and respect in all religions.

We will not, in any way, recognize the legitimacy of the occupation. This is a principled, political, and moral position. We do not recognize the legitimacy of the Israeli occupation of Palestine, nor do we acknowledge “Israel” or the legality of its presence on any part of Palestine no matter how long it remains, and Allah willing, this will not be long. All that has occurred in Palestine, including its occupation, settlements, Judaization, the changing of its landmarks and the falsification of facts in its regard is wrong and must end, Allah willing.

Well, IF the Arab Palestinian has already decided that "there will be no two-state solution;" THEN so be it.

Back on topic.

Caroline Glick & Mark Levin: The Israeli Solution -- A One-State Plan for Peace in the Middle East

But don't expect the Israelis to allow the , a failed culture, Hostile Arab Palestinians --- to just waltz-in and assume the majority. Too many nations in the millennium have placed the Jewish People in the situation of being held hostage to people of various nations that abusing their majority power, have place Jews in only one alternative solution: --- under the color of law --- to run for their lives.

That is just not happening again. The Israelis have an energy source in the Levant Basin. They can maintain the containment of the HoAP in the Gaza Strip and West Bank, for an indefinite period. They represent a continuing --- clear and present danger to the Jewish National Home considered nearly a century ago.

IF the HoAP are insistent that they will not accept the "duty to refrain from the threat or use of force to violate the existing international boundaries of another State or as a means of solving international disputes, including territorial disputes and problems concerning frontiers of States" (Declaration on Principles of International Law concerning Friendly Relations and Co-operation among States in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations), THEN they should be prepared to remain in containment, the status quo, for the remainder of their natural life.

Most Respectfully,
Why don't we give half of the US to the Palestinians. We can call it "A land without a people for a people without a land." Sure there are some people there but they are all foreigners. They all came from someplace else. They are not indigenous. They have no rights.

The Palestinians have been attacked, invaded, conquered, occupied, killed, and expelled throughout recorded history. They deserve a place of their own.

Why not just give the arab muslims 75% of palestine as their national home and expect them to live in peace with the rest of humanity. OOOPS my bad the LoN already did that in 1923 when they founded trans Jordan and expected the arab muslims to be pleased with having the majority of the land and the most productive as well.

For once you tell the truth as the palestinians AKA as the Jews have been attacked, invaded, occupied and expelled throughout recorded history. And they deserve the place they have, and the right to defend it from arab muslim violence, attack and belligerence.
who cares?. let arabs and jew kill eachother for fucking desert in hell
its family problem .. both are semitic . they are cousin...

Not according to DNA tests already done, these show the Jews to be distinct from the arab muskims
who cares?. let arabs and jew kill eachother for fucking desert in hell
its family problem .. both are semitic . they are cousin...
Iranians who got invaded and raped by Arabs are closer to them.

Dani Koony, boro koneh tangeto beshoor.

who cares?. let arabs and jew kill eachother for fucking desert in hell
its family problem .. both are semitic . they are cousin...

Not according to DNA tests already done, these show the Jews to be distinct from the arab muskims
based on zionist propaganda..

same shit like nazi research
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who cares?. let arabs and jew kill eachother for fucking desert in hell
its family problem .. both are semitic . they are cousin...
Iranians who got invaded and raped by Arabs are closer to them.

Dani Koony, boro koneh tangeto beshoor.

talent racist ma persians perfect hast. dar yek jomle ham jew ha ro gayidam ham arabs :biggrin:
vali dar kol az shoma jew ha khosham miad.hamin ke arab koshi mikonid bravo dare:clap2:
vali dar kol shookhi mikonam. .jedi nagir
who cares?. let arabs and jew kill eachother for fucking desert in hell
its family problem .. both are semitic . they are cousin...
Iranians who got invaded and raped by Arabs are closer to them.

Dani Koony, boro koneh tangeto beshoor.

mongol did it to great china too.and hanibal in roma
barbarian always invade civilized nation in old time...
but its 2016 now .and this picture is for aleppo.
madare arab haro felan darim migayim

P F Tinmore, et al,

The HoAP Mantra ---
The determination of every Arab in Palestine is to oppose in every way the partition of that country. The Arabs of Palestine made a solemn declaration before the United Nations, before God and history, that they will never submit or yield to any power going to Palestine to enforce partition.

Palestine, from its river to its sea, from its north to its south, is the land of the Palestinians; their homeland, and their legitimate right. We will not relinquish an inch or any part of it -for any reason or under any circumstances and pressures.

Palestine, in its entirety, is an Arab and Islamic land. It has Islamic and Arab affiliations and is considered a blessed and sacred land. Moreover, it has a special place in the heart of every Arab and Muslim, as well as standing and respect in all religions.

We will not, in any way, recognize the legitimacy of the occupation. This is a principled, political, and moral position. We do not recognize the legitimacy of the Israeli occupation of Palestine, nor do we acknowledge “Israel” or the legality of its presence on any part of Palestine no matter how long it remains, and Allah willing, this will not be long. All that has occurred in Palestine, including its occupation, settlements, Judaization, the changing of its landmarks and the falsification of facts in its regard is wrong and must end, Allah willing.

Well, IF the Arab Palestinian has already decided that "there will be no two-state solution;" THEN so be it.

Back on topic.

Caroline Glick & Mark Levin: The Israeli Solution -- A One-State Plan for Peace in the Middle East

But don't expect the Israelis to allow the , a failed culture, Hostile Arab Palestinians --- to just waltz-in and assume the majority. Too many nations in the millennium have placed the Jewish People in the situation of being held hostage to people of various nations that abusing their majority power, have place Jews in only one alternative solution: --- under the color of law --- to run for their lives.

That is just not happening again. The Israelis have an energy source in the Levant Basin. They can maintain the containment of the HoAP in the Gaza Strip and West Bank, for an indefinite period. They represent a continuing --- clear and present danger to the Jewish National Home considered nearly a century ago.

IF the HoAP are insistent that they will not accept the "duty to refrain from the threat or use of force to violate the existing international boundaries of another State or as a means of solving international disputes, including territorial disputes and problems concerning frontiers of States" (Declaration on Principles of International Law concerning Friendly Relations and Co-operation among States in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations), THEN they should be prepared to remain in containment, the status quo, for the remainder of their natural life.

Most Respectfully,
Why don't we give half of the US to the Palestinians. We can call it "A land without a people for a people without a land." Sure there are some people there but they are all foreigners. They all came from someplace else. They are not indigenous. They have no rights.

The Palestinians have been attacked, invaded, conquered, occupied, killed, and expelled throughout recorded history. They deserve a place of their own.

Wow. Nice shifting of the goal posts here. Where did Rocco say that the Palestinians (Arab Palestinians) either don't deserve a place of their own or can't have a place of their own? What he said was that the Arab Palestinians have a duty to refrain from the threat or use of force to violate .... (other States) and if they are unable to do so, they will be held in containment.

The key here is not that the Arab Palestinians can't have a State. It is that they must change their behaviour and begin to act more like a State instead of tantruming two-year-olds.
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who cares?. let arabs and jew kill eachother for fucking desert in hell
its family problem .. both are semitic . they are cousin...
Iranians who got invaded and raped by Arabs are closer to them.

Dani Koony, boro koneh tangeto beshoor.

mongol did it to great china too.and hanibal in roma
barbarian always invade civilized nation in old time...
but its 2016 now .and this picture is for aleppo.
madare arab haro felan darim migayim


Yup, that's what Muslims do to fellow Muslims, so why are people in the West so delusional that they think these same animals will treat non Muslims any better? By the way, Islamist Iran is teaching Assad how to commit this genocide.

This video reminds me of the kinds of things I used to do with my Muslim friends decades ago. LOL

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Well so much for that if the majority of Arabs don't think that Jews belong in their country.

Dubai Security Chief:
Palestinians should merge with Israelis in a united state
October 17, 2016 - 8:47 PM

Dubai Emirate's Head of General Security, Lieutenant General Dahi Khalfan Tamim, stated that Palestinians should abandon their aspiration for an independent state and merge with "Israelis" in a united, bi-national state instead.

(AhlulBayt News Agency) - In a series of remarks published on his Twitter account Monday afternoon, Tamim attempted to garner support for his idea, claiming that a Palestinian state led by Arabs would join the list of failed states in the Arab world.

According to Tamim, the dream of such a state will never come true, since ""Israel" will only recognize Palestine if Palestinians become part of it."

Tamim controversially stated: "I suggest relinquishing the idea of a Palestinian state and being satisfied with an "Israeli" state that would include both "Israelis" and Palestinians and join the Arab League."

"Today, the Jews are heading the world's economy, without the Jews you Arabs would not have known how to deposit your money in the bank," Tamim continued.

Palestinians should merge with Israelis in a united state?

they could have had a single country in 1948...they didn't want it then. they haven't made decisions that were any smarter in the years since.
who cares?. let arabs and jew kill eachother for fucking desert in hell
its family problem .. both are semitic . they are cousin...

Not according to DNA tests already done, these show the Jews to be distinct from the arab muskims
based on zionist propaganda..

same shit like nazi research

No factual data backed by multi national concerns that show the Jews are not closely related to the arab muslims. In fact the arab muslims are related to no one else due to their usual trick of wiping out the people of the nations they take over.
I started this thread on Monday and the head of security of Dubai was the person who was quoted in the OP. Since then a poll was taken in the territories and 46% of the people said they would rather have a confederation between Palestine and Jordan. Only 18% would accept an Arab-Israeli union. IMO the Palistinian-Jordanian union would be best for all concerned.

'46% of Palestinians support Jordanian-Palestinian confederation based on two states'

More Palestinians prefer the establishment of a Jordanian-Palestinian confederation than a traditional two-state or one-state solution, a new public opinion poll has found.

An-Najah National University in Nablus randomly surveyed 1362 Palestinians from the West Bank and Gaza Strip between October 13-15 on a variety of issues relevant to Palestinian politics and society.

Forty-six percent of Palestinians surveyed – 52% from the West Bank and 36% from the Gaza Strip – said they would support the establishment of a Palestinian-Jordanian confederation on the basis of two states with strong institutional relations.

'46% of Palestinians support Jordanian-Palestinian confederation based on two states' - Middle East - Jerusalem Post
I started this thread on Monday and the head of security of Dubai was the person who was quoted in the OP. Since then a poll was taken in the territories and 46% of the people said they would rather have a confederation between Palestine and Jordan. Only 18% would accept an Arab-Israeli union. IMO the Palistinian-Jordanian union would be best for all concerned.

'46% of Palestinians support Jordanian-Palestinian confederation based on two states'

More Palestinians prefer the establishment of a Jordanian-Palestinian confederation than a traditional two-state or one-state solution, a new public opinion poll has found.

An-Najah National University in Nablus randomly surveyed 1362 Palestinians from the West Bank and Gaza Strip between October 13-15 on a variety of issues relevant to Palestinian politics and society.

Forty-six percent of Palestinians surveyed – 52% from the West Bank and 36% from the Gaza Strip – said they would support the establishment of a Palestinian-Jordanian confederation on the basis of two states with strong institutional relations.

'46% of Palestinians support Jordanian-Palestinian confederation based on two states' - Middle East - Jerusalem Post
Only about 1/3 of the Palestinians live in the West Bank and Gaza. What did the rest think?
I started this thread on Monday and the head of security of Dubai was the person who was quoted in the OP. Since then a poll was taken in the territories and 46% of the people said they would rather have a confederation between Palestine and Jordan. Only 18% would accept an Arab-Israeli union. IMO the Palistinian-Jordanian union would be best for all concerned.

'46% of Palestinians support Jordanian-Palestinian confederation based on two states'

More Palestinians prefer the establishment of a Jordanian-Palestinian confederation than a traditional two-state or one-state solution, a new public opinion poll has found.

An-Najah National University in Nablus randomly surveyed 1362 Palestinians from the West Bank and Gaza Strip between October 13-15 on a variety of issues relevant to Palestinian politics and society.

Forty-six percent of Palestinians surveyed – 52% from the West Bank and 36% from the Gaza Strip – said they would support the establishment of a Palestinian-Jordanian confederation on the basis of two states with strong institutional relations.

'46% of Palestinians support Jordanian-Palestinian confederation based on two states' - Middle East - Jerusalem Post
Only about 1/3 of the Palestinians live in the West Bank and Gaza. What did the rest think?
If they don't live there it doesn't matter, does it? They probably live in Paterson, NJ anyhow.
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