Palin: If Tea Party were terrorists, Obama would pal around with us.


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2011
Chicago, Chicago, that Toddling Town
I'd never vote for the woman, but once in a while, her ghostwriters hit it out of the park.

Palin: If Tea Partiers Were Terrorists, Obama Would Pal Around With Us | RealClearPolitics

Fmr. Gov. Sarah Palin responds to a report that Vice President Joe Biden said Republicans were "terrorists" during a closed-door meeting with Congressional Democrats about the debt compromise.

Palin says "enough is enough" and she's "not going to sit here and take it anymore" when it comes to the left accusing the Tea Party of racism.

"It's all talk and no real action. Otherwise he'd be on Biden and tell Biden to tone it down a little bit. Yeah, right, independent patriotic Americans who desire fiscal sanity in our beloved nation being called terrorists. Heck, Sean, if we were real domestic terrorists, shoot, President Obama would be wanting to pal around with us, wouldn’t he? I mean he didn’t have a problem paling around with Bill Ayers back in the day when he kicked off his political career in Bill Ayers' apartment," Palin said on FOX News' "Hannity."

Obama has never met a terrorist he doesn't like. :eusa_angel:

It's why he supports the Arab Spring.

It's why friends of his are involved in the flotilla.

It's why the White House is on better terms with Hamas then Israel.
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Yeah wel..... I could do better than that...

I would assert that daddy was a paraplegic communist drunk and that "Dreams From My Father" only proves hes no different than his father.

Oh yeah, republicans don't attack the family, even if their family is a drunk socialist father of 7 that abandoned his kids and was a revered Marxist while the son spoke of his father in revering ways.
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Yeah wel..... I could do better than that...

I would assert that daddy was a paraplegic communist drunk and that "Dreams From My Father" only proves hes no different than his father.

Oh yeah, republicans don't attack the family, even if their family is a drunk socialist father of 7 that abandoned his kids and was a revered Marxist while the son spoke of his father in revering ways.

Republicans on these boards are always unjustly attacking Michelle Obama.
I'd never vote for the woman, but once in a while, her ghostwriters hit it out of the park.

Palin: If Tea Partiers Were Terrorists, Obama Would Pal Around With Us | RealClearPolitics

Fmr. Gov. Sarah Palin responds to a report that Vice President Joe Biden said Republicans were "terrorists" during a closed-door meeting with Congressional Democrats about the debt compromise.

Palin says "enough is enough" and she's "not going to sit here and take it anymore" when it comes to the left accusing the Tea Party of racism.

"It's all talk and no real action. Otherwise he'd be on Biden and tell Biden to tone it down a little bit. Yeah, right, independent patriotic Americans who desire fiscal sanity in our beloved nation being called terrorists. Heck, Sean, if we were real domestic terrorists, shoot, President Obama would be wanting to pal around with us, wouldn’t he? I mean he didn’t have a problem paling around with Bill Ayers back in the day when he kicked off his political career in Bill Ayers' apartment," Palin said on FOX News' "Hannity."


That's actually a pretty funny zinger from the Internet troll of politics.
I'm glad Palin has hit back hard.

It's one thing for political pundits to name call, but for the Vice President of the U.S. to engage in such over the top rhetoric is appalling and beneath the Office of VP.

Ditto for President Obama. I've lost track of how many insults he's thrown out. So much for the era of civility.:lol:
Yeah wel..... I could do better than that...

I would assert that daddy was a paraplegic communist drunk and that "Dreams From My Father" only proves hes no different than his father.

Oh yeah, republicans don't attack the family, even if their family is a drunk socialist father of 7 that abandoned his kids and was a revered Marxist while the son spoke of his father in revering ways.

Republicans on these boards are always unjustly attacking Michelle Obama.

Unjust? Really?

Obama has never met a terrorist he doesn't like. :eusa_angel:

It's why he supports the Arab Spring.

It's why friends of his are involved in the flotilla.

It's why the White House is on better terms with Hamas then Israel.

Reagan loved terrorists too. He loved the Contra terrorists and the Afghan terrorists. In fact, Reagan loved the Contra terrorists so much that his administration continued funding the terrorists even when it was against US law to do so. Remember Iran/Contra? That's it. His administration arranged for Israel to transfer weapons to Iran (another terrorist state) against stated US policy and against the law to continue funding the Contras which was ALSO against US law.

Human rights violations
Americas Watch - which subsequently became part of Human Rights Watch - stated that "the Contras systematically engage in violent abuses... so prevalent that these may be said to be their principal means of waging war."[53] It[54] accused the Contras of:
  • targeting health care clinics and health care workers for assassination[55]
  • kidnapping civilians[56]
  • torturing civilians[57]
  • executing civilians, including children, who were captured in combat[58]
  • raping women[55]
  • indiscriminately attacking civilians and civilian houses[56]
  • seizing civilian property[55]
  • burning civilian houses in captured towns.[55]
Human Rights Watch released a report on the situation in 1989, which stated: "[The] contras were major and systematic violators of the most basic standards of the laws of armed conflict, including by launching indiscriminate attacks on civilians, selectively murdering non-combatants, and mistreating prisoners."

The Catholic Institute for International Relations (CIIR, now known as "Progressio"), a human rights organization which identifies itself with liberation theology, summarized Contra operating procedures in their 1987 human rights report: "The record of the contras in the field, as opposed to their official professions of democratic faith, is one of consistent and bloody abuse of human rights, of murder, torture, mutilation, rape, arson, destruction and kidnapping."[59]

A fact finding mission of 1985 - sponsored by the International Human Rights Law Group and the Washington Office on Latin America, and carried out independently of any Nicaraguan government interference or direction[60] - found that the contras with some frequency deliberately targeted Nicaraguan citizens in acts of terroristic violence.[61] Specifically, the report speaks of "a distinct pattern" of attacks on purely civilian targets resulting in the killing of unarmed men, women, children, and the elderly; premeditated acts of brutality including rape, beatings, mutilation and torture; and individual and mass kidnappings of civilians for the purpose of forced recruitment into the contra forces.[62]

Edgar Chamorro, a former Contra and member of the FDN's political directorate who later became a critic of the Contras, stated that during his time with the Contras, he frequently received reports about atrocities committed by Contra troops against civilians and against Sandinista prisoners.[63] Furthermore, he "went straight to our unit commanders as they returned from combat mission inside Nicaragua and asked them about their activities. I was saddened by what I was told. The atrocities I had heard about were not isolated incidents, but reflected a consistent pattern of behaviour by our troops."[64]

An influential report on Contra atrocities was issued by lawyer Reed Brody shortly before the 1985 U.S. Congressional vote on Contra aid. The report was soon published as a book.[65] It charged that the Contras attacked purely civilian targets and that their tactics included murder, rape, beatings, kidnapping and disruption of harvests. Brody's report had been requested by the Sandinista government's Washington law firm Reichler & Applebaum and the Sandinista government had provided facilities in Nicaragua for him.[66] In a letter to The New York Times,[67] Brody asserted that this in no way affected his report, and added that the newspaper had confirmed the veracity of four randomly chosen incidents.

A Sandinista militiaman interviewed by The Guardian stated that Contra rebels committed these atrocities against Sandinista prisoners after a battle at a Sandinista rural outpost: "Rosa had her breasts cut off. Then they cut into her chest and took out her heart. The men had their arms broken, their testicles cut off. They were killed by slitting their throats and pulling the tongue out through the slit."[

Contras - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I'd never vote for the woman, but once in a while, her ghostwriters hit it out of the park.

Palin: If Tea Partiers Were Terrorists, Obama Would Pal Around With Us | RealClearPolitics

Fmr. Gov. Sarah Palin responds to a report that Vice President Joe Biden said Republicans were "terrorists" during a closed-door meeting with Congressional Democrats about the debt compromise.

Palin says "enough is enough" and she's "not going to sit here and take it anymore" when it comes to the left accusing the Tea Party of racism.

"It's all talk and no real action. Otherwise he'd be on Biden and tell Biden to tone it down a little bit. Yeah, right, independent patriotic Americans who desire fiscal sanity in our beloved nation being called terrorists. Heck, Sean, if we were real domestic terrorists, shoot, President Obama would be wanting to pal around with us, wouldn’t he? I mean he didn’t have a problem paling around with Bill Ayers back in the day when he kicked off his political career in Bill Ayers' apartment," Palin said on FOX News' "Hannity."


Pluuuuuuuzeeeee. if she and obie doodle were your two choices you'd vote obiedoodle? what a moron you are.
I'd never vote for the woman, but once in a while, her ghostwriters hit it out of the park.

Palin: If Tea Partiers Were Terrorists, Obama Would Pal Around With Us | RealClearPolitics

Fmr. Gov. Sarah Palin responds to a report that Vice President Joe Biden said Republicans were "terrorists" during a closed-door meeting with Congressional Democrats about the debt compromise.

Palin says "enough is enough" and she's "not going to sit here and take it anymore" when it comes to the left accusing the Tea Party of racism.

"It's all talk and no real action. Otherwise he'd be on Biden and tell Biden to tone it down a little bit. Yeah, right, independent patriotic Americans who desire fiscal sanity in our beloved nation being called terrorists. Heck, Sean, if we were real domestic terrorists, shoot, President Obama would be wanting to pal around with us, wouldn’t he? I mean he didn’t have a problem paling around with Bill Ayers back in the day when he kicked off his political career in Bill Ayers' apartment," Palin said on FOX News' "Hannity."


Pluuuuuuuzeeeee. if she and obie doodle were your two choices you'd vote obiedoodle? what a moron you are.

Well, if those were the only two choices, maybe.

If that's where we end up in a year where we could really hit it out of the park, though, shame on us.
You crazy Right wingers and your crazy love for crazy Sarah Palin. :razz:

If you had the nuance and sophistication of the professional Left you would understand their reasoning. If you were open minded enough you would see their argument more clearly. Let me simplify the Democrat argument for your Tea Party addled minds: "If we balance the budget the terrorist have won".

Who among you can live with that on your conscience? :razz:

You know what they say: One man's terrorist is another man's democratically elected congressman.
Do the Terrorists Win If We Balance the Budget? - Reason Magazine
Yeah wel..... I could do better than that...

I would assert that daddy was a paraplegic communist drunk and that "Dreams From My Father" only proves hes no different than his father.

Oh yeah, republicans don't attack the family, even if their family is a drunk socialist father of 7 that abandoned his kids and was a revered Marxist while the son spoke of his father in revering ways.

Republicans on these boards are always unjustly attacking Michelle Obama.

boo hoo
I haven't went all the way into this thread yet, but I can guess the ATTACKS that will be coming on Palin...ok, here I go

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