Palin sticks up for Blue Island Navy SEAL accused of mistreatment

Jan 17, 2010
What a Patriotic thing to do. Sarah loves the American Military and honors their service. She has a son who volunteered in the Army and is serving. She knows the dangers they face when fighting the War on Terror. She knows that they are putting their lives on the line for us, the American People. That is one of the reasons she will make a great American President. She is proud of the Military and will do what ever it takes to support them. Support for this Seal is needed and it is paramount that the charges against him are dropped.

Palin sticks up for accused Blue Island Navy SEAL :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Metro & Tri-State

Add Sarah Palin to the list of those sticking up for an accused Navy SEAL from Blue Island and two of his fellow servicemen.

Palin, on her Facebook page Friday, posted a message saying charges should be dropped against Petty Officer 1st Class Julio Huertas of Blue Island and two of his fellow SEALS — accused of mistreating an Iraqi terrorism suspect. » Click to enlarge image Add Sarah Palin to the list of those sticking up for an accused Navy SEAL from Blue Island and two of his fellow servicemen. (Getty Images)

“First the Obama Administration opened up the possibility of prosecuting CIA interrogators doing their jobs seeking information from terrorists,” Palin wrote. “Then they tried to go after the Bush Administration lawyers who acted in good faith to protect us in the months after 9/11.

“Now some of the military brass are court-martialing three brave Navy SEALs for allegedly throwing a single punch at Iraqi terrorist leader Ahmed Hashim Abed. This is wrong. The Washington Times got it right: Save the SEALs.

“These brave warriors belong in combat, not in the courthouse. They captured the most wanted terrorist in Iraq. We may never know how many other heroic missions they undertook on behalf of our country. The charges should be dropped, and they should be returned to their unit — with our gratitude for their service.

“Stand up for the SEALs who are standing up for us!”

More in link.
What a Patriotic thing to do. Sarah loves the American Military and honors their service. She has a son who volunteered in the Army and is serving. She knows the dangers they face when fighting the War on Terror. She knows that they are putting their lives on the line for us, the American People. That is one of the reasons she will make a great American President. She is proud of the Military and will do what ever it takes to support them. Support for this Seal is needed and it is paramount that the charges against him are dropped.

Palin sticks up for accused Blue Island Navy SEAL :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Metro & Tri-State

Add Sarah Palin to the list of those sticking up for an accused Navy SEAL from Blue Island and two of his fellow servicemen.

Palin, on her Facebook page Friday, posted a message saying charges should be dropped against Petty Officer 1st Class Julio Huertas of Blue Island and two of his fellow SEALS — accused of mistreating an Iraqi terrorism suspect. » Click to enlarge image Add Sarah Palin to the list of those sticking up for an accused Navy SEAL from Blue Island and two of his fellow servicemen. (Getty Images)

“First the Obama Administration opened up the possibility of prosecuting CIA interrogators doing their jobs seeking information from terrorists,” Palin wrote. “Then they tried to go after the Bush Administration lawyers who acted in good faith to protect us in the months after 9/11.

“Now some of the military brass are court-martialing three brave Navy SEALs for allegedly throwing a single punch at Iraqi terrorist leader Ahmed Hashim Abed. This is wrong. The Washington Times got it right: Save the SEALs.

“These brave warriors belong in combat, not in the courthouse. They captured the most wanted terrorist in Iraq. We may never know how many other heroic missions they undertook on behalf of our country. The charges should be dropped, and they should be returned to their unit — with our gratitude for their service.

“Stand up for the SEALs who are standing up for us!”

More in link.

You support a politician instead of the military?
Ideology over practice once again.
What a Patriotic thing to do. Sarah loves the American Military and honors their service. She has a son who volunteered in the Army and is serving. She knows the dangers they face when fighting the War on Terror. She knows that they are putting their lives on the line for us, the American People. That is one of the reasons she will make a great American President. She is proud of the Military and will do what ever it takes to support them. Support for this Seal is needed and it is paramount that the charges against him are dropped.

Palin sticks up for accused Blue Island Navy SEAL :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Metro & Tri-State

Add Sarah Palin to the list of those sticking up for an accused Navy SEAL from Blue Island and two of his fellow servicemen.

Palin, on her Facebook page Friday, posted a message saying charges should be dropped against Petty Officer 1st Class Julio Huertas of Blue Island and two of his fellow SEALS — accused of mistreating an Iraqi terrorism suspect. » Click to enlarge image Add Sarah Palin to the list of those sticking up for an accused Navy SEAL from Blue Island and two of his fellow servicemen. (Getty Images)

“First the Obama Administration opened up the possibility of prosecuting CIA interrogators doing their jobs seeking information from terrorists,” Palin wrote. “Then they tried to go after the Bush Administration lawyers who acted in good faith to protect us in the months after 9/11.

“Now some of the military brass are court-martialing three brave Navy SEALs for allegedly throwing a single punch at Iraqi terrorist leader Ahmed Hashim Abed. This is wrong. The Washington Times got it right: Save the SEALs.

“These brave warriors belong in combat, not in the courthouse. They captured the most wanted terrorist in Iraq. We may never know how many other heroic missions they undertook on behalf of our country. The charges should be dropped, and they should be returned to their unit — with our gratitude for their service.

“Stand up for the SEALs who are standing up for us!”

More in link.

You support a politician instead of the military?
Ideology over practice once again.
I support both.
They have their day in court, just like anyone else. What is the problem?
They have their day in court, just like anyone else. What is the problem?

What's the problem. These Seals risk there lives to kill and capture the enemy. There should not have been charges filed. What's next? Charging our soldiers for assault and battery for engaging in hand to hand combat? Things like this are demoralizing for Americas elite soldiers. If it was the other way around the Seal would have been beheaded instead of getting a bloody lip. Palin knows this. There are a lot of Military members supporting her on the forums today thanking her and saying they would be proud for her to be their commander n chief. You never see that about Obama, the Usurper. In my humble opinion, these three men should be decorated, thanked sincerely and profusely for their service and courage and sent back to finish the work they’re so uniquely qualified to do.
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They have their day in court, just like anyone else. What is the problem?

What's the problem. These Seals risk there lives to kill and capture the enemy. There should not have been charges filed. What's next? Charging our soldiers for assault and battery for engaging in hand to hand combat? Things like this are demoralizing for Americas elite soldiers. If it was the other way around the Seal would have been beheaded instead of getting a bloody lip. Palin knows this. There are a lot of Military members supporting her on the forums today thanking her and saying they would be proud for her to be their commander n chief. You never see that about Obama, the Usurper. In my humble opinion, these three men should be decorated, thanked sincerely and profusely for their service and courage and sent back to finish the work they’re so uniquely qualified to do.

On the flip side, if we do not adhere to our rules and laws as they pertain to combat, what's next? Forcing prisoners to pose nude while creating human pyramids? Allowing guard dogs to attack them? Waterboard them?? Where will it all end? And how will we be able to recognize ourselves against our enemies? By uniform only?
They have their day in court, just like anyone else. What is the problem?

What's the problem. These Seals risk there lives to kill and capture the enemy. There should not have been charges filed. What's next? Charging our soldiers for assault and battery for engaging in hand to hand combat? Things like this are demoralizing for Americas elite soldiers. If it was the other way around the Seal would have been beheaded instead of getting a bloody lip. Palin knows this. There are a lot of Military members supporting her on the forums today thanking her and saying they would be proud for her to be their commander n chief. You never see that about Obama, the Usurper. In my humble opinion, these three men should be decorated, thanked sincerely and profusely for their service and courage and sent back to finish the work they’re so uniquely qualified to do.

On the flip side, if we do not adhere to our rules and laws as they pertain to combat, what's next? Forcing prisoners to pose nude while creating human pyramids? Allowing guard dogs to attack them? Waterboard them?? Where will it all end? And how will we be able to recognize ourselves against our enemies? By uniform only?
So why now do we prosecute when we did not during ww2 or other wars for such minor instances that require just a bandaid? This is war we are talking about. These guys are hell bent on killing the infidels at all costs. Waterboarding is the next best thing since sliced cheese in extracting information from the radical religous hardheaded jihadist. These Seals are trained to kill or capture. A bloody lip on a Muslim Terrorist should not be the end of the careers of these Patriots. Political Correctness has gotten out of hand. Once the enemy knows that our troops will be punished for roughing up them then soon all enemies in custody will be asking to see a lawyer claiming our soldiers hurt them tying up the courts with taxpayers money. This is absurd.
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Sarah Palin is questioning a military decision.
Playing politics for gain when you are accountable to no one after quitting your elected position for more $ is the sign of someone not to be trusted.
This case was brought by the military superiors of these men.
If Obama questioned this decision the military would be all over him.
Playing both sides of the fence is easy.
What a Patriotic thing to do. Sarah loves the American Military and honors their service. She has a son who volunteered in the Army and is serving. She knows the dangers they face when fighting the War on Terror. She knows that they are putting their lives on the line for us, the American People. That is one of the reasons she will make a great American President. She is proud of the Military and will do what ever it takes to support them. Support for this Seal is needed and it is paramount that the charges against him are dropped.

Palin sticks up for accused Blue Island Navy SEAL :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Metro & Tri-State

Add Sarah Palin to the list of those sticking up for an accused Navy SEAL from Blue Island and two of his fellow servicemen.

Palin, on her Facebook page Friday, posted a message saying charges should be dropped against Petty Officer 1st Class Julio Huertas of Blue Island and two of his fellow SEALS — accused of mistreating an Iraqi terrorism suspect. » Click to enlarge image Add Sarah Palin to the list of those sticking up for an accused Navy SEAL from Blue Island and two of his fellow servicemen. (Getty Images)

“First the Obama Administration opened up the possibility of prosecuting CIA interrogators doing their jobs seeking information from terrorists,” Palin wrote. “Then they tried to go after the Bush Administration lawyers who acted in good faith to protect us in the months after 9/11.

“Now some of the military brass are court-martialing three brave Navy SEALs for allegedly throwing a single punch at Iraqi terrorist leader Ahmed Hashim Abed. This is wrong. The Washington Times got it right: Save the SEALs.

“These brave warriors belong in combat, not in the courthouse. They captured the most wanted terrorist in Iraq. We may never know how many other heroic missions they undertook on behalf of our country. The charges should be dropped, and they should be returned to their unit — with our gratitude for their service.

“Stand up for the SEALs who are standing up for us!”

More in link.

I just spontaneously ejaculated thinking about how hot and patriotic Sarah Palin is!!!
Who is prosecuting this SEAL?..The U.S. Navy I would assume. I don't have all of the facts on this story and I sure as hell wasn't going to read some article kissing Sarah Palins ass but from what I gather, Several people have said they seen these SEAL's letting others hit the captured guy and Injure him. Now, I know I am going to get called for 'Sticking up for a terrorist' but it was these SEAL's Jobs to protect this guy..and to most acounts, they failed. I say let the trial run its course..If their guilty of neglecting their job, punish them..If not, Let them go.

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