Alvin Bragg’s Office Accused of Leaking Trump’s Potential Sentence to ‘The View’ — Likely to Recommend a Year Behind Bars for Trump at Rikers Island

Damn and this is about the least serious of all of his criminal trials and felony counts. Probation status will be pointless if he spends the rest of his life rotting and dying in prison.
When you emerge from your coma, you will find life in prison is not a penalty for these manufactured 'crimes'..
When you emerge from your coma, you will find life in prison is not a penalty for these manufactured 'crimes'..
Trump is old, feeble, and obese. He will not survive a prison term longer than a few years. Sending Trump to prison means sending his fatass to die from old age or shivving in prison.
Trump is old, feeble, and obese. He will not survive a prison term longer than a few years. Sending Trump to prison means sending his fatass to die from old age or shivving in prison.

You're a very sick individual.

In fact, I'm no shrink; but I am starting to realize that a lot of you TDS induced Leftists are actually projecting your own insecurities and feelings of inadequacy on to Trump.

The hatred that irrationally spews forth from your feeble minds is a form of coping with your own self-disappointment.

And the media has granted you carte-blanche to do it, so it's considered legitimate.

So maybe work on that, instead of channeling your rage toward the inversion of a false idol.

Bill will be in the mail. ;)
The process of LAW.

Maybe you've heard of it?

Now that's pretty darn funny coming from the left.

While ole' Stumblebum, your senile God, is stuttering and mumbling about 'respecting' the jury verdict, he's stuttering and mumbling about he can ignore the USSC relative to his debt on taxpayers with his student debt transfer.

....bunch of low IQ buffoons.
a lot of you TDS induced Leftists are actually projecting your own insecurities and feelings of inadequacy on to Trump.
I have no feelings of insecurity or inadequacy about dying in prison. I do not commit crimes and understand that actions have consequences, unlike your religious idol Donald :itsok:
Trump is old, feeble, and obese. He will not survive a prison term longer than a few years. Sending Trump to prison means sending his fatass to die from old age or shivving in prison.

I agree that the corrupt judge will likely issue jail time.

The Dems / Socialists know that short of jailing Trump to keep him from the next election, they will have to lock him up or assassinate him. That's how desperate and corrupt you people are.
The long dead and gone Gateway Pundit has the story.

But the video clip is there, so please save the boring predictable cries of FAKE NEWS! for someone who cares.

Either this is one hundred percent true, or the wench from the View is lying.

Either is perfectly conceivable.

The entire Left wing have lost their friggin' minds in a revenge porn fantasy, and it's tearing this nation apart.
That must be why the orange knuckle dragger has been going off the deep end all weekend.

What's the chance of him hauling ass to a Country that doesn't have an extradition treaty with the U.S.?

One can only hope.
DO IT you cowards, Trump is daring you to try. The shit judge could have sentenced him immediately.
Ok they will. And it will be priceless to see you Trump asslickers totally lose control of your faculties when you see Spanky in a matching orange jumpsuit.
Trump is old, feeble, and obese. He will not survive a prison term longer than a few years. Sending Trump to prison means sending his fatass to die from old age or shivving in prison.
Well they can sentence his sorry ass to house arrest with an ankle bracelet which means no fucking around on the golf course.

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