The jury will not give Trump a prison sentence. They are only responsible for deciding whether Trump is guilty or not guilty of the charges.

There was no fictitious phone call entered into evidence.
I’ve been on juries where lawyers on one side or the other played games like this. Presenting “evidence” or hearsay testimony that was never entered into evidence. It’s a scummy tactic, but some jurors fall for it, it takes a strong jury foreman to overcome opinions tainted by such unlawful tactics.
Not like this. Now the state can upjump misdemeanors to felonies based on mystery crimes in which there is no defense. Somewhere in Hell Stalin is smiling.
Now that is a very good point. If the prosecution had named the "another crime" required by the statute they prosecuted Trump under, the defense would have had the option to present evidence the crime never happened, or to refute the prosecution's claim that it (whatever "it" was) took place to be covered up.

If somehow, due to picking the right jury, this works and Trump is convicted, the next case may not even name the primary crime. Just get a grand jury to say that Trump is guilty of "commiting a crime in violation of the law" or some such, and then use the trial to bring a dozen or so negative character witnesses to whine about Trump and hope the jury finds him guilty of violating some law they randomly pick.
I’ve been on juries where lawyers on one side or the other played games like this. Presenting “evidence” or hearsay testimony that was never entered into evidence. It’s a scummy tactic, but some jurors fall for it, it takes a strong jury foreman to overcome opinions tainted by such unlawful tactics.

Prolly won't work in this case since there are two attorneys on the jury.
What you've heard? Considering how much you pay attention to things like "clown" "orange" and other idiocies...
Actually I have heard and seen it. The trials are a joke. Much like you. Your are trolling at best. Not that I think you can do any better. Carry on, no one is listening anyway.
The judge basically telling the jury that Trump is not going to prison, even if he’s found guilty will change the deliberations considerably. I would’ve expected the pro Trump holdouts to bring up the idea of sending Trump to prison as their argument for acquittal.

This was aThe judge basically telling the jury that Trump is not going to prison, even if he’s found guilty will change the deliberations considerably. I would’ve expected the pro Trump holdouts to bring up the idea of sending Trump to prison as they’re argument for acquittal.

This was a brilliant move on the part of the judge, so I have to think it was his White House handlers who told him to do that. Honestly, he doesn’t seem that bright to me

Anyway, it is likely good news for the poster that I made the wager with. Now, instead of a hung jury, I predict that the jury will “compromise” by finding Trump guilty on only one or two of the charges.

In doing so, they will help the judge. He would look pretty bad if it came back with Trump, guilty of 34 felonies, and he said, no prison time.

If I remember right that charge carries a maximum sentence of four years. I think that’s 136 years 34 charges? If I got it wrong, cut me some slack. I’m doing the math in my head while driving and also voice to texting. The judge would look pretty bad giving zero instead.

Butt, if Trump is guilty on only two charges, the judge would have cover for his zero Prison time plan. Oh well, so much for “the law.”

If Lawfare weren’t so evil and un-American I would complement the judge and his democrat handlers on such a brilliant move.
Trump will not see Prison in this case.

If convicted, some type of probation, community service, fine

On Truth Social on Saturday, he repeated false claims about election fraud, which he said “allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution.”

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