Paraguay River hits all-time lows in Brazil

  • Thread starter Thread starter Harpy Eagle
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Because they put aside their politics and acted. That is too big an ask for most people in this country today.
Most people in this country aren't affected like your farmer friends. I suspect when they are they will adapt too.
I posted a thread about an actual event going on.

There is no panic. There are just facts.

There was no doom and gloom, just facts.

Why do facts trigger you so badly?
I ain't triggered about anything and the most stake you're making is that you your crap are facts. Go and look up Fopdoodle, it's another term to describe a Climate Alarmist. You argue the most irrelevant stupid stuff.
Harpy Eagle you are gathering data on a river over a 60 year period, a river that's probably many hundreds of thousand years old. In your little 60 year old data book, it's hit it's record low by a tiny bit, and you conclude for all of mankind the sky is falling.

Now Einstein, what is the current level compared to the past in the river's entire history? Who knows, they may have been times where it's fully dried up.

So you are arguing with yourself over some data you've collected, and yes you are right, in your 60 year figures you've now recorded it's lowest level. But your conclusions are ABSOLUTELY LAUGHABLE. So as the averages play out, low level means man made climate change and when it floods it's man made climate change.
So as the averages play out, low level means man made climate change and when it floods it's man made climate change.

I have stated 100 times on this forum and in this very thread I do not think mankind is responsible for climate change.

Is English not your 1st language?
That doesn't stop lakes and rivers from drying up, or sinkholes.
Kangaroos Always Jump to Conclusions

It makes that irrelevant. We've barely scratched the surface of the planet's resources. Peak Water is just as much of a myth as Peak Oil.

Any truth in these scare stories comes not from facts on the surface, but because our self-appointed rulers have failed to motivate and develop the most creative human resources. It's not a brain drain where they'd go somewhere else; it's a brain freeze right here.
Which cannot be done with both sides having dick waving contest every time the topic is brought up.

Look at the reactions to my thread, the mere mention of the climate changing bring all sorts of accusations.

This is what happens when everything is made political. These people would cut off their right arm if they thought it would help them win a political argument.
Chicken Little's Weather Report

You think being non-partisan entitles you to preach the lie that there is an unusual change going on in the world's climate.
Kangaroos Always Jump to Conclusions

It makes that irrelevant. We've barely scratched the surface of the planet's resources. Peak Water is just as much of a myth as Peak Oil.

Any truth in these scare stories comes not from facts on the surface, but because our self-appointed rulers have failed to motivate and develop the most creative human resources. It's not a brain drain where they'd go somewhere else; it's a brain freeze right here.

That's crap, there is water and salt water. There is no shortage of salt water. There is a shortage globally of fresh water due to

1. human overpopulation/overconsumption of finite land based fresh water
2. no aggressive build out of desalination plants because Co2 FRAUD keeps misdiagnosing the problem
No such thing as a free lunch.
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