Parents Furious As Kids Face Harsh Punishment For Being Honest, Not Joing Dems In Alt Reality

Taking "God out of schools" isn't what caused Christian schools to become hotbeds of perversion and depravity. These schools are teaching young women that their only value as a wife is an intact hymen. That's what results from forcing young girls to take "chastity pledges" and leaving it up to parents to teach their children about sex.
Conservatives have vehemently opposed sex education in high schools, so the kids are on their own, in figuring out what's appropriate while dating. Telling kids "Don't" is a bigtime failure, and one of the main reasons why 13% of the women who obtain abortions identify as "evangelicals".

"Just say No" doesn't work with teenagers and sex any better than it did for teenagers and pot. What works is access to information on biology. Conservatives treat everything as a privacy issue except abortion which is not in the public interest. It encourages "wanton" behaviour.

The countries with the lowest abortion levels, are the ones where abortion is a matter between a woman and her doctor, and there are no laws governing it. The countries with the highest rates of abortion are those where it's banned on religious grounds.
You do realize it’s impossible to blame Christianity for the problems in schools today, problems we never had during that time, for what is now happening when you zealots removed them from schools. You can comprehend that right?

Where in the hell do you get your statistics? Your asshole isn’t full of supporting stats you can just pull out of there. The US has the loosest abortion laws of any civilized nation. You can’t just make shit up.
You seem to be easily offended by other people's choices.

You appear to be trying to convince people to think like you and only you.
Why do you hate Freedom?
Why do you think forcing people to go along with your narrative or be punished is freedom? That shit works both ways.
No they don't care about your feelings and disorders. You don't get to name and shame people simply because you don't understand them, or their lives run counter to how you thing other people should live.

What difference does it make in your life if you now call "Bruce", "Krysten". Have you accomplish ANYTHING by refusing to respect that Krysten is not who she once was?
Like I said before, I refuse to enable a serious mental disorder of any kind, much less gender dysphoria where they attempt & commit suicide at tremendous rates. Your "compassion" is more hollow than your reasoning once they kill themselves from a mental breakdown you refuse to acknowledge.
Enabling delusions is not, nor will it ever be, my way of dealing with those suffering mental illness.
What you call naming & shaming is known as speaking truth to normal people.
I will always tell the truth despite the feelings of the feeble minded & will speak how I choose for as long as I live.
The only way you could stop me is with force & that would entail my use of equal or superior force.
That's how wars start
You seem to be easily offended by other people's choices.

You appear to be trying to convince people to think like you and only you.
Why do you hate Fdivision.

Hate freedom?

I have spent the last 34 years defending it, snowflake.

You think newly transgender indoctrinated people charging kids with sexual harrassment for using appropriate but not preferred gender pronouns is 'freedom' , buttercup?

I want to force people to live like ME? If you don't see the fucked up hypocrisy of what you just said, how you just tried to turn reality inside out, you're mentally unbalanced. Maybe your 'manbun' is pulled a little too tight.

I don't care what choices people make or how they live - just don't try to punish me or my kids for not accepting your choice or modifing my life to enable your twisted reality.

Go about your life and leave me the F* alone. If I call you 'he' 'cause you're a dude but you 'identify as 'female' that day', don't get your male panties in a wad, walk on by / walk off. I obviously don't live in your alternate reality.

The answer is not to come back with some Drag Queen cop and threaten me with legal repercussions to force me to live in that alternate reality with you and call you by your preferred pronouns.

If your goal was make people like you / accept you, this ain't the way to go about it.

Again, if you are offended by my or my kids using the appropriate but not preferred pronouns then fuck off, go away, live your life any way you want and leave me the hell alone to allow me to do the same.

Damn if liberals constantly don't make up shit with which to divide the country / divide people up further and further into micro-cosms of minefields so no matter where you step you will piss off someone.

Screw the party of division.
Why do you think forcing people to go along with your narrative or be punished is freedom? That shit works both ways.
If you want to be an asshole you have every right
If someone is gay, leave them the fuck alone and quit saying everyone that’s not an asshole like you has to be a groomer.

I have never met what you describe as a groomer. I don’t support it but I do accept it but choose to ignore it.
Why do you think forcing people to go along with your narrative or be punished is freedom? That shit works both ways.

She's from Canaduh, a shithole nation founded in cowering and groveling before the same tyrant against whom we Americans violently rebelled in order to found our country. Her distorted views of what constitutes “freedom” are an artifact of her own country's shameful and cowardly origin.
Hate freedom?

I have spent the last 34 years defending it, snowflake.
Yeah. Me too. This is generally what's wrong with the snowflakes, they make like they know stuff, but all they're really doing is slinging baggies full of feces all over the place.

These fucking idiots are like little monkeys, they pull turds out of their own butts and fling them at others. :p

We know how it goes, yes? I say what I can say. I tell people I have a background in security, and they go "oh, you worked at Brinks". I give these idiots chapter and verse on voting security and they come back with "7% of the people in this country don't have photo ID". The progtard rabble is stupid, uneducated, and incapable of original thought, because they've been swallowing the bullshit from their elected fucktards for so long.

Somehow it's time for a little monkey control. Too many of these dumbass leftard monkeys slinging their shit all over the place. It's bad for tourism.
As always the truth lies somewhere in the middle. A transgender should be able to go to school, work, a park, a subway and not be harassed. If people are harassing them, then our society should pass laws protecting them. So the idiots in our society learn or stop being mean. But I also don't think being called a fag or n word is cause to get you fired. Unless you are dumb enough to say it at work.

And the race car driver who said the n word on line while playing a video game and was fired, he has sponsors. He's representing corporations. If he makes them look bad, they can fire him. He's not a protected species either.

And it does seem like gays are feeling comfortable to come out and it feels like they are throwing it in our faces but they should be free and comfortable being who they are. Yes you may laugh but just like anyone else, don't let them see it. And you can cross a line where you should be charged for harassment or something. You can't bully other people. Can you?

Transgenders need to get used to the odd looks in school because school prepares you for the real world. I had a man dressed as a woman come up to me in Germany and he/she worked for wherever it is I was and I just had to pretend nothing was abnormal. Like I didn't notice. I'd do the same for you if you had a big mole on you face.

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You can live any fantasy you want, just don't expect me to participate.
You do realize it’s impossible to blame Christianity for the problems in schools today, problems we never had during that time, for what is now happening when you zealots removed them from schools. You can comprehend that right?

Where in the hell do you get your statistics? Your asshole isn’t full of supporting stats you can just pull out of there. The US has the loosest abortion laws of any civilized nation. You can’t just make shit up.
You're exactly right, if you look at the time frame when God was taken out. The trouble started.
If you want to be an asshole you have every right
If someone is gay, leave them the fuck alone and quit saying everyone that’s not an asshole like you has to be a groomer.

I have never met what you describe as a groomer. I don’t support it but I do accept it but choose to ignore it.
You chose to ignore it because it fits your agenda. The gays won’t fucking go away and just live. They demand we have to participate in their bullshit. We have to teach our grade school aged children about your fetish and teach as if it’s perfectly acceptable. And if they don’t join in and promote this shit they and their parents are bigot assholes.

Go fuck yourself. At any moment in the last ten years you could have lived your life, sucked enough cocks to get lock jaw. And nobody would give a fuck. But no. You couldn’t do that. You have to teach our kids, you need trans library hour. You demand we all address you with your chosen pronoun.

Fuck off. We give you a chance to live with yourself and it wasn’t enough. It’s time to bring back beating the fuck out of you people for sport. Take you .02% of the population down a peg. You’re the fucking freaks not us. You better act like it.
Fuck off. We give you a chance to live with yourself and it wasn’t enough. It’s time to bring back beating the fuck out of you people for sport. Take you .02% of the population down a peg. You’re the fucking freaks not us. You better act like it.

I remember, back in the 1970s, when homosexuals were just claiming that they wanted to practice their perversions in peace and privacy. It was about “consenting adults”.

There were concerns that if we gave in to them, that eventually they'd start going after children.

We now know, that the bit about “consenting adults” was a lie. And now, they are openly going after children, just as some of us warned forty or fifty years ago.
You chose to ignore it because it fits your agenda. The gays won’t fucking go away and just live. They demand we have to participate in their bullshit. We have to teach our grade school aged children about your fetish and teach as if it’s perfectly acceptable. And if they don’t join in and promote this shit they and their parents are bigot assholes.

Go fuck yourself. At any moment in the last ten years you could have lived your life, sucked enough cocks to get lock jaw. And nobody would give a fuck. But no. You couldn’t do that. You have to teach our kids, you need trans library hour. You demand we all address you with your chosen pronoun.

Fuck off. We give you a chance to live with yourself and it wasn’t enough. It’s time to bring back beating the fuck out of you people for sport. Take you .02% of the population down a peg. You’re the fucking freaks not us. You better act like it.
^^^ :p

I hear ya, man. lol - you're the one they call Grumpy, not the one they call Bashful. :p

I hear ya. I have lotsa lotsa experience with gays. (For a straight guy). I used to work in a gay bar, in NYC. I'm actually very grateful to the gays, they gave me a job when no one else would. (Long story, ask me about it sometime). And taught me a few lessons too, about being a human being.

I like happily married gay couples, I know some I would trust with my childrens' lives. (Which is a big deal coming from me, right?)

I don't like the flamboyant in your face types. As an ADULT, I learned how to handle homosexual advances. As a child, it would not have been quite so easy.

I hug homosexual men every day, multiple times a day. Ain't no thing. They like that stuff, shows humanity and goodwill. I'm in the music biz, I wouldn't be working at all if I hated gays.

All I ask is that everyone - EVERYONE - respect the children. Gays, lefties, protesters, drive by shooters.... Catholic priests, them too. Day care teachers, high school teachers, the whole nine yards.
The republicans are the sole occupants of alternate reality in the political sphere. Some still think Trump won the election. Yeah...I's unbelievable.
asshole ^^^

Trump... Trump... Trump...

No one cares.

Go away with that stupid shit.
No they don't care about your feelings and disorders. You don't get to name and shame people simply because you don't understand them, or their lives run counter to how you thing other people should live.
Gee, now imagine how Democrats behave towards gay conservatives like me? I'm not a fan of being treated like I'm the property of one party or the other.

"We can't understand how you can be gay and conservative! IMPOSSIBRU!!!11!!1"

It's possible alright, because liberalism is a mental disorder in its current form, and it preaches the tolerance it lacks.
Nope, sure don’t. What I don’t put up with is your racism either. It’s equally bad to accuse someone of success for being white as it is to make being a failure the result of being black.

It never ceases to amaze me how you racist fucks always fall back on screaming racism in every discussion. Maybe we should talk about the true mental illness at the root of all this. Liberalism.

When you have to twist what people say, you've got nothing.

Your blanket refusal to acknowledge that such a thing as white privilege exists shows the level of your refusal to face facts. And then you scream that others are obsessed with race.

I didn't say that white success was created by racism - YOU said it. I said that the belief that you haven't benefited from white privilege is a lie.
Gee, now imagine how Democrats behave towards gay conservatives like me? I'm not a fan of being treated like I'm the property of one party or the other.

"We can't understand how you can be gay and conservative! IMPOSSIBRU!!!11!!1"

It's possible alright, because liberalism is a mental disorder in its current form, and it preaches the tolerance it lacks.
You're an Uncle Tom. Of sorts. :p

I might be wrong, but I think gay conservatives are more common than black Republicans
You said you were "good" at this? LOL.
I am. Ever do any surveying? First you put stakes in the ground. Then you tie them together.

Right now I'm making it abundantly clear to you idiots that Donald Trump is not the issue.

My children are the issue.

Americans don't care about Donald Trump, only lefties are still letting him crawl up their butts.

Americans care about putting food on the table so our kids can eat. We care about having to pay twice as much for gas as we make at work. And with all those real problems and more, YOU won't let us ignore the violent leftists who want to get in our faces about every stupid little thing from cops to abortions.
I am. Ever do any surveying? First you put stakes in the ground. Then you tie them together.
Wow...that's pretty random
Right now I'm making it abundantly clear to you idiots that Donald Trump is not the issue.
You're making your silliness abundantly clear.
My children are the issue.

Americans don't care about Donald Trump, only lefties are still letting him crawl up their butts.

Those are the titles of threads from this week started by the right wing loons I don't have on ignore. You guys can't stop talking about your cult leader.

Americans care about putting food on the table so our kids can eat. We care about having to pay twice as much for gas as we make at work. And with all those real problems and more, YOU won't let us ignore the violent leftists who want to get in our faces about every stupid little thing from cops to abortions.
You sound like a child. You guys keep bringing up the blob but blame others for it?

But since, as you say, Trump isn't the issue...perhaps you can tell us the name of the man who won the 2022 Presidential Election and finally join the rest of the world here in reality. I bet you won't just come out and say it without some snide reference that reeks of sour grapes.

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