Paris overrun with muslim illegal filth

The muslims have been at war with themselves for centuries.
Why don't YOU visit Paris with your female family members? You'll be threatened and spat on and assaulted if you turn you back on these animals.
Maybe then you'll fucking wake up!
Suuure Hillary ONLY wants to allow 65K 'refugees in. Suuure!
'Young muslim men aren't refugees. They are fucking animal cowards who won't fight for their own countries.
And the majority of refugees being admitted to our country are not economic refugee young men. They are family groups--children, women and sometimes elderly that have lost their primary breadwinner. They are thoroughly vetted in a process that takes well over a year. So YOU wise up! We're paying the piper regardless of whether you like it!
The people that do the vetting said they cant be thoroughly vetted...
I saw that interview. I also saw additional interviews by those same folks explaining that they use alternative sources when the primary sources are not available. At any rate, since most of the terror attacks here have been by good ol Americans, it seems to be working okay. And I do say that with my fingers crossed, knocking wood and all. The threat of terrorism exists everywhere.
yeah, now.. That's what makes people skeptical.. they would rather be safe than sorry.
I hear that. I understand that, even. But it doesn't change what is. And what is, is a couple million displaced people straining the resources of Europe and the West in general, and we need to step up to the plate. We got millions with no home and rather than having them pooping in the street, as OP reports, we need to take our share. No one, not one single country, will send them home. Not even Australia, which is keeping them on an island. So roll up your sleeves, do your best. It's all we can do. Unless Trump wins, of course; then we'll just say no and let the chips fall where they may.
So put the cowards on an island off the mainland coast like Australia did.
Within a couple of months they'll be murdering each other like they did in the country they should have stayed home to defend. They are cultist degenerates with zero morals.
The muslims have been at war with themselves for centuries.
Why don't YOU visit Paris with your female family members? You'll be threatened and spat on and assaulted if you turn you back on these animals.
Maybe then you'll fucking wake up!
Suuure Hillary ONLY wants to allow 65K 'refugees in. Suuure!
'Young muslim men aren't refugees. They are fucking animal cowards who won't fight for their own countries.
And the majority of refugees being admitted to our country are not economic refugee young men. They are family groups--children, women and sometimes elderly that have lost their primary breadwinner. They are thoroughly vetted in a process that takes well over a year. So YOU wise up! We're paying the piper regardless of whether you like it!
The people that do the vetting said they cant be thoroughly vetted...
I saw that interview. I also saw additional interviews by those same folks explaining that they use alternative sources when the primary sources are not available. At any rate, since most of the terror attacks here have been by good ol Americans, it seems to be working okay. And I do say that with my fingers crossed, knocking wood and all. The threat of terrorism exists everywhere.
yeah, now.. That's what makes people skeptical.. they would rather be safe than sorry.
I hear that. I understand that, even. But it doesn't change what is. And what is, is a couple million displaced people straining the resources of Europe and the West in general, and we need to step up to the plate. We got millions with no home and rather than having them pooping in the street, as OP reports, we need to take our share. No one, not one single country, will send them home. Not even Australia, which is keeping them on an island. So roll up your sleeves, do your best. It's all we can do. Unless Trump wins, of course; then we'll just say no and let the chips fall where they may.
Yeah, let everyone babysit them AND fight for them. Seems fair.
OP is full of shit.
If you close down a camp where do you think people will go ?

All of this can be traced back to the actions of Bush and it ill behoves America to look the other way.
Seems to me the anti-Muslim faction in this country may have a chance to demonstrate if their position will work. God help us.
The 'influx' of refugees mentioned is about equivalent to three or four planes landing at Roissy; not significant in numbers.
Generosity is a wonderful human emotion. In certain circumstances, nonetheless, it requires wisdom and vision. France constructed a wonderful social system, but it was based on the culture, morals and ethics of a generation now passed. If all the French were as they were forty years ago, there would be no problem; quite the contrary.
The majority of French people of the Islamic persuasion are no problem, either. As in the U.S., a minority does the majority of damage, and gets the most press.
Many people exploit the French system, ruining it for everyone, yet it continues to work better than in America. Its medical care, for instance, is among the best and most available in the world, ahead of an America that can't make health care work because it is allergic to the language involved in change.
The population habits of homo erectus are curious, and lead us to doubt the specie's intelligence. The reason people want to go to Europe rather than elsewhere is exactly because the Europeans, often in spite of themselves; have constructed pretty nice societies, freedoms and places to live.
How to constructively channel this human flow remains the real question.
Syria is such an international "luv up" that everyone involved in the decisions so far should be shown out the door immediately.
The 'influx' of refugees mentioned is about equivalent to three or four planes landing at Roissy; not significant in numbers.
Generosity is a wonderful human emotion. In certain circumstances, nonetheless, it requires wisdom and vision. France constructed a wonderful social system, but it was based on the culture, morals and ethics of a generation now passed. If all the French were as they were forty years ago, there would be no problem; quite the contrary.
The majority of French people of the Islamic persuasion are no problem, either. As in the U.S., a minority does the majority of damage, and gets the most press.
Many people exploit the French system, ruining it for everyone, yet it continues to work better than in America. Its medical care, for instance, is among the best and most available in the world, ahead of an America that can't make health care work because it is allergic to the language involved in change.
The population habits of homo erectus are curious, and lead us to doubt the specie's intelligence. The reason people want to go to Europe rather than elsewhere is exactly because the Europeans, often in spite of themselves; have constructed pretty nice societies, freedoms and places to live.
How to constructively channel this human flow remains the real question.
Syria is such an international "luv up" that everyone involved in the decisions so far should be shown out the door immediately.
Thats probably a bit too nuanced for many on this thread.
The 'influx' of refugees mentioned is about equivalent to three or four planes landing at Roissy; not significant in numbers.
Generosity is a wonderful human emotion. In certain circumstances, nonetheless, it requires wisdom and vision. France constructed a wonderful social system, but it was based on the culture, morals and ethics of a generation now passed. If all the French were as they were forty years ago, there would be no problem; quite the contrary.
The majority of French people of the Islamic persuasion are no problem, either. As in the U.S., a minority does the majority of damage, and gets the most press.
Many people exploit the French system, ruining it for everyone, yet it continues to work better than in America. Its medical care, for instance, is among the best and most available in the world, ahead of an America that can't make health care work because it is allergic to the language involved in change.
The population habits of homo erectus are curious, and lead us to doubt the specie's intelligence. The reason people want to go to Europe rather than elsewhere is exactly because the Europeans, often in spite of themselves; have constructed pretty nice societies, freedoms and places to live.
How to constructively channel this human flow remains the real question.
Syria is such an international "luv up" that everyone involved in the decisions so far should be shown out the door immediately.
Thats probably a bit too nuanced for many on this thread.
I was good 'til the last statement. Then he lost me.
Too much hate for this old lady. Europe got overrun. We did not. We will not, not with the 65,000 refugees Clinton wants to take in, which is a drop in the bucket compared to what Europe has taken in, and WE are the ones who started this whole damned thing. So even though it would be nice if the problem had been avoided, it wasn't, and we're STUCK with it, as Paris is stuck with it's refugees. Calling them names isn't going to solve the problem.

First off, the numbers are ALWAYS way below the actual; somehow magically the number of illegals in the US claimed by the horrid media has remained at 11 million for 25 years despite hundreds of thousands of KNOWN illegals marching across the border each year plus an unknown number who have snuck in.

Second, 65K is A LOT of people, and that is just what that whore HRC wants to import in one year. Do the math on how many billions will be needed to support the families of all those so-called "refugees," who as muslims will have large families which they will expect taxpayers like me to financially support.

I fucking cannot wait until the makers like me shout "NO MORE!" and refuse to pay taxes so the national democratic party's house of cards of buiyng votes with my tax dollars collapses on itself.

Last, how is it the US is responsible for these mass influxes of illegals? Or are you one of those jackasses who blames the US/Israel/West for EVERYTHING that goes bad in the 3rd world, as if the brown and black people are all incompetent fucking children with no ability to shape their future?

The fact is, honey is NO ONE is stuck with anything; the natives in the West are going to start mass deporting these invaders soon enough. There's 57 muslim countries, its time they started bringing their "brothers" over and putting their money where their mouth is.
I hear that. I understand that, even. But it doesn't change what is. And what is, is a couple million displaced people straining the resources of Europe and the West in general, and we need to step up to the plate. We got millions with no home and rather than having them pooping in the street, as OP reports, we need to take our share. No one, not one single country, will send them home. Not even Australia, which is keeping them on an island. So roll up your sleeves, do your best. It's all we can do. Unless Trump wins, of course; then we'll just say no and let the chips fall where they may.

Not sure if this idiot is trolling, but I'll assume for one moment they are not...Honey NO ONE, not you, not HRC, not the fairy godmother can fucking tell me I "need to support these people." WRONG.

Charity is something freely given to those I wish to give to, not forced out of my pocket so that liberal assholes can feel good about themselves, or scumbag politicians can purchase votes from people they are endowing with my largesse.

This is an outrage, and the middle class and general public will not stand for it much longer.
OP is full of shit. If you close down a camp where do you think people will go ?

All of this can be traced back to the actions of Bush and it ill behoves America to look the other way.

Riiiiight idiot, because africa and the mideast were havens of peace and idealism for centuries before the US existed, got it.

Is there anything more pathetic than the "blame america for everything" crowd of morons?

Those people will be deported back to their native countries, or another muslim nation is welcome to take them in. But of course they won't go to one, since there's no welfare/handouts...
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Too much hate for this old lady. Europe got overrun. We did not. We will not, not with the 65,000 refugees Clinton wants to take in, which is a drop in the bucket compared to what Europe has taken in, and WE are the ones who started this whole damned thing. So even though it would be nice if the problem had been avoided, it wasn't, and we're STUCK with it, as Paris is stuck with it's refugees. Calling them names isn't going to solve the problem.

First off, the numbers are ALWAYS way below the actual; somehow magically the number of illegals in the US claimed by the horrid media has remained at 11 million for 25 years despite hundreds of thousands of KNOWN illegals marching across the border each year plus an unknown number who have snuck in.

Second, 65K is A LOT of people, and that is just what that whore HRC wants to import in one year. Do the math on how many billions will be needed to support the families of all those so-called "refugees," who as muslims will have large families which they will expect taxpayers like me to financially support.

I fucking cannot wait until the makers like me shout "NO MORE!" and refuse to pay taxes so the national democratic party's house of cards of buiyng votes with my tax dollars collapses on itself.

Last, how is it the US is responsible for these mass influxes of illegals? Or are you one of those jackasses who blames the US/Israel/West for EVERYTHING that goes bad in the 3rd world, as if the brown and black people are all incompetent fucking children with no ability to shape their future?

The fact is, honey is NO ONE is stuck with anything; the natives in the West are going to start mass deporting these invaders soon enough. There's 57 muslim countries, its time they started bringing their "brothers" over and putting their money where their mouth is.
American foreign policy has created this problem. Front up dude.
American foreign policy has created this problem. Front up dude.

Riiiight, black and brown people can never be responsible for themselves, and no other country has a foreign policy.

How come fucktards like you never blame russia or china who are massively engaged in much more aggressive means in as many if not more, places than the US? Is it because you're a liberal idiot who cannot think for themselves beyond what the scum at the NYT editorial board puts in front of you?
American foreign policy has created this problem. Front up dude.

Riiiight, black and brown people can never be responsible for themselves, and no other country has a foreign policy.

How come fucktards like you never blame russia or china who are massively engaged in much more aggressive means in as many if not more, places than the US? Is it because you're a liberal idiot who cannot think for themselves beyond what the scum at the NYT editorial board puts in front of you?
What chance do people have when they are being bombed by the most wealthy nation on earth ?
American foreign policy has created this problem. Front up dude.

Riiiight, black and brown people can never be responsible for themselves, and no other country has a foreign policy.

How come fucktards like you never blame russia or china who are massively engaged in much more aggressive means in as many if not more, places than the US? Is it because you're a liberal idiot who cannot think for themselves beyond what the scum at the NYT editorial board puts in front of you?
What chance do people have when they are being bombed by the most wealthy nation on earth ?
Who bombed Africa?
It's only a matter of time before France becomes an Islamic theocracy and once Muslims take over there and in Germany, they will have complete access to those nations nukes arsenal and they will have no hesitation to use them, as in their religion, dying at the hands of infidels, guarantees entry into their fictitious paradise.

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