Pat Benatar on tour

Not the point. She doesn't want to sing it so she isn't. Her choice. Not yours. Don't like it? Don't go.

It is exactly the point.

It is perhaps her biggest and only real hit. You don't pay big money to go to a concert to hear the performer play the B sides. If you bought Stones tickets and they didn't play Satisfaction you wouldn't be happy.

Her virtue signalling is bullshit
It is exactly the point.

It is perhaps her biggest and only real hit. You don't pay big money to go to a concert to hear the performer play the B sides. If you bought Stones tickets and they didn't play Satisfaction you wouldn't be happy.

Her virtue signalling is bullshit
Good music is not about 'hits' It's about good music. She has been making great music for years and has an incredible voice.
This is her decision and her decision alone.
Kudos to you, Pat for doing the right thing.
Personally I've played that song so many times I could easily live the rest of my life without hearing it. I can imagine how sick of it she must be.
The bass player in my first band (1978) back on Long Island is Pat Benatar's second cousin.

We never met her, but it got us chicks, soooo...
Well that’s a no brainer when she looked like that but you would have to go back in time in a time machine at least ten years ago when she looked like that,however I saw a video of a concert performance she gave a year ago where she has grey hair and I will echo those thoughts and say I would STILL hit it with her,she still looks amazingly good even at almost 70 with grey hair dude.:)

This photo was taken less than a year ago:


She looks damn good for being 69 years old...
On the other hand, I'd eat dirty dead yak's ass before I went to see duran duran.

I used to think that, too.

They came through here on tour a few years ago, and I photographed them for the venue.

They were actually really, really good. I was surprised...
exactly,thats a copout on her part.,makes no sense at all. I as well always thought of it as some school yard bully picking on someone in class and he finally has enough of it and basically says punch me as hard as you can,give me your best,it wont be good enough,I am tired of your shit and i will beat the crap out of you.I always equated it on a positive note.

its not that big a deal though sense she has lost her voice and looks and its just one song even though it is her most i said earlier,wen you hear pat benatar you automatically think HIT ME WITH YOUR BEST SHOT. you got to think long and hard of what her other songs are.

just like joan jett,when you hear her name you think of the song I LOVE ROCKAND ROLL,the other songs of hers,i dont have a clue what they are.pretty much the same with pat.
Pretty sure the reason you think of "I Love Rock And Roll" when you think of Joan Jett is because that's pretty much the only hit she ever had, whereas Benatar has had several.

When I think of Pat Benatar my first thought is "You Better Run". Great song, and Neil Giraldo rips it the fuck up...
Pretty sure the reason you think of "I Love Rock And Roll" when you think of Joan Jett is because that's pretty much the only hit she ever had, whereas Benatar has had several.

When I think of Pat Benatar my first thought is "You Better Run". Great song, and Neil Giraldo rips it the fuck up...
That would explain why when I think long and hard I can’t remember any of Joan jets other songs where when I sit down and do think long and hard on benatar,I CAN remember some of her other songs.
I used to think that, too.

They came through here on tour a few years ago, and I photographed them for the venue.

They were actually really, really good. I was surprised..

This photo was taken less than a year ago:


She looks damn good for being 69 years old...
:thankusmile: Totally agree,fir someone who will be the big seven zero next year,she looks pretty damn good.,they did some photo shopping in thst photo though to make her look really good because if you watch thst second video in post #24 of mine,you can see she has a double chin in thst performance she gave a year ago where in this photo you don’t see it.she doesn’t look as good in thst live action video as she does in the photo so there was obviously a little of photoshopping going on.grampa looks a lot better without glasses as well,in his concert performance as you can see in thst video,he is wearing glasses and looks like a in this photo without glasses,he doesn’t look like a grampa,he should ditch those glasses in his performances.

Too bad he has to wear those glasses for some reason during performances because in this picture here,he doesn’t look so old,he doesn’t look like a grampa as he does in performances with glasses. They have have both aged really well.

Those two videos in thst post of mine show she has really aged though,you can see and hear as I mentioned earlier,thst she doesn’t move around like she used to,doesn’t have any energy anymore standing in one place and her voice is clearly not the same.
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I used to think that, too.

They came through here on tour a few years ago, and I photographed them for the venue.

They were actually really, really good. I was surprised...
See I am MUCH more excited about seeing Duran Duran when they come to Arizona in September than seeing pat benatar next tuesday when she comes here to Kansas City where I live the reason being is while I would much rather look at pat benatar on stage than Duran Duran,I’m excited about going out to Arizona in September where my brother is,going to stay with him fir a few days when the concert comes to phoenix.

I’m much more excited and stoked about seeing Duran Duran because you listen to Duran Duran and listen to Simon lebon,his voice still sounds pretty much the same way as he did in the 80’s when they first started out,just a little bit differerent but not thst much at all which is amazing because most rock bands that were around back then,the voices of the lead singers sound NOTHING at all like they used to.pat benatar is no exception either Canon Shooter so at least with Duran Duran,they will STILL sound the same way as I remember them back then so I won’t be in for any dissapointment that is unless they did something criminal like not play hungry like the wolf, a view to a kill or wild boys which won’t happen.

I’m going into the pat benatar concert not expecting much that way I won’t leave dissapointed because if I went in with high expectations expecting to see and hear her the way I remember her,I would leave being very disappointed,,this way I won’t sense I’m not expecting much at all :)
Last edited: at least with Duran Duran,they will STILL sound the same way as I remember them back then so I won’t be in for any dissapointment that is unless they did something criminal like not play hungry like the wolf, a view to a kill or wild boys which won’t happen.

Duran Duran was no joke. They fuckin' killed it...
Duran Duran was no joke. They fuckin' killed it...
Don’t you agree with me thst Simon leblone,not sure how the last name is spelled,thst unlike pat benatar and most lead singers of bands from the eightys,that he incredibly, sounds the same as he did back then? As I said his voice has changed a tiny bit sense those days but very little were it’s noticeable as most others have agreed?:)
Don’t you agree with me thst Simon leblone,not sure how the last name is spelled,thst unlike pat benatar and most lead singers of bands from the eightys,that he incredibly, sounds the same as he did back then? As I said his voice has changed a tiny bit sense those days but very little were it’s noticeable as most others have agreed?:)

I was never really a big enough fan of them to really pay attention to how he sounded in the 80's.

He sounded good when I saw them a few years ago...
Respectfully, you don't know what the fuck you're talking about...

Hear me out...

She has only ever had eleven songs chart, none of which broke the top ten, and none of them were You Better Run.

Of the eleven, only five, maybe six, are immediately recognizable by title as Benatar tunes:

Love is a Battlefield (#29 Pop; #13 Rock)

We Belong (#59 Rock; #71 Pop)

Shadows of the Night (#76 Rock)

Hit Me with Your Best Shot (#87 Pop; #85 Rock)

Promises in the Dark (#90 Rock)

The sixth is Fire and Ice (#32 Rock)

Now, I don't know about you or anyone else, but I know which of those six I've heard most often on the radio...

Truthfully, I was surprised she never cracked the top ten. And I was even more surprised she only had eleven songs that charted.
Hear me out...

She has only ever had eleven songs chart, none of which broke the top ten, and none of them were You Better Run.

Of the eleven, only five, maybe six, are immediately recognizable by title as Benatar tunes:

Love is a Battlefield (#29 Pop; #13 Rock)

We Belong (#59 Rock; #71 Pop)

Shadows of the Night (#76 Rock)

Hit Me with Your Best Shot (#87 Pop; #85 Rock)

Promises in the Dark (#90 Rock)

The sixth is Fire and Ice (#32 Rock)

Now, I don't know about you or anyone else, but I know which of those six I've heard most often on the radio...

Truthfully, I was surprised she never cracked the top ten. And I was even more surprised she only had eleven songs that charted.
You do not get to dictate what songs she chooses to perform.
Hear me out...

She has only ever had eleven songs chart, none of which broke the top ten, and none of them were You Better Run.

Of the eleven, only five, maybe six, are immediately recognizable by title as Benatar tunes:

Love is a Battlefield (#29 Pop; #13 Rock)

We Belong (#59 Rock; #71 Pop)

Shadows of the Night (#76 Rock)

Hit Me with Your Best Shot (#87 Pop; #85 Rock)

Promises in the Dark (#90 Rock)

The sixth is Fire and Ice (#32 Rock)

Now, I don't know about you or anyone else, but I know which of those six I've heard most often on the radio...

Truthfully, I was surprised she never cracked the top ten. And I was even more surprised she only had eleven songs that charted.

None of that really matters, although I've heard "Heartbreaker" a Helluva' lot more on the radio than "We Belong". Where a song peaks on the charts is meaningful only as long as the song's on the charts.

"Stairway To Heaven" is played ad nauseum on FM radio, and it's never charted, and it's instantly recognizable as a Zeppelin song. "Freebird" by Lynyrd Skynyrd never saw the top 10, either, but can you imagine a Skynyrd show without that song?

That she doesn't play "Hit Me With Your Best Shot" is a nothing burger. It only matters to those who feel the need to always be criticizing someone for something. Her songs, her decision. She's got a lot of other great songs to perform...
She has only ever had eleven songs chart, none of which broke the top ten...

Again, respectfully, you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

Pat Benatar's had 17 songs in the top 100.

"Hit Me With Your Best Shot" peaked on the Billboard chart (the one that matters) at #9.

"We Belong" and "Love Is A Battlefield" both peaked at #5...

Pat Benatar Chart History
I was never really a big enough fan of them to really pay attention to how he sounded in the 80's.

He sounded good when I saw them a few years ago...
Oh well if you type in hungry like the wolf music video and listen to how he sounded like back then you’ll see what I mean. :) You listen to people like pat benatar,Huey Lewis,reo speedwagon to name just a few groups and artists I know of thst I really like a lot,theyr voices have DRASTICALLY changed over the decades sense then,it’s hard to believe they are the same performer,you listen to Simon now and compare his voice to how he sounded back then,it’s barely sounds a little bit differerent,but very little at all.

not a drastic change like so many others have been like the ones I mentioned have over the years.:) My guess is that is WHY you enjoyed them where had his voice drastically changed as benatar and Huey Lewis’s has fir instance,I don’t think you would have enjoyed it as much as you did.:)
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