Pat Buchanan's thoughts on being fired from MSNBC


Defend Liberty
Aug 27, 2008
My days as a political analyst at MSNBC have come to an end.

After 10 enjoyable years, I am departing, after an incessant clamor from the left that to permit me continued access to the microphones of MSNBC would be an outrage against decency, and dangerous.

The calls for my firing began almost immediately with the Oct. 18 publication of Suicide of a Superpower: Will America Survive to 2025?? A group called Color of Change, whose mission statement says that it “exists to strengthen Black America’s political voice,” claimed that my book espouses a “white supremacist ideology.” Color of Change took particular umbrage at the title of Chapter 4, “The End of White America.”

Media Matters parroted the party line: He has blasphemed!

The American Conservative » Blacklisted, But Not Beaten

I can't believe that he lasted as long as he did.
Not terribly surprised. I tried to read the Book and I think he focused too much on race. Totally turned me off of it.
Pat B is my favorite GOP oldie but goodie.

Pat is completely out of step with the neo-cons.

Among other reasons, because the still loves America.

Mostly I disagree with his POV, but at least I believe his motives aren't evil.
They had Pat on there.


I never watch it, but wow.

he was a regular on the network. i actually used to love when he'd go on rachel maddow's show. two really good minds actually debating.

if you actually watched things like morning joe and maddow, you'd see that there are a LOT of people from the "other side"... fewer on maddow b/c they're afraid of her. joe scarborough's an easier play for the righties.
Pat B is my favorite GOP oldie but goodie.

Pat is completely out of step with the neo-cons.

Among other reasons, because the still loves America.

Mostly I disagree with his POV, but at least I believe his motives aren't evil.

It's disappointing MSNBC ousted him for his bigotted and racist viewpoints. While I never agreed with them..they were at least thoughtful. It's important to understand that viewpoint as well.
Pat is better on McLaughlin Group anyway.

Always getting the better of the hag on the left........... (Eleanor Clift)

But he is always nice when he is doing it.

Never rude or hostile.
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Pat B is my favorite GOP oldie but goodie.

Pat is completely out of step with the neo-cons.

Among other reasons, because the still loves America.

Mostly I disagree with his POV, but at least I believe his motives aren't evil.

It's disappointing MSNBC ousted him for his bigotted and racist viewpoints. While I never agreed with them..they were at least thoughtful. It's important to understand that viewpoint as well.

You know...I'm not entirely certain he IS a in

racist = hater​

I mean I know that he is informing us that the ethnic composition of our society is changing, and he does remind us that the society we have now is mostly the end product of a formerly White-dominated society, too.

And I know that a lot of people don't want to hear that message, too.

But isn't what he's saying also mostly TRUE?

And if that is the truth what benefit does it give us to ignore that truth?

Let's consider his theories about WWII.

The bottom line of his theories is that WWI AND WWII lead to the beginning of the end of the complete lock that WESTERN CIV had on the rest of the world.

He's right about that.

Does that make him a racist?

I don't think it does.

And his complaint that huge numbers of immigrants who have absolutely no desire to become participants in the the culture of their adapted lands will lead to huge changes int he nature of that society?

Is that not also obviously true?

So is he a racist for complaining about that?

Possibly, I suppose.

But then if that is racism, does that not also make racists of (usally liberal) people who supporting smaller cultures wthat do not want to be overwhelmed by superior cultures?

I mean if loving ones own culture and wanting to preserve it makes one a racist?

Then the vast majority of us are racists... just like PAT.
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I believe he claims it is bad for America that we have fewer and fewer whites.
Pat B is my favorite GOP oldie but goodie.

Pat is completely out of step with the neo-cons.

Among other reasons, because the still loves America.

Mostly I disagree with his POV, but at least I believe his motives aren't evil.

It's disappointing MSNBC ousted him for his bigotted and racist viewpoints. While I never agreed with them..they were at least thoughtful. It's important to understand that viewpoint as well.

You know...I'm not entirely certain he IS a in

racist = hater​

I mean I know that he is informing us that the ethnic composition of our society is changing, and he does remind us that the society we have now is mostly the end product of a formerly White-dominated society, too.

And I know that a lot of people don't want to hear that message, too.

But isn't what he's saying also mostly TRUE?

And if that is the truth what benefit does it give us to ignore that truth?

Let's consider his theories about WWII.

The bottom line of his theories is that WWI AND WWII lead to the beginning of the end of the complete lock that WESTERN CIV had on the rest of the world.

He's right about that.

Does that make him a racist?

I don't think it does.

And his complaint that huge numbers of immigrants who have absolutely no desire to become participants in the the culture of their adapted lands will lead to huge changes int he nature of that society?

Is that not also obviously true?

So is he a racist for complaining about that?

Possibly, I suppose.

But then if that is racism, does that not also make racists of (usally liberal) people who supporting smaller cultures wthat do not want to be overwhelmed by superior cultures?

I mean if loving ones own culture and wanting to preserve it makes one a racist?

Then the vast majority of us are racists... just like PAT.

Pat holds the view that white christian culture is superior to all others. He holds that white people are more intelligent then all other people. Those are bigotted and racist views.

Unlike many..I don't hold that people who hold these views are necessarily "evil". In fact, I've met a few people, who by all accounts, were racist..but were also "good" people. I knew one guy who was a roofer..hated black people..but still hired them to work for his company. And he was great to his employees.

That said. I don't want racists and bigots crafting policy for the country or writing laws.

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