Patriotic Sarah Palin: Congress Lacks Guts To Impeach 'Tyrant' Obama Over Lawlessness

they don't care what's happening in our country

they'd rather just make rude remarks about a former woman Governor

I'm out..get ugly
That Obama beat her ass and exposed her as the intellectual light-weight and un-educated redneck she really is? Oh sorry, it was McCain's team who gets credit for that last part.

Obama's the one who is unexperience and has no education. Why won't he release his grades and college admissions? He was offered 50 million to go to any charity of his choosing and he turned it down. What's he hiding?

Well said, Stevie. You nailed that one.
That Obama beat her ass and exposed her as the intellectual light-weight and un-educated redneck she really is? Oh sorry, it was McCain's team who gets credit for that last part.

Obama's the one who is unexperience and has no education. Why won't he release his grades and college admissions? He was offered 50 million to go to any charity of his choosing and he turned it down. What's he hiding?

I find your lack of spelling and grammar disturbing. Maybe you should refrain from posting about intelligence and education until such a time as you can develop some intelligence through education. Add to that, your baseless conspiracy theory and, well, your credibility slides down the rabbit a hole a little deeper.

Just a thought.
sarah palin throwing red meat to the ignorant right wing in a desperate attempt to stay relevant? no. couldn't be.

Patriotic & Palin do not belong in the same sentence, except "Palin is less than patriotic". Shame McCain could not convince Liddy Dole to be on the ticket, no chance Snowe would have I guess. Liddy Dole might have resulted in confused voters being disappointed when they realized she wasn't the top of the ticket though.
yep, that's that sexism ole jakie was pointing out and I said it was still going strong with you on the left


You're a woman and you don't know what sexism means? :cuckoo:

If the poster had said "the intellectual lightweight and uneducated redneck every woman is", THEN you'd have sexism. That's not what it said.

whatever you people are it's not unexpected

It's got nothing whatsoever to do with "hate" or any other emotion, Steph -- it's a simple definition of a simple term that you obviously don't understand.

Yes, patriotic Sarah Palin is awesome...
Yes she is even though that pic is photoshopped.

Nope, it was taken when she was on vacation in Hawaii. Here's another one from that same vacation in December 2009. Those cottage cheese legs are hot. Try Googling Sarah Palin celulite...


Really want to go there? I can post picks of hillary, Pelosi, Feinberg, or any other liberal hag that would keep most kids up at night.
Az and TX should send the national guard to the border. They are under the control of the governor. Let the feds come down and have another stand off. There will be plenty of Zones and Texans show up as back up.

Here's a nice picture of Sarah giving a speech. Maybe discussing Glen Rice...
Nothing Sara Palin says is credible. She is an attention whoring opportunist who bangs the hate drums and makes outrageous statements in vain attempts to stay relevant.

How come no one impeached Bush/Cheney for fabricating evidence to send us into Iraq. Seems far more egregious to me.

you need to ask the stupid Democrats that...who are all attention whoring opportunist who bangs their heads evidently instead of impeaching

no wonder a community organizer can get elected

A C student, drunk driver, who lost money in every business his trust fund would finance was elected in 2004, and after litigation was deemed the winner in 2000. A man who worked for a living as a community organizer was refreshing next to the always manicured nails of baby Bush. McCain also did not live in the bubble of privilege that defines Bush II.
Nothing Sara Palin says is credible. She is an attention whoring opportunist who bangs the hate drums and makes outrageous statements in vain attempts to stay relevant.

How come no one impeached Bush/Cheney for fabricating evidence to send us into Iraq. Seems far more egregious to me.

you need to ask the stupid Democrats that...who are all attention whoring opportunist who bangs their heads evidently instead of impeaching

no wonder a community organizer can get elected

A C student, drunk driver, who lost money in every business his trust fund would finance was elected in 2004, and after litigation was deemed the winner in 2000. A man who worked for a living as a community organizer was refreshing next to the always manicured nails of baby Bush. McCain also did not live in the bubble of privilege that defines Bush II.

ok, and he's just done us and our country a refreshing job...we are being invaded by children, our economy is still piss poor, jobs are a joke...oh well, at least he's refreshing
you need to ask the stupid Democrats that...who are all attention whoring opportunist who bangs their heads evidently instead of impeaching

no wonder a community organizer can get elected

A C student, drunk driver, who lost money in every business his trust fund would finance was elected in 2004, and after litigation was deemed the winner in 2000. A man who worked for a living as a community organizer was refreshing next to the always manicured nails of baby Bush. McCain also did not live in the bubble of privilege that defines Bush II.

ok, and he's just done us and our country a refreshing job...we are being invaded by children, our economy is still piss poor, jobs are a joke...oh well, at least he's refreshing

Invaded by children is worse to you than bombs taking out parts of cities and another city underwater?

Here's a nice picture of Sarah giving a speech. Maybe discussing Glen Rice...

So what are your thoughts on Obama letting wetbacks pour across our borders at a phenominal rate?

There he goes again... :banghead:

Hey Steve McRacist could you splain sump'm for us?

Please rank the following from most to least desirable:

  • Wetbacks
  • Spics
  • *******
  • Kikes
  • Polacks
  • Micks
  • Hebes
  • Hymies
  • Faggots
  • Pickaninnies
  • Bitches
  • Gooks
  • Chinks
  • Krauts
  • Towelheads
  • Redskins
  • Youpers
  • Wops
  • Dagos
  • Cripples
  • Coonasses
  • Gyppos
  • Macacas
  • Twinks

Inquiring minds want to know the hierarchy. We figure you're the expert on this shit, so your help will be "phenominal". TIA.

Oh by the way I need a slur for "Liechtensteinian". I can't think of any. Whatcha got?
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How's that hopey changey thing workin out for Ya?

Beats the hell out of the Bush clusterfuck.

Or this:

"This is what the Republican Party has done to us this year: It has placed within reach of the Oval Office a woman who is a religious fanatic and a proud, boastful ignoramus. … On Nov. 4, anyone who cares for the Constitution has a clear duty to repudiate this wickedness and stupidity." ―conservative writer Christopher Hitchens (Source)
Sarah Palin is a partisan hack, a quitter, and one who does not understand what America is all about.

Really, PajamaJake, we didn't need further evidence of you Democrats ongoing War on Women.

Is it fear? Or somehow "orientation" related?

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