Paul Ryan - A Living Example of Divisiveness

George Costanza

A Friendly Liberal
Mar 10, 2009
It's amazing. Just about everything Republicans do makes them look either stupid, bigoted or incompetent, quite often all three at the same time.

Take our new Speaker of the House here, Paul Ryan, and his performance last night at the SOTU speech. While our President was bemoaning the divisive conditions that have taken over Congress, Paul Ryan sat back there, making it very clear by his expressions and lack of enthusiasm for anything the President said, that the very problem being complained about by the President is going to do nothing but continue in the future.

Everything Ryan did (or, more appropriately, didn't do) blasted the clear message: "We don't like you, President Obama. We do not support ANYTHING you say or do. We can't WAIT to get you out of office. And, oh yes, our hatred of you extends to all Democrats everywhere. If any of you think we are ever going to agree with anything you want, forget it."

How is that supposed to look to the entire country that was watching the President's speech? What can we take away from Ryan's performance other than the clear message set forth in the preceding paragraph?

Here is where the stupid part comes in. Wouldn't you think that, given the gridlock that has existed in Congress for some time, Republicans would want to give some indication that they are at least willing to try to negotiate with the other side? Wouldn't that be in their best interest to put forth that appearance? Of course it would. Do they do it? No. Instead, we have Paul Ryan up there, making it quite clear to the entire country that Republicans have no intention whatsoever of even trying to cooperate to end the gridlock in Congress.

What an extreme lack of self-awareness. But, then, that's what typifies most Republicans in almost every instance.
It's amazing. Just about everything Republicans do makes them look either stupid, bigoted or incompetent, quite often all three at the same time.

Take our new Speaker of the House here, Paul Ryan, and his performance last night at the SOTU speech. While our President was bemoaning the divisive conditions that have taken over Congress, Paul Ryan sat back there, making it very clear by his expressions and lack of enthusiasm for anything the President said, that the very problem being complained about by the President is going to do nothing but continue in the future.

Everything Ryan did (or, more appropriately, didn't do) blasted the clear message: "We don't like you, President Obama. We do not support ANYTHING you say or do. We can't WAIT to get you out of office. And, oh yes, our hatred of you extends to all Democrats everywhere. If any of you think we are ever going to agree with anything you want, forget it."

How is that supposed to look to the entire country that was watching the President's speech? What can we take away from Ryan's performance other than the clear message set forth in the preceding paragraph?

Here is where the stupid part comes in. Wouldn't you think that, given the gridlock that has existed in Congress for some time, Republicans would want to give some indication that they are at least willing to try to negotiate with the other side? Wouldn't that be in their best interest to put forth that appearance? Of course it would. Do they do it? No. Instead, we have Paul Ryan up there, making it quite clear to the entire country that Republicans have no intention whatsoever of even trying to cooperate to end the gridlock in Congress.

What an extreme lack of self-awareness. But, then, that's what typifies most Republicans in almost every instance.

Ryan had great self-control.
I wouldn't be able to do that when I heard the idiotic things coming out of Obama's mouth.
Really? You're foaming at the mouth over Ryan's blank face? Seriously?
And Obama noted Ryan's serious about tackling poverty. He may have been prescient in choosing to sit out this election, given that the party has gone nativist with the Big Quack. But he and Haley, with a campaign based on cutting tax gimmicks, repealing Obamacare but using the taxes to fund outright tax credits, rather than deductions given only to a few, and an overall middle class tax cut, might be appealing.
7 years Obama has had to make things right between him and Congress, he didn't care.

But saying Ryan isn't working with Obama after the democrats crowed about him caving on the budget deal is down right laughable. Almost as laughable as the left wing telling us they can read minds so they can then denounce what they say they read in facial expressions. The left wing is too much time for them to move along.
It's amazing. Just about everything Republicans do makes them look either stupid, bigoted or incompetent, quite often all three at the same time.

Take our new Speaker of the House here, Paul Ryan, and his performance last night at the SOTU speech. While our President was bemoaning the divisive conditions that have taken over Congress, Paul Ryan sat back there, making it very clear by his expressions and lack of enthusiasm for anything the President said, that the very problem being complained about by the President is going to do nothing but continue in the future.

Everything Ryan did (or, more appropriately, didn't do) blasted the clear message: "We don't like you, President Obama. We do not support ANYTHING you say or do. We can't WAIT to get you out of office. And, oh yes, our hatred of you extends to all Democrats everywhere. If any of you think we are ever going to agree with anything you want, forget it."

How is that supposed to look to the entire country that was watching the President's speech? What can we take away from Ryan's performance other than the clear message set forth in the preceding paragraph?

Here is where the stupid part comes in. Wouldn't you think that, given the gridlock that has existed in Congress for some time, Republicans would want to give some indication that they are at least willing to try to negotiate with the other side? Wouldn't that be in their best interest to put forth that appearance? Of course it would. Do they do it? No. Instead, we have Paul Ryan up there, making it quite clear to the entire country that Republicans have no intention whatsoever of even trying to cooperate to end the gridlock in Congress.

What an extreme lack of self-awareness. But, then, that's what typifies most Republicans in almost every instance.

It reminded me of how Nancy Pelosi looked when George W. Bush was speaking, dingbat.
The far right thought it could stupid, and guess what, they got handed just as they should be.

Ryan and Haley in four years is a very interesting thought.
It is the normal course of things an opposition leader remain stonefaced during a SOTU. Out of politeness. Better a poker face than eye rolling and heavy sighs.
I have mixed feelings toward Paul Ryan. He's been fucking over us retired vets for years and has really pissed me off.

On the other hand, he recently said it is time for the GOP to stop being just the party of opposition and to start putting alternative, better plans on the table. This is exactly what I have been saying for years.

So let's see those plans, Ryan. Let's see them. No more whining. No more talk.
We are all to blame for the massive debt. My buddies and I had an expression in the military whenever things were looking grim. "It's a real shit sandwich, and everybody has to take a bite".

Well, we vets have been eating our share of the shit sandwich for a while. I'm okay with that, as long as everyone is taking a bite.

So let's see the plans, Ryan.

Take our new Speaker of the House here, Paul Ryan, and his performance last night at the SOTU speech. While our President was bemoaning the divisive conditions that have taken over Congress, Paul Ryan sat back there, making it very clear by his expressions and lack of enthusiasm for anything the President said, that the very problem being complained about by the President is going to do nothing but continue in the future.


You must be pretty young. Forever, it has been pretty much the job of the Speaker of the House, should he or she be the opposing party to the President at the SOTU address, to sit there in stalwart disapproval of the President. This isn't new to Paul Ryan. They all do it. The most interesting one of all of course was John Boehner. I'll have to admit, watching through the Johnson Administration to present day, he takes the cake. He's the only one I've ever seen break down in tears on a regular basis as the President was talking.

Paul Ryan should be selected as Veep by whoever the GOP nominates that wasn't born in Canada..
Sil, Ryan is not going to risk his career again with either Cruz or Trump.

Rubio will take Kasich as veep, and Kasich will take Rubio as veep.
Sil, Ryan is not going to risk his career again with either Cruz or Trump.

Rubio will take Kasich as veep, and Kasich will take Rubio as veep.
I don't think Ryan really wants the job all that much. I think he'd like to legislate an agenda on with some Koch ideas of getting the govt out of picking winners in markets.

I don't really know about military retirees.

If the Big Quack's the nominee, the odds are highly favorable for the dems, and Ryan will be top dog heading into 2020. If Rubio somehow is the nominee, he and Kasich would probably win fairly easily. And Ryan would probably be happy as the most influential majority lawmaker since John McCormick.

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