Paul Ryan and the Triumph of Math


Jul 9, 2012
Luftmensh is a delightful Yiddish word to describe an impractical person who concerns himself with airy intellectual matters and not how to make a living or get things to actually work. I had just decided to make this column on Paul Ryan's nomination about how facts, in this case mathematics, will beat the fantastical notions of the luftmensh in the White House. Remember, Obama began his term as the spinner of naïve hopes and dreams and as those proved unworkable, became the purveyor of fear, anxiety and outright lies. Once again, however, the great Iowahawk beat me to it with this twitter:

"Paul Ryan represent Obama's most horrifying nightmare: math."

American Thinker- Print Article
Here is Ryan explaining to Bret Hume how Obama is gutting medicare for present receipents, and how Romney's plan never does anything such as this.

Paul Ryan on Medicare, budget plan, relationship with Romney

Nobody can doubt or touch Ryan, and the media will not be able to cover up the facts that Obama is using theft from Medicare to pay for 1/3rd of Obamacare.

Obama Conceded in 2009 that 1/3 of Obamacare Funding Is Taken from Medicare | The Weekly Standard

First, his name is B-R-I-T.

Second, you're an idiot.
Luftmensh is a delightful Yiddish word to describe an impractical person who concerns himself with airy intellectual matters and not how to make a living or get things to actually work. I had just decided to make this column on Paul Ryan's nomination about how facts, in this case mathematics, will beat the fantastical notions of the luftmensh in the White House. Remember, Obama began his term as the spinner of naïve hopes and dreams and as those proved unworkable, became the purveyor of fear, anxiety and outright lies. Once again, however, the great Iowahawk beat me to it with this twitter:

"Paul Ryan represent Obama's most horrifying nightmare: math."

American Thinker- Print Article

Ryan's "math" has been discredited by credited people.

He's a hack.
That 500 billion is taken from Medicare Advantage, a failed Pubscam- and the Ryan Plan does the same THING. DUPE. Let Ocare fix fix Medicare- Roneycare (Teddycare) has already proven it works.

Ryan and the triumph of Greed and LIES.

Sure- you're totally duped YA KNOW- The GOP will continue to absolutely SCREW the non rich and America. Sig PP1 and last.

Ryan's Plan Would Detrimentally Affect Today's Seniors. Conservative media have argued that Ryan's plan has no effect on people 55 or over. In fact, Ryan's budget would raise the cost of health care for today's seniors by forcing them to pay thousands of dollars more for prescription drugs, creating a voucher system that would drive health care costs higher, and sharply cutting Medicaid, a program heavily utilized by seniors. [Media Matters, 8/13/12]For more on the Ryan budget's effect on Medicare, click here and here.

Ryan's Medicaid Cuts Would End Health Insurance Coverage For MillionsKrugman: "14 Million Is The Minimum Number Of People Who Would Lose Health Insurance" From Ryan's Medicaid Cuts. In his New York Times blog, economist Paul Krugman wrote that Ryan budget's cuts to Medicaid would cause millions to lose health insurance:14 million is the minimum number of people who would lose health insurance due to Medicaid cuts --

the Urban Institute, working off the very similar plan Ryan unveiled last year, puts it at between 14 and 27 million people losing Medicaid.That's a lot of people -- and a lot of suffering. [The New York Times, The Conscience of a Liberal, 4/6/12]CBPP: Ryan's Plan To Convert Medicaid To Block Grants Would Cut The Program By 22 Percent In 10 Years.

A post on CBPP's Off the Charts blog stated that the Ryan budget's proposal to restructure Medicaid into block grants "would add tens of millions of Americans to the ranks of the uninsured." The post also said that Ryan's plan to repeal the Affordable Care Act's Medicaid expansion "means that 17 million" more people would not receive health insurance. The post continued:The block grant would cut federal Medicaid spending by $810 billion over the next ten years (2013-2022). That would be a cut of about 22 percent compared to current law. (This doesn't count the loss of the large additional funding that states would receive to expand Medicaid under health reform.)

"Mr. Budget": Right-Wing Media Praise Paul Ryan's Harmful, Gimmicky Budget | Research | Media Matters for America
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Obama thieved Medicare for 1/3 of his Obamacare giveaways.

Spread the word.

Make him pay.
Luftmensh is a delightful Yiddish word to describe an impractical person who concerns himself with airy intellectual matters and not how to make a living or get things to actually work. I had just decided to make this column on Paul Ryan's nomination about how facts, in this case mathematics, will beat the fantastical notions of the luftmensh in the White House. Remember, Obama began his term as the spinner of naïve hopes and dreams and as those proved unworkable, became the purveyor of fear, anxiety and outright lies. Once again, however, the great Iowahawk beat me to it with this twitter:

"Paul Ryan represent Obama's most horrifying nightmare: math."

American Thinker- Print Article

yeah because Republican math makes sense: less money for 99% + more money for 1% = better life for 99%. Of course the Moral Majority believe money is the root of all evil and they can buy their way into heaven if the just give their rich preacher all their money.
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That 500 billion is taken from Medicare Advantage, a failed Pubscam- and the Ryan Plan does the same THING. DUPE. Let Ocare fix fix Medicare- Roneycare (Teddycare) has already proven it works.

Ryan and the triumph of Greed and LIES.

Quote: Originally Posted by buckeye45_73 Quote: Originally Posted by francoHFW The CBO says the Pub plan for Medicare WOULD affect EVEN the "uneffected" about a link there big boy!Sure- you're totally duped YA KNOW- The GOP will continue to absolutely SCREW the non rich and America. Sig PP1 and last.Ryan's Plan Would Detrimentally Affect Today's Seniors. Conservative media have argued that Ryan's plan has no effect on people 55 or over. In fact, Ryan's budget would raise the cost of health care for today's seniors by forcing them to pay thousands of dollars more for prescription drugs, creating a voucher system that would drive health care costs higher, and sharply cutting Medicaid, a program heavily utilized by seniors. [Media Matters, 8/13/12]For more on the Ryan budget's effect on Medicare, click here and here.Ryan's Medicaid Cuts Would End Health Insurance Coverage For MillionsKrugman: "14 Million Is The Minimum Number Of People Who Would Lose Health Insurance" From Ryan's Medicaid Cuts. In his New York Times blog, economist Paul Krugman wrote that Ryan budget's cuts to Medicaid would cause millions to lose health insurance:14 million is the minimum number of people who would lose health insurance due to Medicaid cuts -- the Urban Institute, working off the very similar plan Ryan unveiled last year, puts it at between 14 and 27 million people losing Medicaid.That's a lot of people -- and a lot of suffering. [The New York Times, The Conscience of a Liberal, 4/6/12]CBPP: Ryan's Plan To Convert Medicaid To Block Grants Would Cut The Program By 22 Percent In 10 Years. A post on CBPP's Off the Charts blog stated that the Ryan budget's proposal to restructure Medicaid into block grants "would add tens of millions of Americans to the ranks of the uninsured." The post also said that Ryan's plan to repeal the Affordable Care Act's Medicaid expansion "means that 17 million" more people would not receive health insurance. The post continued:The block grant would cut federal Medicaid spending by $810 billion over the next ten years (2013-2022). That would be a cut of about 22 percent compared to current law. (This doesn't count the loss of the large additional funding that states would receive to expand Medicaid under health reform.)

"Mr. Budget": Right-Wing Media Praise Paul Ryan's Harmful, Gimmicky Budget | Research | Media Matters for America

O's plan sticks a dagger into grannies heart as they pull her fingernails out while whispering into her ear that her prime/productive years have passed her by and she will not be accepted for that routine hip replacement. Here's some muscle relaxants granny.

Poor granny.
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Luftmensh is a delightful Yiddish word to describe an impractical person who concerns himself with airy intellectual matters and not how to make a living or get things to actually work. I had just decided to make this column on Paul Ryan's nomination about how facts, in this case mathematics, will beat the fantastical notions of the luftmensh in the White House. Remember, Obama began his term as the spinner of naïve hopes and dreams and as those proved unworkable, became the purveyor of fear, anxiety and outright lies. Once again, however, the great Iowahawk beat me to it with this twitter:

"Paul Ryan represent Obama's most horrifying nightmare: math."

American Thinker- Print Article

I find myself becoming more excited about Paul Ryan as the VP candidate. In fact, a few more performances like that, and I might want to have his babies.
Here is Ryan explaining to Bret Hume how Obama is gutting medicare for present receipents, and how Romney's plan never does anything such as this.

Paul Ryan on Medicare, budget plan, relationship with Romney

Nobody can doubt or touch Ryan, and the media will not be able to cover up the facts that Obama is using theft from Medicare to pay for 1/3rd of Obamacare.

Obama Conceded in 2009 that 1/3 of Obamacare Funding Is Taken from Medicare | The Weekly Standard

First, his name is B-R-I-T.

Second, you're an idiot.

Well, thank you for that incisive, data- and statistic-laden rebuttal. :eusa_hand:
Luftmensh is a delightful Yiddish word to describe an impractical person who concerns himself with airy intellectual matters and not how to make a living or get things to actually work. I had just decided to make this column on Paul Ryan's nomination about how facts, in this case mathematics, will beat the fantastical notions of the luftmensh in the White House. Remember, Obama began his term as the spinner of naïve hopes and dreams and as those proved unworkable, became the purveyor of fear, anxiety and outright lies. Once again, however, the great Iowahawk beat me to it with this twitter:

"Paul Ryan represent Obama's most horrifying nightmare: math."

American Thinker- Print Article

yeah because Republican math makes sense: less money for 99% + more money for 1% = better life for 99%. Of course the Moral Majority believe money is the root of all evil and they can buy their way into heaven if the just give their rich preacher all their money.

If THAT'S what you lefties have to put up against what Paul Ryan's bringing, you are so boned in November, it's not even funny.
Obama thieved Medicare for 1/3 of his Obamacare giveaways.

Spread the word.

Make him pay.

This is a lie.

CBO Says Obama's Medicare Cuts Up to $716 Billion



CBO Says Obama's Medicare Cuts Up to $716 Billion | 60 Second Activist

1) Not thieving.
2) I love when people who cry about wanting to cut spending, see a spending cut, and cry about it.
Obama thieved Medicare for 1/3 of his Obamacare giveaways.

Spread the word.

Make him pay.

You like lying don't you, dupe? Of course that comes out of Medicare Advantage, a Pub failed SCAM- and Romney and Ryan want to do the SAME THING. You're total lying AZZHOLES. Enjoy your well deserved defeat, and HELL, hypocrites. LOL!

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