Pay attention to this...because there's a reason we're being bombarded with so much about ''cyber attacks'' as of late.

Natural Citizen

American Made
Aug 8, 2016
This will very likely be the next 'crisis' that they'll not want to let go to waste. The ground work is already being laid by those in cable news entertainment who tend to run interference for them.

Expect it to be orchestrated in the same manner the covid power grab has been orchestrated.

Will update with relevant reporting as it progresses. Because it will. There's no doubt about it. Partcularly with all that's going on with these tech companies.

Oughtta be a hoot to see what kind of charade they're gonna try to pull off to portray justification for taking control of the flow of information (of all international financial clearing...ahem) by (space) force.


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Bah. I'll give yas an easter egg. Why not.

That recent Australian...oh...let's call it a banking outage. Heh heh. That's a great example. Very timely. And it seems to be a proving ground for these kinds of events. And it's a major economy. Perhaps that's what makes it so timely.


‘Widespread impact’: Banks back online after nationwide tech outage

“Still unable to buy my groceries because I can’t access my money,” one customer said.''

When read thoroughly, one who might be well qualified to analyze these types of events might certainly make a mental note that one particular thing was strategically NOT mentioned as a 'backup' to get around these so-called 'cyber-attacks'. That being an analogue solution. Meaning physical mediums of exchange. Like keeping cash on hand.

Coincidence? Heh heh. Please...

The sources referenced in the piece did however project the narrative that since covid broke that cyber attacks have been increasing and referenced the meat packing and colonial pipeline ransom attacks in a maner that lays the foundation for events like this one in particular involving the economies of nations to be pawned off as some kind of cyber-attack versus intentional manipulation. (See previous commentary by Oddball for relevance)

I thought it was an interesting play on language referencing the so-called simulation in the op as one aimed toward a so-called "cyber pandemic". Gosh. They're not even trying to be original.

Relevant reading - See post #5

In fact, I actually mentioned Australia specifically in that post a couple of years ago.

And here we are.


As I'd mentioned elsewhere...
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07/09/2021 - Biden “underscored the need for Russia to take action” to deal with the cybercriminals acting on its territory while pointing to what the White House described as “the ongoing ransomware attacks … that have impacted the United States and other countries around the world.”

Right on time.

Aaand...the propaganda wing simultaneously begins running interference for 'Biden's' solution to 'the problem'

K, get ready now. The table is set.

Klaus and company are gonna be making moves soon.

Of course, the blame, predictably, will be directed everywhere except for where it should be.
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