Payrolls Down 36,000, Less Than Expected; Unemployment Remains at 9.7%- Reuters U.S.


At the Ballpark July 30th
Nov 8, 2008
Payrolls Down 36,000, Less Than Expected; Unemployment Remains at 9.7%- Reuters

U.S. employers cut a smaller than expected 36,000 jobs in February, leaving the unemployment rate unchanged at 9.7 percent, according to a government report on Friday which said it was unclear how severe weather had impacted payrolls.

* Stock futures rise after monthly jobs report- AP
* Oil rises to near $81- AP

More lies from Washington. Total nonsense.

In a short while, Commie Pinko will come on here and say that only 36,000 jobs were lost in February, and he and all the fools who are going to lose their money in the stock market will finally get with the flow and start investing their mutual funds into a market that is going to collapse.
In a short while, Commie Pinko will come on here and say that only 36,000 jobs were lost in February, .
Wrong. The seasonally adjusted preliminary change was somewhere between -135,435 and +63,435 with the official preliminary estimate being -36,000. That's not counting farm jobs, the self employed, or those who work in other people's houses. The unadjusted change was somewhere between -572,435 and -373,565 (all are at 90% confidence).

In other words, there's a 90% chance that the total number of non-farm jobs from companies contributing to UI went down somewhere between 572,435 and 373,565. But because jobs always tend to be lost in Jan-Feb, the actual trend was a change between -135,435 and +63,435 (again, 90% confidence).
Well, Commie Pinko, you consistently support the party line no matter how little the rest of us have "confidence" in it.
Well, Commie Pinko, you consistently support the party line no matter how little the rest of us have "confidence" in it.

More childish name calling. All that proves is that you are in an untenable position and have no desire to discuss the issue as an honest man.

There's no "party" involved. BLS has no say in policy, they're not allowed to comment on policy, and who's President or who's in Congress has pretty much no effect. I know the statistics and their methodology. You clearly don't.
Well, Commie Pinko, you consistently support the party line no matter how little the rest of us have "confidence" in it.

More childish name calling. All that proves is that you are in an untenable position and have no desire to discuss the issue as an honest man.

There's no "party" involved. BLS has no say in policy, they're not allowed to comment on policy, and who's President or who's in Congress has pretty much no effect. I know the statistics and their methodology. You clearly don't.
Pinko, you are just a government shill and a poor one at that.

You do not know and never have known their "statistics and methodology."

If you did, you would know why the numbers have no relationship to reality. It is all so totally bogus as to be laughable to the point of tears. I personally think all of the people who are involved in this hideous corrupt deception to the American people should be tried for TREASON and then executed. Since you are just a poorly paid shill, I would expect that all you would get is a six to eight year prison sentence for all of the satanic evil that you have done.
Only 36,000 ? This is GREAT news !!

Yep, it would be GREAT NEWS if it were true. I would rejoice and sing praises to God for the miracle. Meanwhile 3,100,000 filed initial Unemployment Insurance claims in January 2010.

Does that look like the economy is improving?
The seasonally adjusted preliminary change was somewhere between -135,435 and +63,435 with the official preliminary estimate being -36,000. That's not counting farm jobs, the self employed, or those who work in other people's houses. The unadjusted change was somewhere between -572,435 and -373,565 (all are at 90% confidence).

In other words, there's a 90% chance that the total number of non-farm jobs from companies contributing to UI went down somewhere between 572,435 and 373,565. But because jobs always tend to be lost in Jan-Feb, the actual trend was a change between -135,435 and +63,435 (again, 90% confidence).

In other words, you are so totally fuggin confused that you do not have the slightest idea whether you need to shit or go blind.
Only 36,000 ? This is GREAT news !!

Yep, it would be GREAT NEWS if it were true. I would rejoice and sing praises to God for the miracle. Meanwhile 3,100,000 filed initial Unemployment Insurance claims in January 2010.

Does that look like the economy is improving?

Sarcasm friend, even the people touting it as good news don't really think it's good news....
The seasonally adjusted preliminary change was somewhere between -135,435 and +63,435 with the official preliminary estimate being -36,000. That's not counting farm jobs, the self employed, or those who work in other people's houses. The unadjusted change was somewhere between -572,435 and -373,565 (all are at 90% confidence).

In other words, there's a 90% chance that the total number of non-farm jobs from companies contributing to UI went down somewhere between 572,435 and 373,565. But because jobs always tend to be lost in Jan-Feb, the actual trend was a change between -135,435 and +63,435 (again, 90% confidence).

In other words, you are so totally fuggin confused that you do not have the slightest idea whether you need to shit or go blind.

And where do you think I sound confused? Just because you don't understand it (you've admitted you've never studied statistics or economics), doesn't mean I don't. If you're having difficulty understanding, let me know what you're having trouble with and I'll use smaller words.
Feel free to check my math with the equations in Appendix A of Employment and Earninigs
Only 36,000 ? This is GREAT news !!

Yep, it would be GREAT NEWS if it were true. I would rejoice and sing praises to God for the miracle. Meanwhile 3,100,000 filed initial Unemployment Insurance claims in January 2010.

Does that look like the economy is improving?

Sarcasm friend, even the people touting it as good news don't really think it's good news....
I understand good sarcasm. Your comment was appreciated. I paid an honor to your icon with the reference to singing "praises to God for the miracle."

We are all in this horrible mess together. Unfortunately nobody is doing anything about it.
The seasonally adjusted preliminary change was somewhere between -135,435 and +63,435 with the official preliminary estimate being -36,000. That's not counting farm jobs, the self employed, or those who work in other people's houses. The unadjusted change was somewhere between -572,435 and -373,565 (all are at 90% confidence).

In other words, there's a 90% chance that the total number of non-farm jobs from companies contributing to UI went down somewhere between 572,435 and 373,565. But because jobs always tend to be lost in Jan-Feb, the actual trend was a change between -135,435 and +63,435 (again, 90% confidence).

In other words, you are so totally fuggin confused that you do not have the slightest idea whether you need to shit or go blind.

And where do you think I sound confused? Just because you don't understand it (you've admitted you've never studied statistics or economics), doesn't mean I don't. If you're having difficulty understanding, let me know what you're having trouble with and I'll use smaller words.
Feel free to check my math with the equations in Appendix A of Employment and Earninigs

You are obviously confused because you are bothering to respond when months and months ago I told you it would be worthless. We are from the opposite end of the spectrum.

You are an appropriately labeled PINKO. I am one spokesman for hundreds of thousands of strongly conservative militia men and women who strongly believe that we need to take our country back and have a good cleansing of the riff raff communist pinko's who have set out to destroy our great land.

You, Pinko, represent all that is physically and fiscally bad with America. You represent all that is spiritually evil in America. You represent the smelly horrible sickness that has almost succeeded in killing America. We need to remove that purulent sickness and remake America and hold leadership up to the standards that our founding forefathers lived by.

Is Life So Dear and Peace So Sweet to be Purchased at the Price of Chains and Slavery?
I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me Liberty or give me Death.​
You are obviously confused because you are bothering to respond when months and months ago I told you it would be worthless. We are from the opposite end of the spectrum.
Of course it's worthless talking to someone who decides ahead of time what answers he wants and refuses to even listen let alone try to understand topics he's never studied. And someone who makes assertions without ever backing them up and vague accusations he never explains. I respond to your posts so that others with more sense aren't mislead.

You are an appropriately labeled PINKO. I am one spokesman for hundreds of thousands of strongly conservative militia men and women who strongly believe that we need to take our country back and have a good cleansing of the riff raff communist pinko's who have set out to destroy our great land.

You, Pinko, represent all that is physically and fiscally bad with America. You represent all that is spiritually evil in America. You represent the smelly horrible sickness that has almost succeeded in killing America. We need to remove that purulent sickness and remake America and hold leadership up to the standards that our founding forefathers lived by.

Is Life So Dear and Peace So Sweet to be Purchased at the Price of Chains and Slavery?
I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me Liberty or give me Death.​
I hope the irony of you saying all that to a Army Non-Commissioned Officer serving in a combat zone isn't lost on anyone. Why did you get kicked out of the Navy again?
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You are obviously confused because you are bothering to respond when months and months ago I told you it would be worthless. We are from the opposite end of the spectrum.
Of course it's worthless talking to someone who decides ahead of time what answers he wants and refuses to even listen let alone try to understand topics he's never studied. And someone who makes assertions without ever backing them up and vague accusations he never explains. I respond to your posts so that others with more sense aren't mislead.

You are an appropriately labeled PINKO. I am one spokesman for hundreds of thousands of strongly conservative militia men and women who strongly believe that we need to take our country back and have a good cleansing of the riff raff communist pinko's who have set out to destroy our great land.

You, Pinko, represent all that is physically and fiscally bad with America. You represent all that is spiritually evil in America. You represent the smelly horrible sickness that has almost succeeded in killing America. We need to remove that purulent sickness and remake America and hold leadership up to the standards that our founding forefathers lived by.

Is Life So Dear and Peace So Sweet to be Purchased at the Price of Chains and Slavery?
I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me Liberty or give me Death.​
I hope the irony of you saying all that to a Army Non-Commissioned Officer serving in a combat zone isn't lost on anyone. Why did you get kicked out of the Navy again?

As previously mentioned, not only are you a pathological liar, but you are crazy as Daffy Duck. I have studied the government faulty attempt to explain away the tremendous discrepancies in their unemployment tabulation system. Like a sieve, it has never held water. It starts at determining the size of the workforce, and goes all the way through to annual adjustments on weekly unemployment insurance claims. Low IQ idiots like you who buy this program are just buffoons. Either stop trying to support a system that is corrupt from top to bottom or be scorned. I am not going to change my opinion of the horrendous corruption of the government just because you say you are serving in Afghanistan. I served in my war in Viet Nam and you served in yours. If you have killed any Radical Islamics, I will be very proud of you, but you will still be a nincompoop if you continue to spout the Government economic lies.

As regards my service, I had straight Upper One percent evaluations every year that I was an officer. As an enlisted man, I had excellent evaluations because I never got caught all of the times I broke the rules. I was damn good at that. When I resigned my commission, I turned down orders for two to three years at Naval Post Graduate School where I could have received full pay and allowances while pursuing a masters.

I turned down all that free money to go to school just so my wife and I could start a family. She had four miscarriages each of the four times the Navy took me away from home. I chose a family over a career. Since then she and I have raised over 30 children. I have 14 years of post high school education and that is more than enough for both of us. Pacific Bell (Now AT&T) grabbed me and made me a Data Communications Manager and I managed the company state network for California and Nevada with 32,000 terminal and printer definitions. That was a lot of responsibility that I stepped into, but outstanding military officers are usually quickly hired by civilian businesses who want people who can get results.

Get an education, son and then come back and talk to me about how moral and right all of the government manipulation of the economic data is. Until then, you are still wet behind the ears and need a damn good spanking.

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