Pays 2B a Palestinian terrorist

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Platinum Member
Apr 2, 2017

[This generation will not see peace from the Arab side -- not 'til the Arabs stop glorifying terrorist acts; inculcating hatred in their children's hearts; naming streets after muderers; giving stipends to familes of terrorists.]

Mahmoud’s Murderous Math

The ghoulish calculus of Abbas’s pay-for-slay program
By Liel Leibovitz/July 25, 2017

Yosef, Chaya, and Elad Salomon, murdered by a Palestinian terrorist on Friday night as they were celebrating the birth of a new member of the family, were buried earlier this week. The images of their white kitchen floor, smeared in blood, are haunting. But even more haunting are the numbers, the ghoulish calculus of the compensation the Palestinian Authority awards its murderous sons.

Omar al-Abed murdered three Jews this past Friday night. This means he will almost certainly be sentenced to more than 30 years in prison. According to the PA’s budget, this entitles him to NIS 12,000 each month, which is about $3,364. That’s $40,368 a year, or $1,211,040 for al-Abed’s presumed 30-year sentence.

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And here’s the sickening part: a hefty chunk of this pay-for-slay program is paid for with American taxpayers’ money: of the PA’s $4.362 billion budget in 2016, approximately $500 million, or 11 percent, came from the United States.

Remember the $1.2 million dollars al-Abed will receive for his slaughtering? Eleven percent of that is $135,789, which is how much American citizens will spend over the course of three decades to reward the murderer of three innocent Israelis.

Mahmoud Abbas's Murderous Math
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It's an apt description.

I can't think of one single excuse that would survive any reasonable challenge to this. I can't even begin to understand why it is the US and Western nations allow this continue. We have turned on the Islamic terrorist welfare money spigot and even when this financing of Islamic terrorism is thrown in our faces, we don't have the good sense to immediately turn off the faucet.
Aid to Israel results in Israeli contributions to the world for better lives.

Aid to Palestinians results in funding their terrorist organizations at a cost to the Palestinian people who elected them.
The Palestinian General Delegation to the US says the bill is “misinformed,” and that the social programs in question are not intended to reward terror, but rather to provide bare minimum support for Palestinian families who lost their breadwinners to the occupation, noting that the vast majority of those in question were “unduly arrested or killed by Israel.”
Senate Panel Approves Bill to Suspend Aid to Palestinians
Remember that when israeli's try to tell you they dont want to Harm innocent women and children
The Palestinian General Delegation to the US says the bill is “misinformed,” and that the social programs in question are not intended to reward terror, but rather to provide bare minimum support for Palestinian families who lost their breadwinners to the occupation, noting that the vast majority of those in question were “unduly arrested or killed by Israel.”
Senate Panel Approves Bill to Suspend Aid to Palestinians
Remember that when israeli's try to tell you they dont want to Harm innocent women and children

Regarding this family that were killed; Next time Palestinians are killed by Israelis I will CELEBRATE
The Palestinian General Delegation to the US says the bill is “misinformed,” and that the social programs in question are not intended to reward terror, but rather to provide bare minimum support for Palestinian families who lost their breadwinners to the occupation, noting that the vast majority of those in question were “unduly arrested or killed by Israel.”
Senate Panel Approves Bill to Suspend Aid to Palestinians
Remember that when israeli's try to tell you they dont want to Harm innocent women and children

There's nothing misinformed about cutting off the welfare fraud that finances Islamic terrorism.

Remember that at Friday prayers at your madrassah.
The Palestinian General Delegation to the US says the bill is “misinformed,” and that the social programs in question are not intended to reward terror, but rather to provide bare minimum support for Palestinian families who lost their breadwinners to the occupation, noting that the vast majority of those in question were “unduly arrested or killed by Israel.”
Senate Panel Approves Bill to Suspend Aid to Palestinians
Remember that when israeli's try to tell you they dont want to Harm innocent women and children

Regarding this family that were killed; Next time Palestinians are killed by Israelis I will CELEBRATE
The Palestinian General Delegation to the US says the bill is “misinformed,” and that the social programs in question are not intended to reward terror, but rather to provide bare minimum support for Palestinian families who lost their breadwinners to the occupation, noting that the vast majority of those in question were “unduly arrested or killed by Israel.”
Senate Panel Approves Bill to Suspend Aid to Palestinians
Remember that when israeli's try to tell you they dont want to Harm innocent women and children

I don't understand your Palestinian mentality. The surrounding Arab countries massacred their Palestinians by the tens of thousands leaving tens of thousands more as refugees & not a peep out of you.

Israel makes peace offerings to them, builds a security fence & concedes land to them at their request for which Israel is thanked with a Gaza missile base to kill Israelis, & you condemn Israel for their treatment of Palestinians.
The Palestinian General Delegation to the US says the bill is “misinformed,” and that the social programs in question are not intended to reward terror, but rather to provide bare minimum support for Palestinian families who lost their breadwinners to the occupation, noting that the vast majority of those in question were “unduly arrested or killed by Israel.”
Senate Panel Approves Bill to Suspend Aid to Palestinians
Remember that when israeli's try to tell you they dont want to Harm innocent women and children

There's nothing misinformed about cutting off the welfare fraud that finances Islamic terrorism.

Remember that at Friday prayers at your madrassah.
I expect someone, who knows, Iran ( that might give Iran an influence in the Area) for instance will make good the welfare payments to the women and children, the Men are in Israeli custody so it would be easy for the izzy's to halt payments to Prisoners
The Palestinian General Delegation to the US says the bill is “misinformed,” and that the social programs in question are not intended to reward terror, but rather to provide bare minimum support for Palestinian families who lost their breadwinners to the occupation, noting that the vast majority of those in question were “unduly arrested or killed by Israel.”
Senate Panel Approves Bill to Suspend Aid to Palestinians
Remember that when israeli's try to tell you they dont want to Harm innocent women and children

I don't understand your Palestinian mentality. The surrounding Arab countries massacred their Palestinians by the tens of thousands leaving tens of thousands more as refugees & not a peep out of you.

Israel makes peace offerings to them, builds a security fence & concedes land to them at their request for which Israel is thanked with a Gaza missile base to kill Israelis, & you condemn Israel for their treatment of Palestinians.
Neither you nor me were born at that time, Do you condemn Israel for their treatment of Palestinian children in need?
The Palestinian General Delegation to the US says the bill is “misinformed,” and that the social programs in question are not intended to reward terror, but rather to provide bare minimum support for Palestinian families who lost their breadwinners to the occupation, noting that the vast majority of those in question were “unduly arrested or killed by Israel.”
Senate Panel Approves Bill to Suspend Aid to Palestinians
Remember that when israeli's try to tell you they dont want to Harm innocent women and children

I don't understand your Palestinian mentality. The surrounding Arab countries massacred their Palestinians by the tens of thousands leaving tens of thousands more as refugees & not a peep out of you.

Israel makes peace offerings to them, builds a security fence & concedes land to them at their request for which Israel is thanked with a Gaza missile base to kill Israelis, & you condemn Israel for their treatment of Palestinians.
Neither you nor me were born at that time, Do you condemn Israel for their treatment of Palestinian children in need?

What "children in need" that weren't raised by terrorist parents has Israel done harm to?
The Sins of the father?

Oh please. What I detest about the Zionists is that they just don't treat the Palestinians with the same love, justice & respect the surrounding Arab countries do where there are no Palestinian complaints or attacks.
The Sins of the father?

Oh please. What I detest about the Zionists is that they just don't treat the Palestinians with the same love, justice & respect the surrounding Arab countries do where there are no Palestinian complaints or attacks.
Takes a special type of person to wish Harm or Hunger on small children ..Mazel Tov, enjoy your Karma

[Arab Palestinians are most certainly building their own Karma
And then, the parents, etc get paid a salary when losing the child they sent to kill Jews. Now, why didn't other groups like the Nazis or the Communists think of that ? Oh, wait, they do not get funded by American, EU, UN and some Arab countries on a limitless way]

There is no way to describe these Palestinian summer camps other than human rights abuse against children, robbing them of their childhood, inciting them to glorify conflict, violence and death.

Palestinian Parents Sending Children to Camp Kill the Jew

Children Dying to Kill - A Society that Consciously Sacrifices its Own Youth
[How is this boy's Karma doing? Does he have to grow to be 10 or 11 to actually try again to be killed by Jews, as so many other Arab Palestinian children have been made to do for the past two years? ]

[How about these girls?]

[These are some Arab children who will hopefully not end with the Karma of hatred for Jews ]


[ Let us not forget this 14 year old and his Karma. He was glad he did not blow himself up. Who taught him or told him to go and do this ? Who helped him with removing the belt and safely detonating it? ]

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As Desperado posted, "Can you imagine how much Israel would love us if we stopped sending them money? The US needs to stop all foreign aid to all middle eastern countries." :dance:
Sixties Fan, should unsupported Mothers and their children get welfare payments from the Government to live?
The Arabs-Moslems posing as "Pal'istanians" should go begging to their Arab-Moslem bretheren for their welfare payments. I see no reason why we in the West should be financing Islamic terrorism.

I have no use for Arabs-Moslems who despise us and vilify us for who we are; our religions, our politics and our socio-political structure, yet come begging like underpaid prostitutes for a cash handout.
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