Pedophile priests


Silver Member
Nov 20, 2010
Once again evidence has surfaced that the hierachy of the catholic church look the other way when it comes to the illegal acts of pedophile priests
just another example of the church being all about business (money ) and letting nothing even the abuse of children get its way of adding more to the already enornous amounts of cash / real estate it already holds
seems saving souls comes secondary to that .

when these frauds get there own house in order i might listen to what they have to say .

Sex abuse scandals line John Paul's road to sainthood - International Business Times
Meaningless without the actual letter. Got a link?
Did you not read the articule the letter is in the hands of the hairachy and they admit its EXISTANCE and its been made public

thats what the INVESTIGATION all about its been made public if you want to see it go find it

quote from articule

It has come to light, in the ongoing investigations and litigations of sexual abuses by Irish clergy, that the Irish bishops took part in a cover-up of the abusers specifically because of instructions from the Vatican contained in a 1997 letter, made public this week.

not meaninless at all unless you want to excuse the priests conduct .
If you aren't Catholic, why on earth do you care whether the former Pope becomes a Saint or not?
Once again evidence has surfaced that the hierachy of the catholic church look the other way when it comes to the illegal acts of pedophile priests
just another example of the church being all about business (money ) and letting nothing even the abuse of children get its way of adding more to the already enornous amounts of cash / real estate it already holds
seems saving souls comes secondary to that .

when these frauds get there own house in order i might listen to what they have to say.
Sex abuse scandals line John Paul's road to sainthood - International Business Times
I could say the same thing about Child Protective Services.
.Just some thoughts/sharing..

I believe the problem is that the Roman Catholic Church (RCC) represents to many around the world the "christian church", which is quite sad. To many of Christians, including myself, that is misrepresentation.

Most Christians I know go by God's Word alone. Jesus Christ is their "Head" of the church, not the Pope, as he is a man and capable of sin as we all are.

Jesus Christ is our Lord and Savior, and HE intercedes for us, we pray to Him. (No where in the Bible does it say to pray "TO" the saints as the RCC does..but rather "for" the saints.) Who answers prayers but God alone? Who is Savior but God alone? (Feel free to share with me any verse that says otherwise)

I believe one of the biggest problems about the RCC is that they (for the most part) do not allow their priests to be married. (I think there is a certain clause or something, if some are already married) but for the most part, they forbid it. )

The Bible does NOT say a priest or pastor has to be single, but rather the opposite.

There is even a verse here where it says to watch out for those who "forbid to marry."

1 Timothy 4:1 The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons. 2 Such teachings come through hypocritical liars, whose consciences have been seared as with a hot iron. 3 They forbid people to marry and order them to abstain from certain foods, which God created to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and who know the truth. 4 For everything God created is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving,

And its OK to be married and a leader in the church. The Lord knows full well we are naturally made to mate. Although it is great if someone doesn't need to be married and serves the Lord, it is NOT a requirement.

That's just one of a list of tons of items the RCC teaches falsely.

If interested..take a peek at "A woman rides the beast" by David Hunt. There's also a video on Youtube about it.

PS - I am only referring to the doctrines and the set up of the RCC - not any person here on the board.
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Haven't we heard "It's a dis-ease" for what is essentially bad behavior, long enough???...
'Paedophilia not criminal condition' says Durban cardinal
15 March 2013 - The Catholic Archbishop of Durban, Wilfrid Fox Napier, has described paedophilia as a psychological "illness, not a criminal condition".
The South African cardinal told the BBC that people who were themselves abused as children and then abused others needed to be examined by doctors. He was one of 115 cardinals who took part in the conclave at the Vatican to elect Pope Francis earlier this week. The Church has recently been dogged by scandals over clerical sex abuse.


In an interview with the Stephen Nolan programme on BBC Radio 5 live, Cardinal Napier referred to paedophilia as "a psychological condition, a disorder". "What do you do with disorders? You've got to try and put them right. "If I - as a normal being - choose to break the law, knowing that I'm breaking the law, then I think I need to be punished."


Cardinal Wilfrid Napier took part in the conclave to elect Pope Francis this week

He said he knew at least two priests, who became paedophiles after themselves being abused as children. "Now don't tell me that those people are criminally responsible like somebody who chooses to do something like that. I don't think you can really take the position and say that person deserves to be punished. He was himself damaged." Cardinal Wilfrid Napier's comments triggered immediate criticism.

Barbara Dorries, who as a child was abused by a priest, works for the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests, which is based in Chicago. She told the BBC: "If it is a disease that's fine, but it's also a crime and crimes are punished, criminals are held accountable for what they did and what they do. "The bishops and the cardinals have gone to great lengths to cover these crimes to enable the predators to move on, to not be arrested, to keep the secrets within the church."

Michael Walsh, who has written a biography of late Pope John Paul II, said Cardinal Napier's remarks were similar to the position once taken by the Catholic Church in the UK and the US. "They did actually at one time believe it was a condition that could be dealt with. Many bishops were simply moving priests and trying to disguise the fact that they'd been committing these crimes," Mr Walsh told the BBC. Marie Collins, who is a victim of abuse, told the BBC: "I think it is appalling that we have a cardinal, a man at this level in the church that can still hold these views. He is totally ignoring the child."

BBC News - 'Paedophilia not criminal condition' says Durban cardinal
The sooner the Roman Catholic church does away with the celebacy of its priests and nuns the sooner homosexual behavior will lose its hidden influence within that church. I believe that it is the shaming of all forms of sex (including those God ordained) that causes that church to try to hide such atrocities and not deal with them openly.

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