Pedophile Ted Nuget Blames Jews for Gun Control

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Look at who the RWrs here support. Pretty much clues you in on them.

Where did I ever say that 17 year old boys and girls (not men and women until 18 in case you didn't know)....were no different than 6 year boys and girls? Don't go putting your thoughts onto me.

You said having sex with people who are 17 years old is pedophilia, and that the age for pedophlia would be raised to 18 years old if you had your way.

I explicetedly explained exactly what pedophlia is and that us when you reiterated your position and made another horrorific accusation directly at me.

So you are a sick, sick, sick mind, you can not comprehend the difference between adults and pubescent boys and girls.

That is a sickness in your brain, you need serious help.
LInk where I have said that. Now.
So now you are saying Ted Nugent is not a pedophile? You are saying you were wrong saying I support a pedophlie by supporting Ted Nugent's relationship with a woman?

Bodecea, you can't have it both ways.

Pedophilia is not in any way shape or form having a relationship with an adult.

You still want Demcrats to raise the age of who can be an adult, for what purpose, cause you disagree when puberty occurs? Or simply so you can call others pedophliles.
I am still waiting for you to show where I said what you say I said, Liar. Where. Did. I. Say. That. Having. Sex. With. People. Who. Are. 17. Years. Old. Is. Pedophilia.

Show it.
Who cares, he's a private citizen...

He has bragged about being a child sexual predator. The bucket of slime even wrote a song about the joys of sex with little girls.

Oh and I forgot - he's also a deadbeat dad.

16 year old girls.
Not a pedophile.
I remember what it was like trying to get a date when I was in high school. All the 25 years olds with cars and money for drugs got the girls and I got bupkiss.

Ted Nugent @ 32 years old, released the song "Jailbait."

The lyrics begin -

Well, I don't care if you're just 13

You look too good to be true

I just know that you're probably clean...

Jailbait you look fine, fine, fine...

It's quite alright, I asked your mama

Wait a minute, officer

Don't put those handcuffs on me

Put them on her, and I'll share her with you

The albums' next track is titled "I Am a Predator."

He's a sick fuck.
We all were back then.

No we were not. That's an incredible thing to say.

The fact is, what he is and what so many RWNJs defend is abnormal nuts sick and it causes a lifetime of pain for the victims.

I will never understand you people or why you idolize serial pedos.

Shame on you.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Last edited:
Look at who the RWrs here support. Pretty much clues you in on them.

Where did I ever say that 17 year old boys and girls (not men and women until 18 in case you didn't know)....were no different than 6 year boys and girls? Don't go putting your thoughts onto me.

You said having sex with people who are 17 years old is pedophilia, and that the age for pedophlia would be raised to 18 years old if you had your way.

I explicetedly explained exactly what pedophlia is and that us when you reiterated your position and made another horrorific accusation directly at me.

So you are a sick, sick, sick mind, you can not comprehend the difference between adults and pubescent boys and girls.

That is a sickness in your brain, you need serious help.
LInk where I have said that. Now.
So now you are saying Ted Nugent is not a pedophile? You are saying you were wrong saying I support a pedophlie by supporting Ted Nugent's relationship with a woman?

Bodecea, you can't have it both ways.

Pedophilia is not in any way shape or form having a relationship with an adult.

You still want Demcrats to raise the age of who can be an adult, for what purpose, cause you disagree when puberty occurs? Or simply so you can call others pedophliles.
I am still waiting for you to show where I said what you say I said, Liar.
You are the liar, liar.
Look at who the RWrs here support. Pretty much clues you in on them.

Where did I ever say that 17 year old boys and girls (not men and women until 18 in case you didn't know)....were no different than 6 year boys and girls? Don't go putting your thoughts onto me.

You said having sex with people who are 17 years old is pedophilia, and that the age for pedophlia would be raised to 18 years old if you had your way.

I explicetedly explained exactly what pedophlia is and that us when you reiterated your position and made another horrorific accusation directly at me.

So you are a sick, sick, sick mind, you can not comprehend the difference between adults and pubescent boys and girls.

That is a sickness in your brain, you need serious help.
LInk where I have said that. Now.
So now you are saying Ted Nugent is not a pedophile? You are saying you were wrong saying I support a pedophlie by supporting Ted Nugent's relationship with a woman?

Bodecea, you can't have it both ways.

Pedophilia is not in any way shape or form having a relationship with an adult.

You still want Demcrats to raise the age of who can be an adult, for what purpose, cause you disagree when puberty occurs? Or simply so you can call others pedophliles.
I am still waiting for you to show where I said what you say I said, Liar. Where. Did. I. Say. That. Having. Sex. With. People. Who. Are. 17. Years. Old. Is. Pedophilia.

Show it.

Actually, when the old fart on duck dynasty preached to fundies to force young girls into marrying old men, it was the RWNJs who said the age of consent should be lowered.

Disgusting and sick.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Having a relationship with an Adult is called Pedophlia by the idiots in this thread.

Any response and I am said to support pedophlia.

To bad you morons can not LINK your brain to intelligence.
Having a relationship with an Adult is called Pedophlia by the idiots in this thread.

Any response and I am said to support pedophlia.

To bad you morons can not LINK your brain to intelligence.

Nugent has bragged about getting away with serial pedophilia. He wrote songs in which he admitted it bye gave interviews admitting it.

Google is your friend.

Stop defending him until you avail yourself of the facts.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Look at who the RWrs here support. Pretty much clues you in on them.

Where did I ever say that 17 year old boys and girls (not men and women until 18 in case you didn't know)....were no different than 6 year boys and girls? Don't go putting your thoughts onto me.

You said having sex with people who are 17 years old is pedophilia, and that the age for pedophlia would be raised to 18 years old if you had your way.

I explicetedly explained exactly what pedophlia is and that us when you reiterated your position and made another horrorific accusation directly at me.

So you are a sick, sick, sick mind, you can not comprehend the difference between adults and pubescent boys and girls.

That is a sickness in your brain, you need serious help.
LInk where I have said that. Now.
So now you are saying Ted Nugent is not a pedophile? You are saying you were wrong saying I support a pedophlie by supporting Ted Nugent's relationship with a woman?

Bodecea, you can't have it both ways.

Pedophilia is not in any way shape or form having a relationship with an adult.

You still want Demcrats to raise the age of who can be an adult, for what purpose, cause you disagree when puberty occurs? Or simply so you can call others pedophliles.
I am still waiting for you to show where I said what you say I said, Liar.
You are the liar, liar.
YOu said "You said having sex with people who are 17 years old is pedophilia" Where did I say that? Link it.....or be known for sure to be a liar.
And bodecea drives electra weeping before her.

Drives me away crying? What is wrong jakesrarkey, you still have your little feelings hurt by my last post you had no response to 8 months ago, did you cry and hold a grudge that long?
That post was one by a raving drunk, you. Why would I answer it? Here you played a nasty little game and got called out, as you well know. bodecea has beaten you black and blue on this issue. Don't make insinuations, and don't project anything by you on someone else. Ted Nugent played the same game as Harvey Milk and Jerry Lee Lewis and Duck Dynasty due and others. Adults should not play with teens who are not consenting age to play with adults.
Ah...there it consider people who are against pedophilia and the taking advantage of under aged childre "sick". I support raising the age of consent to 18....Uncle Ted certainly likes them at 13. Look who's side YOU are on.
Look at who the RWrs here support. Pretty much clues you in on them.
This thread labels a conservative a pedphlie for having a relationship with an adult, at that a person 1 year older than the legal age at that time.

You are stating Nugent is a pedophile, and that I spport him.

It is obvious you either have no idea of what pedophilia is or you are simply mis-useing the term cause you are an asshole trying to destroy people you do not like.

You dont it when others can read how sick you look by simply stating what you say.

Either way, you are sick.
Last edited:
Look at who the RWrs here support. Pretty much clues you in on them.

Where did I ever say that 17 year old boys and girls (not men and women until 18 in case you didn't know)....were no different than 6 year boys and girls? Don't go putting your thoughts onto me.

You said having sex with people who are 17 years old is pedophilia, and that the age for pedophlia would be raised to 18 years old if you had your way.

I explicetedly explained exactly what pedophlia is and that us when you reiterated your position and made another horrorific accusation directly at me.

So you are a sick, sick, sick mind, you can not comprehend the difference between adults and pubescent boys and girls.

That is a sickness in your brain, you need serious help.
LInk where I have said that. Now.
So now you are saying Ted Nugent is not a pedophile? You are saying you were wrong saying I support a pedophlie by supporting Ted Nugent's relationship with a woman?

Bodecea, you can't have it both ways.

Pedophilia is not in any way shape or form having a relationship with an adult.

You still want Demcrats to raise the age of who can be an adult, for what purpose, cause you disagree when puberty occurs? Or simply so you can call others pedophliles.
I am still waiting for you to show where I said what you say I said, Liar. Where. Did. I. Say. That. Having. Sex. With. People. Who. Are. 17. Years. Old. Is. Pedophilia.

Show it.
She can't because you did not say it. Elektra has been stepped on, hard.
Having a relationship with an Adult is called Pedophlia by the idiots in this thread.

Any response and I am said to support pedophlia.

To bad you morons can not LINK your brain to intelligence.
I encourage everyone to read E's nonsense. You will see clearly where she went off the rails.
Ah...there it consider people who are against pedophilia and the taking advantage of under aged childre "sick". I support raising the age of consent to 18....Uncle Ted certainly likes them at 13. Look who's side YOU are on.
Look at who the RWrs here support. Pretty much clues you in on them.
This thread labels a conservative a pedphlie for having a relationship with an adult, at that a person 1 year older than the legal age at that time.

You are stating Nugent us a pedophile, and that I spport him.

It is obvious you either have no idea of what pedophilia is or you are simply mis-useing the term cause you are an asshole trying to destroy people you do not like.

You dont it when others can read how sick you look by simply stating what you say.

Either way, you are sick.
Where did I state that? You keep saying that I am saying certain things but you never seem to be able to go back and SHOW where I said those things. Hmmmm.....could it be only the voices in your head, Liar?
Look at who the RWrs here support. Pretty much clues you in on them.

Where did I ever say that 17 year old boys and girls (not men and women until 18 in case you didn't know)....were no different than 6 year boys and girls? Don't go putting your thoughts onto me.

You said having sex with people who are 17 years old is pedophilia, and that the age for pedophlia would be raised to 18 years old if you had your way.

I explicetedly explained exactly what pedophlia is and that us when you reiterated your position and made another horrorific accusation directly at me.

So you are a sick, sick, sick mind, you can not comprehend the difference between adults and pubescent boys and girls.

That is a sickness in your brain, you need serious help.
LInk where I have said that. Now.
So now you are saying Ted Nugent is not a pedophile? You are saying you were wrong saying I support a pedophlie by supporting Ted Nugent's relationship with a woman?

Bodecea, you can't have it both ways.

Pedophilia is not in any way shape or form having a relationship with an adult.

You still want Demcrats to raise the age of who can be an adult, for what purpose, cause you disagree when puberty occurs? Or simply so you can call others pedophliles.
I am still waiting for you to show where I said what you say I said, Liar. Where. Did. I. Say. That. Having. Sex. With. People. Who. Are. 17. Years. Old. Is. Pedophilia.

Show it.
She can't because you did not say it. Elektra has been stepped on, hard.
She (really? a she? How sad for us of the female gender)...seems to have voices in her head telling her that we said this...we said that....but no real proof in the form of actual posts.
Ah...there it consider people who are against pedophilia and the taking advantage of under aged childre "sick". I support raising the age of consent to 18....Uncle Ted certainly likes them at 13. Look who's side YOU are on.
Look at who the RWrs here support. Pretty much clues you in on them.
This thread labels a conservative a pedphlie for having a relationship with an adult, at that a person 1 year older than the legal age at that time.

You are stating Nugent us a pedophile, and that I spport him.

It is obvious you either have no idea of what pedophilia is or you are simply mis-useing the term cause you are an asshole trying to destroy people you do not like.

You dont it when others can read how sick you look by simply stating what you say.

Either way, you are sick.
Where did I state that? You keep saying that I am saying certain things but you never seem to be able to go back and SHOW where I said those things. Hmmmm.....could it be only the voices in your head, Liar?
You dont like to be called out on your posts and certainly do not want to be judged how you judge others.

I get it, you are very much a hypocrite.

You can dish it out but you hate to be outwitted with your own game.

Now go back to being, dumb.

Good night
And bodecea drives electra weeping before her.

Drives me away crying? What is wrong jakesrarkey, you still have your little feelings hurt by my last post you had no response to 8 months ago, did you cry and hold a grudge that long?
That post was one by a raving drunk, you. Why would I answer it? Here you played a nasty little game and got called out, as you well know. bodecea has beaten you black and blue on this issue. Don't make insinuations, and don't project anything by you on someone else. Ted Nugent played the same game as Harvey Milk and Jerry Lee Lewis and Duck Dynasty due and others. Adults should not play with teens who are not consenting age to play with adults.
You don't see a difference looking at a 8 year old that has not reached puberty and a person who has reached puberty well before the legal age consent. Jakey, You need not feel guilty of pedophila, pedophlia is the desire for those who have not reached puberty, children. A year past the age of consent is well past that age. You jakey, can rest easy, I think.
Those are your words, elketra, not mine. My words were clear. You got stupid, got called out, and got stepped on. Keep it up, get stepped on again.
Look at who the RWrs here support. Pretty much clues you in on them.

You said having sex with people who are 17 years old is pedophilia, and that the age for pedophlia would be raised to 18 years old if you had your way.

I explicetedly explained exactly what pedophlia is and that us when you reiterated your position and made another horrorific accusation directly at me.

So you are a sick, sick, sick mind, you can not comprehend the difference between adults and pubescent boys and girls.

That is a sickness in your brain, you need serious help.
LInk where I have said that. Now.
So now you are saying Ted Nugent is not a pedophile? You are saying you were wrong saying I support a pedophlie by supporting Ted Nugent's relationship with a woman?

Bodecea, you can't have it both ways.

Pedophilia is not in any way shape or form having a relationship with an adult.

You still want Demcrats to raise the age of who can be an adult, for what purpose, cause you disagree when puberty occurs? Or simply so you can call others pedophliles.
I am still waiting for you to show where I said what you say I said, Liar. Where. Did. I. Say. That. Having. Sex. With. People. Who. Are. 17. Years. Old. Is. Pedophilia.

Show it.
She can't because you did not say it. Elektra has been stepped on, hard.
She (really? a she? How sad for us of the female gender)...seems to have voices in her head telling her that we said this...we said that....but no real proof in the form of actual posts.
It's the insinuations that will get her.
Having a relationship with an Adult is called Pedophlia by the idiots in this thread.

Any response and I am said to support pedophlia.

To bad you morons can not LINK your brain to intelligence.
I encourage everyone to read E's nonsense. You will see clearly where she went off the rails.
great idea, lets have jakey hold your hand and help you out of your hole.
Having a relationship with an Adult is called Pedophlia by the idiots in this thread.

Any response and I am said to support pedophlia.

To bad you morons can not LINK your brain to intelligence.
I encourage everyone to read E's nonsense. You will see clearly where she went off the rails.
great idea, lets have jakey hold your hand and help you out of your hole.
You tripped yourself up.
And bodecea drives electra weeping before her.

Drives me away crying? What is wrong jakesrarkey, you still have your little feelings hurt by my last post you had no response to 8 months ago, did you cry and hold a grudge that long?
That post was one by a raving drunk, you. Why would I answer it? Here you played a nasty little game and got called out, as you well know. bodecea has beaten you black and blue on this issue. Don't make insinuations, and don't project anything by you on someone else. Ted Nugent played the same game as Harvey Milk and Jerry Lee Lewis and Duck Dynasty due and others. Adults should not play with teens who are not consenting age to play with adults.
You don't see a difference looking at a 8 year old that has not reached puberty and a person who has reached puberty well before the legal age consent.

Jakey, You need not feel guilty of pedophila, pedophlia is the desire for those who have not reached puberty, children. A year past the age of consent is well past that age.

You jakey, can rest easy, I think.
We do. Do you?
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