Pee pee tape is real according to new Steele interview

Wow, this guy is just so credible ... 99% false dossier but the pee part is true. Impeach 45 impeach 45 inpeach 45.... bunch of morons.

Most of the dossier was known previous to Steele's investigation for Paul Singer. The only portion not verified was about the prostitutes and pee.
Most of the dossier was known previous to Steele's investigation for Paul Singer. The only portion not verified was about the prostitutes and pee.

Exzcept for the fact that Steele acknowledged in a British court that the "Dossier" was fiction.

Oh well, then. As long as Steele says so.

Personally, I’m awaiting the official fact check verification from; the NY Slimes; the Washington Compost; the Daily Koz; or from some credible organization like Shrillary’s law firm.
Exzcept for the fact that Steele acknowledged in a British court that the "Dossier" was fiction.


The dossier was a collection of intelligence blurbs that didn't have a narrative. All, except for the prostitutes/pee tape, were already known by US intelligence.
I suspect Hillary is planning another run for President.

Therefore it is important that voters believe the Steele Dossier was actually accurate and Trump worked with Putin to win the 2016 election. Plus the pee tapes was real.

Hillary is probably working on buying another dossier right now.

This nation will be a much nicer place when the Clintons finally are gone for good.
As he bought uranium from willing democrats... you fool

Crazy nonsense, Russia is a major Uranium EXPORTER, yes, including to US.

Russia supplies around 16% of the uranium that the US imports to generate electricity in nuclear plants. This makes it the US’ third-largest external provider of the element.
Putin has the evidence & has probably rubbed Trump's nose in it more then once.
Why is it that so many of you leftarded wingnut hacks make these pronouncements substituting your speculation for “facts?”

Hell clap: if we asked for a link the best you could show is aa cat scan of your skull.
Why is it that so many of you leftarded wingnut hacks make these pronouncements substituting your speculation for “facts?”

Hell clap: if we asked for a link the best you could show is aa cat scan of your skull.
Go stuff your head up Spanky Trump's lily white ass.

He's a degenerate.
Go stuff your head up Spanky Trump's lily white ass.

He's a degenerate.
You seem to be the degenerate, clap. And you have nothing intelligent to offer on this thread or in this entire Board. Ever.

I realize it’s a moronic thread. Making a claim based on the previously recanted word of the guy who made the nonsensical claim in the first place? 🙄 Hell, clap, even a famed imbecile such as you should be laughing at that one.
You seem to be the degenerate, clap. And you have nothing intelligent to offer on this thread or in this entire Board. Ever.

I realize it’s a moronic thread. Making a claim based on the previously recanted word of the guy who made the nonsensical claim in the first place? 🙄 Hell, clap, even a famed imbecile such as you should be laughing at that one.
You wouldn't believe it if it was force fed to you.
Gator sure does find the most intetesting things during his daily google searches for golden showers.
You wouldn't believe it if it was force fed to you.
I certainly would t believe anything as silly as the crap you dutifully consider credible.

Anyway, since the “corroboration” for Steel’s claim is supposedly now Steel himself who has also recanted that original claim, why shouldn’t we accept the recantation? You hack.

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