Peer reviewed, well established unshakable science falling on it's face


Diamond Member
Jun 29, 2013

Yep....the unarguable, definitely established....99 percent of experts agreed upon theory about universal origins is probably wrong. Hmmm ...
Where have I heard this before?

Just like a bunch of stupid Environmental Wacko Climate Scientists agree with one another on the AGW scam and calling it "peer review".
Just like a bunch of stupid Environmental Wacko Climate Scientists agree with one another on the AGW scam and calling it "peer review".

Not even the same thing.

In the case of the OP, it's simply doing the best you can with what you have.

In the case of AGW it's openly lying to foist a narrative on us.
Every human should understand the concept of a "theory."

A THEORY is an explanation of a fact or phenomenon that CANNOT be observed directly. The best theories line up well with all or almost all of the observable facts. But ALL theories have holes in them. There are facts that cannot be explained by the current, fashionable theory, and sometimes there are facts that directly contradict the best available theory.

In short, "theory" is a different word for a S.W.A.G. That is a Scientific Wild-Assed Guess.

When information comes to light that disproves a widely-held theory, that is a good thing. It brings "us" closer to a better theory, or possibly even a definitive explanation of the subject.

And in case you were wondering, Evolution is correctly described as a "theory."

Yep....the unarguable, definitely established....99 percent of experts agreed upon theory about universal origins is probably wrong. Hmmm ...
Where have I heard this before?

ridiculous., this story represents science ar its best.; if new experiments and data can increase our understanding of the universe , the scientific method is doing its job.
It's as I often note, there is far, far more that we do not know than we do know. The answers aren't going to come in my lifetime so I really don't concern myself much with them.

Yep....the unarguable, definitely established....99 percent of experts agreed upon theory about universal origins is probably wrong. Hmmm ...
Where have I heard this before?

This is what the telescope was designed to do. Further understanding.
If you are attempting to make creationism relevant as a "theory" because of this new understanding, that won't fly...because...
Here is the meat and potatoes of the article.
"On this much cosmologists can agree: It started with a bang".
This is what the telescope was designed to do. Further understanding.
If you are attempting to make creationism relevant as a "theory" because of this new understanding, that won't fly...because...
Here is the meat and potatoes of the article.
"On this much cosmologists can agree: It started with a bang".
God cant create a bang?

God cant create a bang?
That is belief (nothing wrong with that). But you have no way of proving that. This is science. Again, that is what the telescope is doing. Gathering data to further understanding. If our understanding changes, so be it. But it looks like everyone agrees on the basic premise.
That is belief (nothing wrong with that). But you have no way of proving that. This is science. Again, that is what the telescope is doing. Gathering data to further understanding. If our understanding changes, so be it. But it looks like everyone agrees on the basic premise.
And you never have or will prove yours. Its whole purpose is denial of God
And you never have or will prove yours. Its whole purpose is denial of God
I disagree. That is what the telescope is helping to do...with data and deductive reasoning. Again, if our initial conclusions were incorrect..they change.
You are free to worship and believe in God as you choose.

Yep....the unarguable, definitely established....99 percent of experts agreed upon theory about universal origins is probably wrong. Hmmm ...
Where have I heard this before?

Idiotic title, idiotic OP. Nothing about this was ever "settled". It was just the best method we had. Until we got a better one. And the disparity is not much. No, the history of the universe has not been upended.

Yep....the unarguable, definitely established....99 percent of experts agreed upon theory about universal origins is probably wrong. Hmmm ...
Where have I heard this before?


Is this what Biologists think of Cosmology ... how coy ... "Live Science" must be joking ...

The 2011 Nobel Prize for Physics was awarded to two groups who disproved the Big Bang Theory ... it's been ten years now, you're just now hearing of this ...

Phaw ... the OP doesn't know what "peer-reviewed" means ... the article he posted is NOT a scientific paper ... it even says "News" at the top ... [sigh] ... as long as people choose to be uninformed about matters scientific, then they will continue to be easily fooled ...
Science is always taught as "fact" to children. I remember a book I read that said there was probably life on Mars.

Yep....the unarguable, definitely established....99 percent of experts agreed upon theory about universal origins is probably wrong. Hmmm ...
Where have I heard this before?

IF argued it is by defnition not unarguable
You meant 'definitively' , certainly not definitely since that word implies nothing about whether it is true. That a heavy ball falls faster was never definitively established but it was definitely established for over 1000 years
And the silly logic error of "99% of experts" -- that is called 'hiding your conclusion in your premise" !! Who is an 'expert" ?Why whoever agrees with my theory -- that is all you are saying. Silly.

There is no agreed upon anyway, I have seen it majorly change 3 times in my lifetime,most remarkably with Stephen Jay Gould's 'punctuated equilibrium' in which he mocked people like you.

Anyway no lover of truth would post just to mock disagreement, which is the engine of scientific progress

You torture the meanings of words

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