Corporate Watchdog
Nancy Pelosi, championed herself as a real agent of responsible change in the house. She has, in a cowardly manner taken impeachment off the table. Even though Bush/Cheney's crimes are so overwhelming, that she is saying that Bush/Cheney are so impeachable, that we can't impeach them! Cindy Sheehan is gathering signatures to get on the ballot to face Pelosi to challenge her, to stand up to Bush/Cheney. Cindy Sheehan For Congress*:*Index Nanci Pelosi, is a coward and drunk with power and corruption. She has failed to deliver on her promises and has even ignored the will of the people to remove a war criminal from office and bring him up on charges! The small man from Ohio has the balls to face the Juggernaut Bush/Cheney. Things are so pathetic, that Dennis Kucinich cannot even mention the word impeachment at impeachment hearings. It is time to impeach Nanci Pelosi!
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