Pelosi is fighting a losing battle against AOC

Nancy is a spiteful bitch....and at nearly 84 years of age she looks every bit the broomstick apparatchick she's sculpted herself to be.

Pelosi and AOC have never liked each other but things took a turn for the worse when Cortez suggested that the old woman needed to step aside for younger leadership a few years back. Since then it's been game on!

The new battle is a waste of her energies. She needs to focus on her PT and learning how to walk with a new hip now....if I didn't know better id swear Cortez has a little voodoo Nancy doll somewhere. 😁

Pelosi wants every old person out - except for herself.
Are you being difficult on purpose? You said the system is rigged, which means only a select few who benefit from the rigging can become wealthy. I know for a fact that's false.
Yes, I said the system is rigged. But that is not why I said it is rigged.

As the 2008 Great Recession showed, the rich always come out on top....even when they cause economic catastrophe.

But you MAGA bumpkins would rather whine about illegal immigrants and fast food workers making $20 per hour.

Your outrage is misguided...and it's largely based on racism.
Yes, I said the system is rigged. But that is not why I said it is rigged.

As the 2008 Great Recession showed, the rich always come out on top....even when they cause economic catastrophe.

But you MAGA bumpkins would rather whine about illegal immigrants and fast food workers making $20 per hour.

Your outrage is misguided...and it's largely based on racism.
Democrats caused the Great Recession because of Democrats giving tens of thousands of bad loans to unqualified (black) borrowers and making defective instruments based on them. If you mean they profited (stole) billions from the taxpayer, then I guess you're correct. But we already knew Democrats steal, but don't to lump everybody in with them.
Democrats caused the Great Recession because of Democrats giving tens of thousands of bad loans to unqualified (black) borrowers and making defective instruments based on them.
Nope. Wall Street recklessly gambled using financial instruments called derivatives, which was based on risky mortgage loans. They caused the Great Recession, when the housing market crashed.

The economy would have survived the bad loans just fine if the Wall Street banks had not gambled recklessly with derivatives. That is why the Wall Street banks were begging Congress for help when their reckless gambles in the housing market blew up in their faces.

If you mean they profited (stole) billions from the taxpayer, then I guess you're correct. But we already knew Democrats steal, but don't to lump everybody in with them.
Childish rant...expected from a dishonest MAGAt who blames Democrats for everything.
Pelosi is looking at a military tribunal when she returns to the USA...look for her to keep her ill gotten gains and stay in Italy for now. And finally relocate yo Djibouti or some other nations with out US Extradition
Nope. Wall Street recklessly gambled using financial instruments called derivatives, which was based on risky mortgage loans. They caused the Great Recession, when the housing market crashed.

The economy would have survived the bad loans just fine if the Wall Street banks had not gambled recklessly with derivatives. That is why the Wall Street banks were begging Congress for help when their reckless gambles in the housing market blew up in their faces.

Childish rant...expected from a dishonest MAGAt who blames Democrats for everything.
Just to correct your history, Democrat-controlled Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac issued thousands of these instruments based on the bad loans. Government made the loan money available to banks, then blamed the banks for taking it. This was purely a Democrat problem. The extent that you can blame Republicans is for Senators being cowed by "racist" calls from Democrats and allowing them to continue making these faulty instruments. Oh, and guess who the biggest recipient of Fannie Mae campaign donations was: one Barack 0bama. Fannie and Freddie was run by Democrats for Democrats.

Do you ever wonder why only Democrats enter Congress poor and come out very wealthy?
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