Pelosi to Make Statement at 5 P.M. Following Impeachment Meeting with House Democrats

They are going to impeach.

If GOP support it, they all lose their jobs in re-election. If the GOP Senate reject it, Trump wins in a landslide and the GOP win the House. That is how I see all of this.

it's clear this is about global socialists destroying America and making China the new sole, super power with plenty of cheap labour and elitism. They cannot do it with Trump in their way.

Just wait until China and Russia enter into military coordination and agreement, which is what I saw reported already. America cannot turn their back on confronting China, I do not care who is president. As it stands now, Trump is alone in fighting the Commies.

Supporting Trump will cost the republicans.

Yeah, record support among GOP voters and climbing approval while he reaches across demographics GOP have never had.

People should decide who is in office, not a small cabal.
Why was it closed door? Why not let the people see how hate filled you democrats are. And insane.
She can’t impeach, it was hearsay
The way you old men fear AOC is just hysterical. Like the elephants running from the mouse.
'FEAR' has nothing to do with anything. The Democratic party is getting younger and more radical. AOC is an example of that. AOC represents the 'new blood' of the Democratic Party, and she has been pushing Pelosi since she got to Congress. Pelosi represents the 'old, tired' Democrats who is 'holding back' the Democratic Party, While Pelosi attempts to hold back the tide, the number of Democrats agreeing with AOC and other young Democrats is growing.

'Fear' of AOC,again, has noting to do with observing and pointing out the obvious. Pelosi is nearing the point where she is going to have to rive in to their demand for Impeachment or face being voted out as Speaker...
She will likely make a play to the middle. She will either make a stand or fall.
She can only hold out so long before the House Democrats, led by the radical Freshmen / AOC, lead a rebellion and oust her from the Speaker Position.
The way you old men fear AOC is just hysterical. Like the elephants running from the mouse.
Fear isn’t the word.. she’s nuts and is in Congress that is scary
Why was it closed door? Why not let the people see how hate filled you democrats are. And insane.
She can’t impeach, it was hearsay
Why? Seriously? Democrats do not want Americans to hear this emotionally-charged discussion regarding removing THIS President of the United States from office.
Can't wait to hear what the botox queen has to say. Trump is going to make them look like fools and the American people aren't going to stand for this.

Speaker Pelosi to Make Statement at 5 P.M. Following Impeachment Meeting with House Democrats

I finally got the money to run for re-election!

The Columbian Drug Cartels came through again!
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They are going to impeach.

If GOP support it, they all lose their jobs in re-election. If the GOP Senate reject it, Trump wins in a landslide and the GOP win the House. That is how I see all of this.

it's clear this is about global socialists destroying America and making China the new sole, super power with plenty of cheap labour and elitism. They cannot do it with Trump in their way.

Just wait until China and Russia enter into military coordination and agreement, which is what I saw reported already. America cannot turn their back on confronting China, I do not care who is president. As it stands now, Trump is alone in fighting the Commies.

Supporting Trump will cost the republicans.
I agree. Most of us are going to give twice what we gave back in 2016 to his campaign.
Murica will die with neither a bang nor whimper, but with a HONK HONK!

This crazy nazi is talking about her founders lol while her district has no hope no liberty no no opportunity
Homeless is rampant
The President asked for this
Let him pay the price

He has set up a Constitutional crisis by refusing to respond to Congress
Now let him answer as part of the impeachment process
If you’re not watching Fox News, you might want to do that. These guys are trying so hard to defend Trump and they just can’t figure out how to do it.

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