Pennsylvania Muslim lawmaker: Prayer inn the name of Jesus is Islamphobic

it was a double header-------the shmuckess came to the event CARRYING
a KHARAHAN and wearing the LOOK-AT-ME schmattas
Pennsylvania Muslim Lawmaker: Prayer In Name Of Jesus Is "Islamophobic"
Ibrahim Hooper, call your office: there was an outbreak of “Islamophobia” Monday at the Pennsylvania State Assembly. Luckily, Muslim state Rep. Movita Johnson-Harrell was there to blow the whistle on this bigotry and hatred.

If anyone can't see the spin onn this crap it's no wonder why you're still a demo tard.

>> another state Representative, Stephanie Borowicz, ... prayed this to open a legislative session: “Jesus, you are our only hope. At the name of Jesus, every knee will bow and every tongue will confess Jesus, that you are Lord.” <<​

Oh fuck no, you can't do that.

Didja know that Pennsylvania had a blasphemy law that was only struck down less than ten years ago?

No of course you didn't. Your puppeteers Alex John Brinkley Jones and Jim The Fuck Hoft and "The End Times" don't mention that, do they.

The ACLU attorney involved noted, "No one wins when the government gets involved in deciding who has the 'right' religious views".

>> The court found that the statute violated the First Amendment's prohibition on establishment of religion and promoted only Christian religious views, as words used by the Pennsylvania Corporations Bureau to flag proposed names for closer scrutiny included terms such as "Christ" and "Jesus" but not those related to other religions' deities, such as "Allah" or "Mohammed." In his 67-page opinion, the judge also noted that blasphemy laws were historically used to persecute those of minority religious beliefs, including William Penn, the founder of Pennsylvania. <<
And oh by the way lest you think that blasphemy law was a vestige of the Dark Ages ---- it was enacted in.... 1977.

Thanks for yet another self-immolating joke thread, Dumbass.
Poor little rape-happy, beheading fetish muslim diarrhea! Always the victims, bless their cousin-inbred, black-as-a-mineshaft hearts. Who are so cousin-inbred they are a poison to the human gene pool.
Poor little rape-happy, beheading fetish muslim diarrhea! Always the victims, bless their cousin-inbred, black-as-a-mineshaft hearts. Who are so cousin-inbred they are a poison to the human gene pool.

Why don't you essplain to the class how a legislator gets to force her sky-pixie religion on an entire body of elected representatives in a government that is not a theocracy, Elmer?

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand GO.

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