Penny Trial Starts for the Homicide of Neely in NYC Subway

Whose life was in danger?

Some of us live in big cities with public transit where that shit happens all too often, Can be unnerving but I guess you believe people you dislike deserve a death penalty
Note: trolling childish typical bullshit from the dainty deleted.

Now back to the topic (against the dainty’s will):

The reality is that the violent behavior of some very aggressive subway “panhandlers” has caused people to be injured.

This guy, Mr. Penny, saw it and reacted.

Although it is obvious that the outcome was tragic, that alone doesn’t make his behavior in any way criminal.

And, of course, that has absolutely nothing to do with who I either like or dislike. The dainty’s trolling efforts have no relevance to anything. Ever.
Pretty much anyone on the train who couldn't handle himself as well as Neely.
Mental cases are usually harmless. People who live in big cities know this.

And holding somebody in a choke hold for a long time? Manslaughter. Own up. Man up. Supposed to be a tough guy veteran.

Do the crime, do the time. Few years in a prison.
Note: trolling childish typical bullshit from the dainty deleted.

Now back to the topic (against the dainty’s will):

This guy, Mr. Penny, saw it and reacted.
Saw what exactly Liability/Ilar/BackAgain.?


Death Penalty imposed by a private citizen who was a frustrated former military guy. Worked out his own issues.

Do the crime (murder), do the time.
Procrustes always owns onceyetneverfinalBackAgain.
The Penny case was brought by the racist Bragg. As you note, if the races had been reversed, with a brave black Marine stepping up to protect fellow passengers from a violent, drugged-up violent white criminal, the black would be hailed as a hero.

The racism of this case carries outside the jury room as well. Out on the steet, BLM rioters are screaming for Penny’s conviction, and some of the jurors may feel pressure to convict “the white man,” as the ADA referred to him at trial, given the rowdy BLM rioters.
I’m concerned about the weekend. The jurors will see first-hand all the BLM rioters screaming to send whitey to prison, and they might feel pressured to convict a hero in order to keep the violent BLMers from burning the city down.

If the jurors succumb to the BLM pressure, the judge might also succumb to the racist Bragg’s determination to make whitey pay for interfering with the death threats issued by one of the criminal blacks he let back onto the streets.

And now I hear the worthless father is trying to make money off of his son’s death by suing in civil court. That means Penny will face more anti-white liberals determined to make Penny pay for putting down a violent, criminal black thug.
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With the end of the previous charge, I am pretty sure the jury will not convict on criminal negligence.
Mental cases are usually harmless. People who live in big cities know this.

And holding somebody in a choke hold for a long time? Manslaughter. Own up. Man up. Supposed to be a tough guy veteran.

Do the crime, do the time. Few years in a prison.
They are harmless until they aren't. When I worked on Los Angeles's skid row I had one co-worker stabbed for no apparent reason while walking in a crosswalk and another stabbed and nearly killed in an elevator. Both by "harmless" homeless men. We couldn't work in alleys alone since the "harmless" homeless men thought it the height of humor to throw wine bottles (empty of course) at passersby and workers in alleys from the rooftops.
What kind of message is this verdict sending to young black men in America?!?, not guilty?!, so you can chokehold a black man to death ,in America today, and not be found guilty?.This is a reason why so many black males have no respect for the law in America today.!!?.
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