Pentagon Wants to Feed Troops ‘Experimental’ Lab-Grown Meat to ‘Reduce CO2 Footprint’


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Pentagon Wants to Feed Troops ‘Experimental’

Lab-Grown Meat to ‘Reduce CO2 Footprint’

1.3 Jun 2024 ~~ By Adam Kredo

A Pentagon-funded company is seeking proposals to feed America’s soldiers lab-grown meat in a bid to "reduce the CO2 footprint" at Defense Department outposts
BioMADE, a public-private company that has received more than $500 million in funding from the Defense Department, announced earlier this month that it is seeking proposals to develop "innovations in food production that reduce the CO2 footprint of food production at ... DoD operational environments," according to an online announcement.
These include "novel cell culture methods suitable for the production of cultivated meat/protein," or lab-grown meat, a product that is still in its experimental phases. This type of meat is grown in a lab from animal cells with the aid of other chemicals, and has emerged as a flashpoint in debates about the efficacy and morality of manufacturing meat products without slaughtering animals.
Critics of the DoD’s partnership with BioMADE say that U.S. troops should not be used as test subjects for lab-grown meat products that are still in their experimental phase.
"Taxpayer dollars should not be used to fund the lab-grown meat sector," Jack Hubbard, executive director at the Center for the Environment and Welfare, a consumer group that analyzes emerging markets such as bioengineered meat. "Our troops deserve better than to be served lab-grown meat, produced in bioreactors with immortalized cells and chemicals."
"Unfortunately," Hubbard said, "this effort is being driven by an agenda that is political and anti-farmer. Our soldiers should never be used as guinea pigs."
"If companies are having to purify growth media to pharmaceutical levels, it uses more resources, which then increases global warming potential," according to the report’s lead author, Derrick Risner, a member of UC Davis’s Department of Food Science and Technology. "If this product continues to be produced using the ‘pharma’ approach, it’s going to be worse for the environment and more expensive than conventional beef production."
The Defense Department and BioMADE did not respond to Washington Free Beacon requests for comment.

What will Greenies and the "Woke" Neo-Marxist Democrats think up next?
This proposal is preposterous.
Will the DoD next order all military and Special forces to wear skirts so Trans-sexuals feel comfortable around others.
The military once gave me the privilege to eat K-Rations and C-Rations one was like eating cardboard, the other was more tolerable but monotonous.
I did enjoy the coffee, chocalate, cigaretts and most of all the toilet paper issued with each box.
I understand that MRE's in the field are more tolerable.
Napoleon claimed that an Army travels on it's stomach. The DoD and the Pentagon should take Napoleon's advice and stay away from imitation foods.
“It’s a shame that we’re going to find out the hard way who our real enemies are.
Don’t think China, Russia and Iran are worried about lab-grown meat,” O’Neill said. “They’re worried about taking over the world. And we’re not.”
American Troops used as guinea pigs in a democrat administration? It wouldn't be the first time. The Truman administration forced thousands of American Soldiers and Sailors to be guinea pigs in Atomic tests in the 50's. The media thought it would be a good idea so the risk was forgotten. Today a billion dollars is set aside for Marines who were subjected to Camp Lejeune drinking water but the poor bastards who came down with leukemia after scrubbing the decks of radiated ships never got a dime.

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