Perfect example of why LIPs are so uninformed..."CEO received $156.1 million in compensation"...


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Discovery Communications CEO David Zaslav received an astounding $156.1 million in compensation last year, the company disclosed Friday in a Securities and Exchange Commission filing.

NOW for the reality instead of the headline:

The vast majority of the windfall comes from more than $144 million in stock awards that Zaslav received after setting a new six-year employment contract last year.

In fairness, (???_) those awards will vest over time, which means that Zaslav did not actually command a $156.1 million paycheck. SEC rules mandate that Discovery record the entire value of stock awards to be doled out over the six-year contract in the first year that they are granted. Zaslav’s paydays in the coming years will be far lower. In 2013, Zaslav received $33 million, with $22.5 million coming from stock awards.
The stock awards are largely tied to the company’s performance during the next six years. That means his actual haul could wind up being nothing if Discovery’s stock falls below pre-determined targets, or it could be worth more, if the share price exceeds those benchmarks.
Nonetheless, the symbolism of a nine-figure payday in a single year is sure to stir outrage and debate among corporate watchdogs and governance experts.

Mega Payday Discovery s David Zaslav Earns 156 Million in 2014 Variety

YOU LIPs that ONLY read headlines... do you understand?
This example clearly shows how "if it bleeds it leads"... get the reader's attention and that's all that is needed never MIND the FACTS!!!
Never mind that this is NOT a salary of $156.1 million !
Never mind this is spread out over six years!
Never mind it is directly tied to the CEO's performance and directly paid based on the stock's performance!
Never mind you LIPs!
YET how many LIPs those people that make up Gruber's "Stupidity of American Voter" read headline and said evil CEOs making $156.1 million in salary!
Then these same LIPs are the ones that believed Obama's headline statements:

"I pledge we’ll lower premiums by up to $2,500 for a typical family per year….. We’ll do it by the end of my first term as President of the United States.
If you like your health care plan, you can keep it. If you like the doctor you have, you can keep your doctor, too."
2) “I don’t have to explain to you that nearly 46 million Americans don’t have health insurance coverage today."
So AFTER he LIED to get ACA passed Hussein admits 10 million counted as uninsured were not citizens!
He further lies about the 36 million "uninsured" when BEFORE ACA due to Hussein's administration ineptness 14 million were eligible for Medicaid! But the worst lie was telling us the 18 million people that make over $50,000 and are under 34 WANTED health insurance! THEY DON"T! But Hussein used that number of people that DON"T want insurance and that was a LIE!
3)"Up to half of all Americans have a pre-existing condition"...
A f...king lie BECAUSE that would mean 155 million (half of 310 million) couldn't get insurance..... yet 266 million have some type of health insurance!
Why would he LIE about something that affected less the 1.5 million!
To PASS ACA ! He counted on the "Stupidity of American Voters'!
Are you really defending a guy who stands to make 26 million dollars a year? And yet you rag incessantly about people wanting to make 10.10 an hour?

Fuck you and the horse you rode in on. You are fucking insane. Get you some Obamacare and seek help.
Perfect example of why LIPs are so uninformed...


Wait wait, lemme guess -- they're "left-lipped"....
Lol...a new politicalhack meme i dont know.about?

The fuck are LIPs?
Are you really defending a guy who stands to make 26 million dollars a year? And yet you rag incessantly about people wanting to make 10.10 an hour?

Fuck you and the horse you rode in on. You are fucking insane. Get you some Obamacare and seek help.

ONCE AGAIN... you are a PERFECT example of a LIP!

WHERE in the above story did I defend the CEO??? I didn't and I don't have to.

I'm showing how stupid people like you that READ headlines and form such stupid opinions BASED on lies!

A FACT you seemed to ignore:
In 2013, Zaslav received $33 million, with $22.5 million coming from stock awards.

So where did you get $26 million first of all?

AND read closer... he didn't make $26 million or $33 million in salary... !

Your comment is so typical of grossly ignorant LIPs that can ONLY spit out an ad hominem!
LIPs like you are NOT salvageable as these comments go way way over your head.
Yet the have a SecCommerce who pays her people minimum wage while she "Forgot" to disclose $80MM
Good post, just wish others would understand how they are lead around by those that wish to deceive.

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