You aren’t attacking god. You are attacking him and his story. Big difference." For some reason, I get that you are bugging the Lord so you'll really get yours."Yes, your right they will just move the goalposts again like they did when it was proven that our Earth is not the centre of the universe.They will say that it doesn’t debunk Christianity. So don’t expect them to lose their religion if yet another one of their beliefs is disproven.Yes, congratulations US! Credit where it is due and we Brits did our bit by making the parachute. Perseverance landed near a dried-up lake and will drill down attempting to find signs of life past or present. Just think of the mind-blowing implications if traces of life are found. Judaism/Christianity finally debunked and that is just for starters.How many Mars missions have there been? Seems like the US and other nations have been there several times now. Why do they keep going there?
I think this one is going to explore below the surface of Mars for evidence of ancient life.
Did Jesus weigh in on this? Did he ever say we are alone in the universe? He didn’t seem to be a deep thinker. Focused more on human emotions and not on science.
My own personal beliefs are not based on any religion but Quantum Philosophy.
Finding traces of life on Mars will prove beyond all doubt that the Goldilocks Theory - that the Earth's position from the Sun. Its mass and chemistry provided all the conditions right for life to form and progress but is also true of Mars up to the point where conditions were no longer favorable for life to progress there.
At some point in the past, either Mars or Earth or both were on course to produce beings like us.
The fact that two planets that sit in close proximity actually produced life in the only Solar System we have been able to study proves beyond doubt that Life is far more abundant throughout our Milky Way Galaxy than blades of grass in a meadow.
For some reason, I get that you are bugging the Lord so you'll really get yours.
Anyway, I'll accept what you stated but what if there is no life whatsoever? If there was life, then I'd think it was on the moon (due to panspermia), but it has no magnetic field like Mars and no life was found below its surface.
O no I must believe and pay homage cos if I don't this vicious vengeful God will make me suffer for all eternity. - Is that it?
Well sorry, he made the mistake of giving me 'free' mind so I will think as I please.
I don't approve of his sending plagues, floods, and droughts to wipe out people struggling to survive just because they didn't behave in the way he created them not to.
Nor fast-forwarding to Christianity and the horrendous crimes of the Catholic church all in his name. Nor The First World War. Auschwitz. Rwanda.
Sorry but even if he does exist I don't want anything to do with him - his moral standards are simply too low.
Having said that, it isn't anything personal. I don't believe we are the result of an accident, there is simply too much evidence of design in the entire universal process.
As I said I'm a quantum philosopher and believe I.E (Intelligent Energy) is responsible.
No old man with a beard sat on a cloud. No hippy type figure wandering around Judea who had the gift of the gab and made a living telling folk to repress their natural human condition.
You seem to see abiogenesis and intelligent beings like ourselves as unconnected?
I suppose it's the "God made man in his own image" teaching. Why would God need genitals? Arms and legs? If true it suggests that Heaven is the same as Earth.
All these stories were man-made attempts to explain our existence with what they knew at the time.
Sorry but if evidence that even the most basic forms of life are found on Mars, you must do the honorable thing and concede that the monotheistic faiths - Judaism. Christianity and Islam are nothing but fanciful myths.
Jews don’t believe his story either. And they were there When it supposedly happened. Muslims don’t believe in the Jesus myth either.
They aren’t attacking Jesus either. They just don’t believe the Christians who are telling the story