PETA Crashes Biker Rally; Hilarity Ensues!


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011

PETA Crashes Biker Gathering? Not to be missed? |


Johnstown, PA (GlossyNews) – Local and state police scoured the hills outside rural Johnstown, Pennsylvania, after reports of three animal rights activists going missing after attempting to protest the wearing of leather at a large motorcycle gang rally this weekend. Two others, previously reported missing, were discovered by fast food workers “duct taped inside fast food restaurant dumpsters,” according to police officials.

“Something just went wrong,” said a still visibly shaken organizer of the protest. “Something just went horribly, horribly, wrong.”

The organizer said a group of concerned animal rights activists, “growing tired of throwing fake blood and shouting profanities at older women wearing leather or fur coats,” decided to protest the annual motorcycle club event “in a hope to show them our outrage at their wanton use of leather in their clothing and motor bike seats.”

“In fact,” said the organizer, “motorcycle gangs are one of the biggest abusers of wearing leather, and we decided it was high time that we let them know that we disagree with them using it, ergo, they should stop.”

Well, they have balls, metaphorically anyway, I'll give em that much.
PETA means well, but protesting the use of leather is a lot silly.
...unless the leather comes from tortured to death animals.
Hope the protesters weren't wearing leather shoes, or carrying leather bags..

Unless the fur comes from tortured to death and skinned alive baby seals.
...and tortured to death dogs in Korea and tortured to death dogs and cats in China etc.

We use to do that when I worked at the moving company. When one of the crew was really annoying? We'd tape him up, hang him upsidedown and drive back to the lot.

Cleared up the annoyance problem for the day!
Among the thousands of thing PETA doesn't know or care to know is the reason bikers wear leather in the first place. Is it a fashion statement? Is it a symbol of rebellion or a lack of feelings for dead cow skin? Do cows really die so bikers can impersonate Marlon Brandon in a mid-50's biker gang movie?

Nope. Leather is the last line of defense when you drop a bike at high speed on a keeps the asphalt off your skin....road-rash is no laughing matter as anybody who rides wearing shorts, sandles and a tee-shirt can tell you after laying that Suzuki down.

We use to do that when I worked at the moving company. When one of the crew was really annoying? We'd tape him up, hang him upsidedown and drive back to the lot.

Cleared up the annoyance problem for the day!

So you get all that duct tape glue off your back yet? lol
That is funny. It is also in character for Jim Crowy to love such behavior, on both sides.
stupid dupes. Leather is the best protection for the biker. Plus they would be much better protesting the butcher's shops - as the leather comes from those animals whose meat is sold there
good. I hope more people do this to the peta freaks.

agree. spraying dyes in people's eyes and harming people clothes - that what these psychos are always doing. Finally somebody did the same to them :lol:

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