PETA Crashes Biker Rally; Hilarity Ensues!

Among the thousands of thing PETA doesn't know or care to know is the reason bikers wear leather in the first place. Is it a fashion statement? Is it a symbol of rebellion or a lack of feelings for dead cow skin? Do cows really die so bikers can impersonate Marlon Brandon in a mid-50's biker gang movie?

Nope. Leather is the last line of defense when you drop a bike at high speed on a keeps the asphalt off your skin....road-rash is no laughing matter as anybody who rides wearing shorts, sandles and a tee-shirt can tell you after laying that Suzuki down.

yep. but you expect knowledge from the hater dupes?
PETA means well, but protesting the use of leather is a lot silly.
...unless the leather comes from tortured to death animals.
Hope the protesters weren't wearing leather shoes, or carrying leather bags..

Unless the fur comes from tortured to death and skinned alive baby seals.
...and tortured to death dogs in Korea and tortured to death dogs and cats in China etc.

Years ago the ex and I knew this couple. Actually, the wife knew the wife and we got invited to their home for the Passover Seder. I walk into the house in a leather trenchcoat and she freaked. I later found out her dad owned a shoe store and she had 60 or 70 pairs of shoes in her closet.

Yup road rash isn't much fun, though in 45 years on 2 wheels, I've never gotten it.
Broken bones trashed tendons and lacerations, yes. Just no road rash.

We use to do that when I worked at the moving company. When one of the crew was really annoying? We'd tape him up, hang him upsidedown and drive back to the lot.

Cleared up the annoyance problem for the day!

My kid did that to a 2nd Lt in Iraq. The Captain got him back.
As soon as I saw the headline of this story I knew it wasn't true. It's amazing what people will fall for on the Internet.

PETA Crashes Biker Gathering? Not to be missed? |


Johnstown, PA (GlossyNews) – Local and state police scoured the hills outside rural Johnstown, Pennsylvania, after reports of three animal rights activists going missing after attempting to protest the wearing of leather at a large motorcycle gang rally this weekend. Two others, previously reported missing, were discovered by fast food workers “duct taped inside fast food restaurant dumpsters,” according to police officials.

“Something just went wrong,” said a still visibly shaken organizer of the protest. “Something just went horribly, horribly, wrong.”

The organizer said a group of concerned animal rights activists, “growing tired of throwing fake blood and shouting profanities at older women wearing leather or fur coats,” decided to protest the annual motorcycle club event “in a hope to show them our outrage at their wanton use of leather in their clothing and motor bike seats.”

“In fact,” said the organizer, “motorcycle gangs are one of the biggest abusers of wearing leather, and we decided it was high time that we let them know that we disagree with them using it, ergo, they should stop.”

Well, they have balls, metaphorically anyway, I'll give em that much.

First, PETA has zero credibility. PETA is just another lib biased motivated by income political group.
Those jerks should have known better than to screw with a group of people who don't give a shit about political correctness or these whiny ass lib causes.
Among the thousands of thing PETA doesn't know or care to know is the reason bikers wear leather in the first place. Is it a fashion statement? Is it a symbol of rebellion or a lack of feelings for dead cow skin? Do cows really die so bikers can impersonate Marlon Brandon in a mid-50's biker gang movie?

Nope. Leather is the last line of defense when you drop a bike at high speed on a keeps the asphalt off your skin....road-rash is no laughing matter as anybody who rides wearing shorts, sandles and a tee-shirt can tell you after laying that Suzuki down.

Here's the thing. PETA members are brainwashed to believe animals are more deserving than people. That animals actually have "rights"...
Upon hearing about the mauling death of a 6 year old boy by a coyote, the PETA nut would respond with, "the kid should have not been in the back yard".
True or not - it was funny as hell!

Those PETA people are something else. A couple years ago they had downtown Richmond, VA torn all to pieces - and that was funny as hell, too! I stepped outside my office building for lunch one day and there was a huge crowd gathered at the corner - cell phones in full action, people laughing ... I think the entire police horse back patrol division was there - even the mayor was there. Somebody at City Hall had issued a protest permit to PETA people and they were all wrapped up with clear plastic in huge meat packages with weight/price labels to protest beef eating - and they were naked, of course. Their permit expired at 1:00 or so and the police/Mayor were there to arrest them for indecent exposure and God knows what else the minute the permit expired. I think I heard a rumor that the City Hall employee was relieved of his or her job immediately.

I think they are headquartered at Norfolk, VA ... but you should also know that they are not above animal cruelty and animal killing themselves. They had a little problem with that with the NC police when they got caught in that mess.

Go Elen Rivas!

Spanish Model Elen Rivas Teams Up with PETA, Protests Bullfighting

Spanish model Elen Rivas does not want bullfighting to be considered a part of Spain's cultural heritage
A few days ago, model Elen Rivas paid a visit to the Spanish Embassy in the United Kingdom.

She was accompanied by animal rights activists working with PETA, the Humane Society International, the League Against Cruel Sports and the World Society for the Protection of Animals.

According to Look to the Stars, the visit was by no means a very friendly one.

On the contrary, Elen Rivas and the activists gathered in front of the Embassy to demand that the Spanish government list bullfighting as illegal and do not issue laws that would make it a part of the country's cultural heritage.

To prove that they weren't the only ones who strongly believed that bullfighting was by no means part and parcel of Spain's cultural heritage, the protesters brought with them a petition signed by 67,078 people.

“I am proud of my Spanish heritage, but the fact that some people are still clinging to the tradition of stabbing bulls to death in bullfighting arenas is something that the vast majority of Spaniards, including me, are ashamed of.”
metrosexuals meet real men, metrosexuals lose. lol

Metrosexuals are real men! ;)

And...there are degrees of metrosexuality;

Metrosexual Men And The Women Who Love Them | Hum Magazine

Metrosexual Men And The
Women Who Love Them

Our 80s and 90s male pin-ups were the likes of the Marlboro man, who had never met a hand lotion or a black-head remover in their lives! Old Spice was pretty much the only product most men used for the longest time!
Women suffered having to deal with hairy backs, body odor, smelly feet, bad clothing choices, fugly shoes, and two left feet in their significant others. But somehow all of those fit the then-prevalent macho male mould and all was forgiven

So, what defines a metrosexual man? Some say he’s a man who has embraced his feminine side and is very comfortable with it. Others think it’s just a label perpetuated by the media to support a whole industry that includes high-end men’s grooming products.

While ‘out and proud’ metrosexuals like David Beckham and Ryan Seacrest have made it cool for men everywhere to flaunt shaved chests, wear tight trousers, and gel their hair like it’s nobody’s business, other men believe that they don’t care for societal labels.
They just love to take care of themselves and are blessed with a good sense of what makes them attractive to the opposite sex!
Having a high disposable income, coupled with a healthy lifestyle, a great wardrobe (and the latest issue of Men’s Health Magazine!) seems to be a commonality in most of these men. Clearly, I have managed to put these men in a box, much to my chagrin!
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Its a lie by rw's, wishful thinking on the part of those who don't have the balls to actually DO what they write about but ...

Isn't it interesting that the rw's are in favor of assault and battery while speaking out against legal and Constitutionally guaranteed right to protest.

As usual, the rw's are on the wrong side. No wonder you love Putin and Assad and hate your own country.

Even if you hate PETA, disagree with what they do, shouldn't you have the balls to defend their right to protest peaceably?

Nope. Because, as we see daily, you jerks don't know a damn thing about Constitutionally guaranteed rights. All you care about is hate.

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