My First trip to McDonalds in years. My Big Mac combo with regular drink was FOURTEEN DOLLARS!!!

Had to take the wife to ER yesterday. She's ok but we stayed until midnight and we were starving. The only place open was McDonalds so I swung in and ordered a Big Mac Combo. FOURTEEN BUCKS for a regular size burger fries and drink! :oops: WooHoo let's hear it for the Biden/Harris Economy! No wonder half of Americans run out of money by the end of the month.
Annnnd the Big Mac is tiny compared to its forefathers.
Reason 21 why I won't be going there.

It's ironic to see this thread today.

It's been a dog's age since I've been to a McDonalds, but yesterday I went to bed early. Basically just closed my laptop and laid down, so skipped supper.

So for whatever reason this morning I had a taste for a sausage biscuit with cheese. And it's only a few minutes down the road so went to get one.

I wondered why it was only two dollars and some change, but when I got out to my car I noticed that they only gave me a piece of sausage in a little box without the biscuit and the cheese.

I suppose I could have used one of those kiosks they've installed, so that there's a better chance that the order would be correct, but I'm not touching those screens. I never do.

I have my reasons why...




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