Pete Hegseth Was Removed from Biden's Inauguration, Labeled 'Extremist'

rape v blackmail
No police report, no evidence, meh. Bill Clinton inoculated politicians for "sex" being disqualifying.
Democrats prefer deviant sex, like Buttplug enjoys.
You got nothin' on Pete or Gaetz.
No police report, no evidence, meh. Bill Clinton inoculated politicians for "sex" being disqualifying.
Democrats prefer deviant sex, like Buttplug enjoys.
You got nothin' on Pete or Gaetz.
The reasons he was removed as a white nationalist extremist are the same reasons you love him.

Why not just admit it and save yourself the embarrassment of your low rent tapdancing?
The reasons he was removed as a white nationalist extremist are the same reasons you love him.

Why not just admit it and save yourself the embarrassment of your low rent tapdancing?
Your expert ability to conflate issues is at work here. The evidence against Gaetz is much more comprehensive and include the fact that he was sending money to a man convicted of sex trafficking. Not to mention his own boasting about his sexual escapades.

If the evidence shows he is guilty, I have not problem prosecuting him.

The reason that Gabbard became an outcast in the Democratic party was due to her defense of dictators.

I agree with most of her stances. Just because some of her opinions may align with Putin doesn't mean she is in favor of authoritarianism. That is just silly. As for Russia and Ukraine, do you think the US would take kindly to Canada or Mexico joining a military alliance with China? Again, common sense.

The reason we call you guys crazy conspiracy theories is because A LOT of you are crazy conspiracy theories.

And a lot are not as they come to pass. The left is adept at labeling everything they disagree with or that sheds a bad light on them as some wild conspiracy theory and making it front page news but then subsequently pushing it to the back page when/if proven to be true. The problem is, many don't see the back page so they are left with the false conception that it was just a wild theory, when in fact, it wasn't.

Specifically, people on the right were claiming that the virus was an engineered bioweapon intending to wipe out Americans, which is idiotic.

It was bioengineered. The timing was suspect, but I would like to believe the left and/or China would have gone to such links just for political reasons. They do hate Trump though to an extent that is skews their thoughts and actions.

This is a complex discussion with layers, and your media doesn't have the capacity for complexity and nuance. Your media has reduced your party to the lowest common denominator.

Actually, it is YOUR media that has done that to you. It is not coincidence that the MSNBC, CNN and other major outlets of the world coincide with the overall sentiment on TikTok and Instagram. One would think that people would recognize that if they were being lied to about Biden's cognitive abilities, for example, that it is certainly possible that they are being lied to about other events. For some reason, that doesn't sink in.

The right wing is hyperfocused on appearance. That's why you get simple pictures/memes regardless of their validity or truth. This is what happens when you turn politics into reality TV.

Nobody but the left thinks the left are serious people. The average teenager is in full agreement with your party's policies. (alarm bells should be sounding) Get over yourselves with the high and mighty, we know better than everybody else nonsense.

The question is not whether Hunter Biden got his positions due to chance, the question is whether his position affected US policy.

They didn't pay him for nothing. They expected a return on their investment. Having Hunter on the board of Burisma didn't benefit them in any way without some US policy decisions being in play. Come to find out, they were. Seriously, you guys either have no common sense or cognitive dissonance is in full control.

And don't pretend that there aren't crazy conspiracy theories out there. Hell, some supposedly intelligent posters on this board claim that Biden was paid by China to allow the spy balloon to fly over the US. It's just stupidity.

I don't think Biden allowed it for any particular reason other than pure incompetence. Conspiracy, incompetence that threatens national security, take your pick. Either way, it was just another example of why we can't allow these people to be in charge any longer.
When Pakistan separated from India
How about Muslim neighborhoods in European countries
How about former Soviet republics now Muslim shit holes.

None of those really apply to the point, Kobold.

Pakistan and India were both very poor when they separated from the UK, they've both made substantial progress since then.
Lebanon- Was always majority Muslim, and most of the misery it suffered was caused by - wait for it - Jews.
The Former Soviet Republics were always the poorest parts of the USSR.
I agree with most of her stances. Just because some of her opinions may align with Putin doesn't mean she is in favor of authoritarianism. That is just silly. As for Russia and Ukraine, do you think the US would take kindly to Canada or Mexico joining a military alliance with China? Again, common sense.

Common sense. The US didn't like it when Cuba made an alliance with the USSR, but at a certain point, we realized there wasn't much you can do about it.

There's really no excuse for Putin to invade Ukraine, and any "American" who defends it is questionable.

And a lot are not as they come to pass. The left is adept at labeling everything they disagree with or that sheds a bad light on them as some wild conspiracy theory and making it front page news but then subsequently pushing it to the back page when/if proven to be true. The problem is, many don't see the back page so they are left with the false conception that it was just a wild theory, when in fact, it wasn't.

Actually, it's quite the opposite. Wingnuts keep repeating bullshit conspiracy theories until they become articles of truth. We had a poster on here who was absolutely convinced that Sandy Hook was staged. Didn't matter how much proof you presented to him or how many nuts like Alex Jones getting found liable for spreading lies there were. He was assured that all those parents were Crisis Actors, because, cold cuts or something. Or the Pizzagate conspiracy. The list could go on. Speaking of which...

It was bioengineered. The timing was suspect, but I would like to believe the left and/or China would have gone to such links just for political reasons. They do hate Trump though to an extent that is skews their thoughts and actions.

Or... it was just a virus that spread to humans, as they do all the time. This one was particularly nasty and Trump's response to it was particularly inept.

Actually, it is YOUR media that has done that to you. It is not coincidence that the MSNBC, CNN and other major outlets of the world coincide with the overall sentiment on TikTok and Instagram. One would think that people would recognize that if they were being lied to about Biden's cognitive abilities, for example, that it is certainly possible that they are being lied to about other events. For some reason, that doesn't sink in.

Oh, I think we all knew Biden was probably too old for this, there just wasn't a graceful way to get him out of the way. But at the end of the day, he did the right thing. Meanwhile, we are watching Trump's brain turn to putty before our eyes and you guys are still in denial. "They're eating the cats!" "Windmills cause cancer!" This is all normal to you. Biden stumbles in a speech, and you guys all scream he's senile.

Nobody but the left thinks the left are serious people. The average teenager is in full agreement with your party's policies. (alarm bells should be sounding) Get over yourselves with the high and mighty, we know better than everybody else nonsense.

Well, if you guys didn't keep doing stupid shit, you'd have more respect.

They didn't pay him for nothing. They expected a return on their investment. Having Hunter on the board of Burisma didn't benefit them in any way without some US policy decisions being in play. Come to find out, they were. Seriously, you guys either have no common sense or cognitive dissonance is in full control.

Except you have yet to show us what that policy decision was. Certainly not firing Shokin, because everyone thought Shokin had to go. Even Republicans.

I don't think Biden allowed it for any particular reason other than pure incompetence. Conspiracy, incompetence that threatens national security, take your pick. Either way, it was just another example of why we can't allow these people to be in charge any longer.

Or it wasn't a big deal because those weather balloons get lost all the time. They recovered the wreckage and found out it wasn't even transmitting when it overflow the US. But leave it to Faux News to make you think it was something to worry about.
Common sense. The US didn't like it when Cuba made an alliance with the USSR, but at a certain point, we realized there wasn't much you can do about it.
Yet the missiles were removed. A threat is a threat no matter where it exists. And the fact that the US promised Russia in 1992 there's be no NATO countries at their border, they went out and said Ukraine would like join NATO and the US and Europe said ok, and Putin said, he didn't want weapons pointing at him, which was the reason in the 90's that was written the way it was.

None of those really apply to the point, Kobold.

Pakistan and India were both very poor when they separated from the UK, they've both made substantial progress since then.
Lebanon- Was always majority Muslim, and most of the misery it suffered was caused by - wait for it - Jews.
The Former Soviet Republics were always the poorest parts of the USSR.
India is much more prosperous than Pakistan

Lebanon was majority Christian. It’s actually in their charter. You don’t know anything.

Poorest? Maybe. But they are worse now and women dress like beach umbrellas

Jeanie, since you’re dumb, please read below

Lebanon was majority Christian until the 1970s, when the country's demographics began to shift due to war, instability, and the growing influence of militant Islam:
Before 1970: Lebanon was majority Christian.
1970: Lebanon was 62% Christian.
2010: Lebanon was 32% Christian
We.should have higher standards, for an Attorney General.
why? there are no qualifications for the position. Gaetz will get the bad guys better than the guy currently there. He isn't biased.
If you don't already understand why, there isn't a person alove that can help you understand that is not a brain surgeon. Sorry.
you had a president who got a blow job by an 18 year old girl in the oval office and you want to discuss things like this. amazing standards you use.
Common sense. The US didn't like it when Cuba made an alliance with the USSR, but at a certain point, we realized there wasn't much you can do about it.

Cuba doesn't share a border with the US. Duh.

There's really no excuse for Putin to invade Ukraine, and any "American" who defends it is questionable.

I didn't say he had an excuse to invade Ukraine, just trying to help you understand their reasoning. They wouldn't have done so under Trump, but with Biden showing weakness and incompetence in the Afghanistan withdrawal, Putin figure why not give it a shot. Remember, their demands BEFORE actually invading were related to baring Ukraine from joining NATO. The US responded with a no guarantee and a "don't, don't, don't' response from Biden. Funny enough, they didn't think much of Biden's "threat". Biden and his incompetent administration doesn't know the difference between diplomacy and a PB&J sandwich.

NONE of our enemies respect this administration. Why should they when this administration presents men in women's dresses and routinely hires incompetent people solely on the basis of race and gender. Other, less spoiled, countries haven't fallen victim to the woke crap. They laugh at us in this regard, as they should. This is exactly whey the world is so much more of a dangerous place under Biden. Face it, you guys are wimps, or at least seen as wimps, to the nth degree. Wait and see what happens on the world stage when Trump takes over. Things will "magically" settle down and yet you dimwits still won't get it, that is assuming that Biden doesn't start WWIII on his way out.

Actually, it's quite the opposite. Wingnuts keep repeating bullshit conspiracy theories until they become articles of truth.

You mean like Kavanaugh raped that women? How about like the Russian collusion narrative that many of you moon bats still believe despite the Steele Dossier. What about labeling anything they don't like as misinformation?

COVID likely leaked from a lab. You nuts acted as if that was just impossible, despite evidence to the contrary. Many to this day still don't know because the MSM won't come clean. You are being led around by the nose and don't even know it.

Or... it was just a virus that spread to humans, as they do all the time. This one was particularly nasty and Trump's response to it was particularly inept.

No, it was engineered. You will eventually figure it out. I know you are a little slow.

Oh, I think we all knew Biden was probably too old for this, there just wasn't a graceful way to get him out of the way.

Then why was the MSM attempting to tell you that he was "as sharp as a tack?" Did it make you mad that they were telling you something you knew was false?

But at the end of the day, he did the right thing.

He was forced into doing the "right thing". Brainwashed folks recognize this. They setup him up by allowing him to debate, past his bedtime no less. They knew he was going to fail and they figured that would be enough to make you thick folks believe that he willingly stepped down. You are easily manipulated puppets and your masters know it.

Biden stumbles in a speech, and you guys all scream he's senile.

Biden doesn't stumble. He says and does the wrong things. You can't blame a stutter for him wondering off stage or him saying that he went to 54 states. Thankfully, his most recent "garbage" comment played right into our hands, but I don't think that was a gaffe. He just said what is in his and many liberals heart...a disdain for anyone that opposes their opinions.

Well, if you guys didn't keep doing stupid shit, you'd have more respect.

The fully part is that we do have the respect, which is why we won. It is hard for a normal person to respect loons who can't tell the difference between a man and a woman.

Except you have yet to show us what that policy decision was. Certainly not firing Shokin, because everyone thought Shokin had to go.

So your opinion is they hired him because he was the best guy for the job. I mean he was an attorney. He also happened to be a crack head and the son of the US VP who was special envoy to Ukraine. Believe what you will, but most people are able to put 2+2 together. I have a feeling you wouldn't have a hard time either if this would have been Trump and one of his sons.

Or it wasn't a big deal because those weather balloons get lost all the time.

Right, so they decided to shoot them down off the coast of SC after it had traversed the entire country to check it out. Brilliant I tell ya. You guys are super smart. This is the reason you lunatics shouldn't be running our military. The majority of you guys are too dumb to run the military and too wimpy to fight in it. It is a real conundrum as to how to make good use of such people.
We.should have higher standards, for an Attorney General.

What qualifications would that be? Being a nutty Democrat that is willing to use lawfare to pursue their political opponents?
India is much more prosperous than Pakistan

Given they got the majority of the resources, I would hope so.

Lebanon was majority Christian until the 1970s, when the country's demographics began to shift due to war, instability, and the growing influence of militant Islam:

You mean after the Zionists stirred up wars and devastated the country?
Just can't think of a thing, eh?

Not a single thing?

I dont think I can help you. You're too far gone.

Being a swamp creature?

He has a law degree. He was a member of the US House and well as the Florida House. Assuming no improprieties, what else is necessary? Must have been a judge or a state AG? What is your criteria?
Given they got the majority of the resources, I would hope so.

You mean after the Zionists stirred up wars and devastated the country?
You have an excuse for everything. Pretty sad really. You can never admit you’re wrong.
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