Philly student uncomfortable sharing bathrooms with opposite sex told to tolerate it make it...

Most real transgenders can't use their goddamn equipment anyways or had SRS.

If they can then they're not very serious about it and are likely cross dressers.

Grow up already

Grow up, more like why don't YOU WAKE UP and stop being an indoctrinated idiot whose liberal leftist lunatic teacher taught you all about your WHITE GUILT and to accept sexualizing children ... Everything WRONG is now right when one is a moron not intelligent enough to see ' WEAK MINDS ARE VICTIMS OF SOCIAL ENGINEERING" . the very plan to destroy society . Victims are clueless.
What does any of that have to do with multi-gender bathrooms?
Do people really think normal folks will start raping women in the bathroom all of a sudden? We've had gays around using the men's room for a while so I guess forcible bathroom rapes by gays should have skyrocketed. Have they? I didn't hear anything and the public bathrooms I've visited hardly seem like the war zones they should be.

Some rapes will happen, but these will be in inner city shitholes by violent minorities who do that kind of thing anyway.
The stalls have locks. If somebody wanted to rape somebody in a public restroom they'd go through the door that isn't locked. The big one in the front.

Do you know how easy it is to defeat a stall lock? They are not meant to keep people out, just give some privacy. Also, people sometimes use the restroom to change clothes, even outside the stall. This is a VIOLATION of privacy, and puts kids at RISK.

Get a clue.
A Philadelphia high school student who was required to share bathrooms with members of the opposite sex was reportedly told by a school administrator to “tolerate it” and “make it as natural as possible.” “It’s amazing to think that one quick trip to the bathroom can change your life,” the student, Alexis Lightcap, began an op-ed for The Inquirer, published on Thursday.
Philly Student Uncomfortable Sharing Bathrooms With Opposite Sex Told to ‘Tolerate It,’ ‘Make It as Natural as Possible’

Revenge and resentment is going to keep mounting and mounting there was no hatred but soon people will no longer tolerate this perverted set up . You will be hated when all is said and done. Most will agree the leftist , liberal, LGBT movement should left things the fk alone. You could still function , live, and be gay and everyone can tell you are fucking gay and nobody really cares that you are gagy , trans whatever.........

But forcing this shit such as, it being used as indoctrination, it being taught in schools to little, little kids, ..... and purposely infiltrated into MOVIES, TV shows etc..... IT IS GOING WAY OVER BORED AND THE REST OF SOCIETY IS GONNA GET REALLY TIRED OF IT.

If they told my kid tolerate it, they wouldn't get my tax money..

There are unisex toilets all over the world. Doesn't seem to be much of a problem except in the US.

UNISEX and being made to FEEL UNCOMFORTABLE wtf part did you miss........ wtf part of being in the SAME bathroom as a man and a woman and at the same time wtf did you miss........

WTF did you miss when the kid said they were UNCOMFORTABLE" ?
Most real transgenders can't use their goddamn equipment anyways or had SRS.

If they can then they're not very serious about it and are likely cross dressers.

Grow up already


Satanists, they turn reality on its head. They present what is healthy and natural (e.g. marriage, family, heterosexuality) as unhealthy while what is sick (e.g. homosexuality, transsexuals) is taught to school children as natural and healthy. Sexual promiscuity is presented as "liberation." Hollywood has warped our perception of sex and love from the beginning.

Why is Western Society Toxic?
A Philadelphia high school student who was required to share bathrooms with members of the opposite sex was reportedly told by a school administrator to “tolerate it” and “make it as natural as possible.” “It’s amazing to think that one quick trip to the bathroom can change your life,” the student, Alexis Lightcap, began an op-ed for The Inquirer, published on Thursday.
Philly Student Uncomfortable Sharing Bathrooms With Opposite Sex Told to ‘Tolerate It,’ ‘Make It as Natural as Possible’

Revenge and resentment is going to keep mounting and mounting there was no hatred but soon people will no longer tolerate this perverted set up . You will be hated when all is said and done. Most will agree the leftist , liberal, LGBT movement should left things the fk alone. You could still function , live, and be gay and everyone can tell you are fucking gay and nobody really cares that you are gagy , trans whatever.........

But forcing this shit such as, it being used as indoctrination, it being taught in schools to little, little kids, ..... and purposely infiltrated into MOVIES, TV shows etc..... IT IS GOING WAY OVER BORED AND THE REST OF SOCIETY IS GONNA GET REALLY TIRED OF IT.

If they told my kid tolerate it, they wouldn't get my tax money..

There are unisex toilets all over the world. Doesn't seem to be much of a problem except in the US.

And liberals are now claiming rape is not a violent crime..
A Philadelphia high school student who was required to share bathrooms with members of the opposite sex was reportedly told by a school administrator to “tolerate it” and “make it as natural as possible.” “It’s amazing to think that one quick trip to the bathroom can change your life,” the student, Alexis Lightcap, began an op-ed for The Inquirer, published on Thursday.
Philly Student Uncomfortable Sharing Bathrooms With Opposite Sex Told to ‘Tolerate It,’ ‘Make It as Natural as Possible’

Revenge and resentment is going to keep mounting and mounting there was no hatred but soon people will no longer tolerate this perverted set up . You will be hated when all is said and done. Most will agree the leftist , liberal, LGBT movement should left things the fk alone. You could still function , live, and be gay and everyone can tell you are fucking gay and nobody really cares that you are gagy , trans whatever.........

But forcing this shit such as, it being used as indoctrination, it being taught in schools to little, little kids, ..... and purposely infiltrated into MOVIES, TV shows etc..... IT IS GOING WAY OVER BORED AND THE REST OF SOCIETY IS GONNA GET REALLY TIRED OF IT.

If they told my kid tolerate it, they wouldn't get my tax money..

There are unisex toilets all over the world. Doesn't seem to be much of a problem except in the US.

Reality of truth going on as you sick and twisted left make up every gawd dam pathetic excuse you can to make the WRONGS right. You lunatic idiots are well on your way to accepting pedophilia as normal too.

2. The divorce of sex from love, marriage, and procreation.
Anonymous sex degrades all relationships to the level of sex appeal. This is characteristic of the homosexual disorder. Pornography, the cocaine for sex addicts, is widely available. 70-80% of teenage boys watch online porn regularly. Girls must behave like porn stars to be loved. Children are sexualized and eventually, pedophilia will be normal. This is gradually killing heterosexual relations. Occult possession takes the form of obsession with sex.
3. Our entertainers are Satanists and "entertainment" is often occult ritual rife with occult symbolism. See Vigilant Citizen for examples. Ours is the popular culture of a satanic cult and is designed to induct us further into its mental slavery.

(left, The liberal media does a happy dance every time two marines kiss.)

4. Gender-bending - the relentless media promotion of masculinity for females & femininity for males is Occult. "Gay rights" is a disguise for a vicious attack on heterosexual identity and values, based on marriage and family. The aim is to replace heterosexual norms with homosexual norms. This has already happened. Look at what has happened to "dating." Courtship has been partly replaced by "hooking up." Charities openly discriminate against boys and promote female empowerment in order to destabilize traditional cultures. Homosexuals deny their own sickness by making it normal. i.e. making everyone sick.

7. The dumbing down of the public through sports, entertainment and a defective education system. The espousal of collectivist over individualistic values. Modern art, including painting, film and music, border on fraud.
(A centuries-old conspiracy against God and man)

8. The pervasive idea that Truth is relative and cannot be known. God is Truth. Knowing and obeying God is the essence of religion. The attempt to marginalize scientists who affirm a universal intelligence at work in nature. The general effort to make scientific results conform to "political correctness" i.e. Satanic coercion.

9. The mainstreaming of gambling (i.e. stock speculation) under the guise of "investing." Now when they are not watching porn, millions are fixated on stock fluctuations. Lust, whether sex or greed, is the tool of satanic possession. (See my "Stock Market Porn" scroll down)
10. Multiculturalism, migration, and diversity are underhanded attacks on the European heterosexual Christian heritage of the West.

Why is Western Society Toxic?
Most real transgenders can't use their goddamn equipment anyways or had SRS.

If they can then they're not very serious about it and are likely cross dressers.

Grow up already

Grow up, more like why don't YOU WAKE UP and stop being an indoctrinated idiot whose liberal leftist lunatic teacher taught you all about your WHITE GUILT and to accept sexualizing children ... Everything WRONG is now right when one is a moron not intelligent enough to see ' WEAK MINDS ARE VICTIMS OF SOCIAL ENGINEERING" . the very plan to destroy society . Victims are clueless.
What does any of that have to do with multi-gender bathrooms?

Which part are you talking about, " ?
A Philadelphia high school student who was required to share bathrooms with members of the opposite sex was reportedly told by a school administrator to “tolerate it” and “make it as natural as possible.” “It’s amazing to think that one quick trip to the bathroom can change your life,” the student, Alexis Lightcap, began an op-ed for The Inquirer, published on Thursday.
Philly Student Uncomfortable Sharing Bathrooms With Opposite Sex Told to ‘Tolerate It,’ ‘Make It as Natural as Possible’

Revenge and resentment is going to keep mounting and mounting there was no hatred but soon people will no longer tolerate this perverted set up . You will be hated when all is said and done. Most will agree the leftist , liberal, LGBT movement should left things the fk alone. You could still function , live, and be gay and everyone can tell you are fucking gay and nobody really cares that you are gagy , trans whatever.........

But forcing this shit such as, it being used as indoctrination, it being taught in schools to little, little kids, ..... and purposely infiltrated into MOVIES, TV shows etc..... IT IS GOING WAY OVER BORED AND THE REST OF SOCIETY IS GONNA GET REALLY TIRED OF IT.

If they told my kid tolerate it, they wouldn't get my tax money..

There are unisex toilets all over the world. Doesn't seem to be much of a problem except in the US.

Reality of truth going on as you sick and twisted left make up every gawd dam pathetic excuse you can to make the WRONGS right. You lunatic idiots are well on your way to accepting pedophilia as normal too.

2. The divorce of sex from love, marriage, and procreation.
Anonymous sex degrades all relationships to the level of sex appeal. This is characteristic of the homosexual disorder. Pornography, the cocaine for sex addicts, is widely available. 70-80% of teenage boys watch online porn regularly. Girls must behave like porn stars to be loved. Children are sexualized and eventually, pedophilia will be normal. This is gradually killing heterosexual relations. Occult possession takes the form of obsession with sex.
3. Our entertainers are Satanists and "entertainment" is often occult ritual rife with occult symbolism. See Vigilant Citizen for examples. Ours is the popular culture of a satanic cult and is designed to induct us further into its mental slavery.

(left, The liberal media does a happy dance every time two marines kiss.)

4. Gender-bending - the relentless media promotion of masculinity for females & femininity for males is Occult. "Gay rights" is a disguise for a vicious attack on heterosexual identity and values, based on marriage and family. The aim is to replace heterosexual norms with homosexual norms. This has already happened. Look at what has happened to "dating." Courtship has been partly replaced by "hooking up." Charities openly discriminate against boys and promote female empowerment in order to destabilize traditional cultures. Homosexuals deny their own sickness by making it normal. i.e. making everyone sick.

7. The dumbing down of the public through sports, entertainment and a defective education system. The espousal of collectivist over individualistic values. Modern art, including painting, film and music, border on fraud.
(A centuries-old conspiracy against God and man)

8. The pervasive idea that Truth is relative and cannot be known. God is Truth. Knowing and obeying God is the essence of religion. The attempt to marginalize scientists who affirm a universal intelligence at work in nature. The general effort to make scientific results conform to "political correctness" i.e. Satanic coercion.

9. The mainstreaming of gambling (i.e. stock speculation) under the guise of "investing." Now when they are not watching porn, millions are fixated on stock fluctuations. Lust, whether sex or greed, is the tool of satanic possession. (See my "Stock Market Porn" scroll down)
10. Multiculturalism, migration, and diversity are underhanded attacks on the European heterosexual Christian heritage of the West.

Why is Western Society Toxic?

Have a woman come into a public bathroom after I drank milk chocolate.. I will blow a huge stinky fart and clear everyone out.
The stalls have locks. If somebody wanted to rape somebody in a public restroom they'd go through the door that isn't locked. The big one in the front.

Do you know how easy it is to defeat a stall lock? They are not meant to keep people out, just give some privacy. Also, people sometimes use the restroom to change clothes, even outside the stall. This is a VIOLATION of privacy, and puts kids at RISK.

Get a clue.

Whether at home or in a bathroom stall no lock is keeping out a man who is determined enough that they'd commit a heinous crime such as rape. Also, if you're changing outside of a stall the only person invading your privacy is yourself, and the only people who feel uncomfortable is everybody around you.
Exactly Aaronleland,

Also "trans" people if they're serious about it are either on HRT or have had SRS. They can't do what you're accusing them of doing anyways. It simply doesn't function or is gone.

I'd be much more worried about that normal straight white guy that is far more likely to commit such disgusting acts.
If the issue here is the signage on the bathroom door why not just make them all unisex, and put up "please don't rape" signs? Seems equally as effective.
My message for that school administrator: Why should we natural females have to pay because a guy can't accept the fact that he was born a male? If our privacy can't be respected, what do you think could be done with yours at any time now?

God bless you always!!!!

A Philadelphia high school student who was required to share bathrooms with members of the opposite sex was reportedly told by a school administrator to “tolerate it” and “make it as natural as possible.” “It’s amazing to think that one quick trip to the bathroom can change your life,” the student, Alexis Lightcap, began an op-ed for The Inquirer, published on Thursday.
Philly Student Uncomfortable Sharing Bathrooms With Opposite Sex Told to ‘Tolerate It,’ ‘Make It as Natural as Possible’

Revenge and resentment is going to keep mounting and mounting there was no hatred but soon people will no longer tolerate this perverted set up . You will be hated when all is said and done. Most will agree the leftist , liberal, LGBT movement should left things the fk alone. You could still function , live, and be gay and everyone can tell you are fucking gay and nobody really cares that you are gagy , trans whatever.........

But forcing this shit such as, it being used as indoctrination, it being taught in schools to little, little kids, ..... and purposely infiltrated into MOVIES, TV shows etc..... IT IS GOING WAY OVER BORED AND THE REST OF SOCIETY IS GONNA GET REALLY TIRED OF IT.

If they told my kid tolerate it, they wouldn't get my tax money..

There are unisex toilets all over the world. Doesn't seem to be much of a problem except in the US.

And liberals are now claiming rape is not a violent crime..
It's assault with a friendly weapon.
Most real transgenders can't use their goddamn equipment anyways or had SRS.

If they can then they're not very serious about it and are likely cross dressers.

Grow up already

Why is a pre-op transgender's butthurt about using a bathroom automatically more important that another person's butthurt about someone of the opposite sex using their bathroom?

And they are still members of the opposite sex 100% if they haven't had the twig and berries snipped or added. and even then they are still only say 20% a member of the sex they want to be.
Most real transgenders can't use their goddamn equipment anyways or had SRS.

If they can then they're not very serious about it and are likely cross dressers.

Grow up already

Grow up, more like why don't YOU WAKE UP and stop being an indoctrinated idiot whose liberal leftist lunatic teacher taught you all about your WHITE GUILT and to accept sexualizing children ... Everything WRONG is now right when one is a moron not intelligent enough to see ' WEAK MINDS ARE VICTIMS OF SOCIAL ENGINEERING" . the very plan to destroy society . Victims are clueless.
What does any of that have to do with multi-gender bathrooms?

Which part are you talking about, " ?
All of it. White guilt, sexualizing children, destroy society, etc...

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