Physics anyone?


Active Member
Jul 17, 2011
I'm bored. I feel like talking physics. I can answer most questions regarding astrophysics and cosmology. I am not a physicist and do not claim to be one. I had interest in it earlier in life, but the math became mind-numbingly boring. I have taken a few courses attended a few lectures and have been on physics messages boards for years.
So hit me with some questions or open a discussion.
Do you recognize the third eisenstate of the Shrodinger cat theory, where the cat is both alive, dead and noisy and furious?
I'm bored. I feel like talking physics. I can answer most questions regarding astrophysics and cosmology. I am not a physicist and do not claim to be one. I had interest in it earlier in life, but the math became mind-numbingly boring. I have taken a few courses attended a few lectures and have been on physics messages boards for years.
So hit me with some questions or open a discussion.
My desire is to FULLY understand WAVE motion, though that is not the subject listed. ANY help would be appreciated.
Now the storm front will arrive at two am; early this am, forecast was for the afternoon.
conduction is a combination of transfering energy in kinetic form and radiation. what is the ratio in material that is a good conductor? what is the ratio in material that is a poor conductor?
Thesaurus Synonyms
Noun 1. physic - a purging medicine; stimulates evacuation of the bowels
aperient, cathartic, purgative
According to quantum physics we occupy one universe in a multiverse, explain entanglement, decoherence, and quantum interference in this multiverse and explain if these universes are autonomous will quantum interference ever be a workable structure open to observation?
According to quantum physics we occupy one universe in a multiverse, explain entanglement, decoherence, and quantum interference in this multiverse and explain if these universes are autonomous will quantum interference ever be a workable structure open to observation?

Actually the multiverse is a very premature theory. A good theory shows some evidence supporting it and makes future predictions. Multiverse does neither, so is not widely accepted. Many people confuse the multiverse with many world interpretation, which is somewhat accepted.
But many worlds is quantum mechanics and multiverse is cosmology, or astrophysics. It would seem logical that the two would be linked, yet, in cosmology, the laws of quantum mechanics are completely ignored. The laws that govern the small things and the laws that govern the very big things, don't work together. At all. Hence one of the reasons why we have yet to come up with a quantum theory of gravity.
Yet I digress, multiverse is not widely accepted. The only accepted model in the standard model, which makes no prediction on other universes.

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